path: root/eng/req
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+.. |E40| replace:: ECSS-E-ST-40C
+.. _ReqEng:
+Software Requirements Engineering
+Software engineering standards for critical software such as |E40| demand that
+software requirements for a software product are collected in a software
+requirements specification (technical specification in |E40| terms). They are
+usually derived from system requirements (requirements baseline in |E40|
+terms). RTEMS is designed as a reusable software product which can be utilized
+by application designers to ease the development of their applications. The
+requirements of the end system (system requirements) using RTEMS are only known
+to the application designer. RTEMS itself is developed by the RTEMS
+maintainers and they do not know the requirements of a particular end system in
+general. RTEMS is designed as a real-time operating system to meet typical
+system requirements for a wide range of applications. Its suitability for a
+particular application must be determined by the application designer based on
+the technical specification provided by RTEMS accompanied with performance data
+for a particular target platform.
+Currently, no technical specification of RTEMS exists in the form of a
+dedicated document. Since the beginning of the RTEMS evolution in the late
+1980s it was developed iteratively. It was never developed in a waterfall
+model. During initial development the RTEID :cite:`Motorola:1988:RTEID` and
+later the ORKID :cite:`VITA:1990:ORKID` draft specifications were used as
+requirements. These were evolving during the development and an iterative
+approach was followed often using simple algorithms and coming back to
+optimise. In 1993 and 1994 a subset of pthreads sufficient to support
+:term:`GNAT` was added as requirements. At this time the Ada tasking was
+defined, however, not implemented in GNAT, so this involved guessing during the
+development. Later some adjustments were made when Ada tasking was actually
+implemented. So, it was consciously iterative with the specifications evolving
+and feedback from performance analysis. Benchmarks published from other real
+time operating systems were used for comparison. Optimizations were carried
+out until the results were comparable. Development was done with distinct
+contractual phases and tasks for development, optimization, and the addition of
+priority inheritance and rate monotonic scheduling. The pthreads requirement
+has grown to be as much POSIX as possible.
+Portability from FreeBSD to use its network stack, USB stack, SD/MMC card stack
+and device drivers resulted in another set of requirements. The addition of
+support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) was a huge driver for change. It
+was developed step by step and sponsored by several independent users with
+completely different applications and target platforms in mind. The high
+performance OpenMP support introduced the Futex as a new synchronization
+.. topic:: Guidance
+ A key success element of RTEMS is the ability to accept changes driven by
+ user needs and still keep the operating system stable enough for production
+ systems. Procedures that place a high burden on changes are doomed to be
+ discarded by the RTEMS Project. We have to keep this in mind when we
+ introduce a requirements management work flow which should be followed by
+ RTEMS community members and new contributors.
+We have to put in some effort first into the reconstruction of software
+requirements through reverse engineering using the RTEMS documentation, test
+cases, sources, standard references, mailing list archives, etc. as input.
+Writing a technical specification for the complete RTEMS code base is probably
+a job of several person-years. We have to get started with a moderate feature
+set (e.g. subset of the Classic API) and extend it based on user demands step
+by step.
+The development of the technical specification will take place in two phases.
+The first phase tries to establish an initial technical specification for an
+initial feature set. This technical specification will be integrated into
+RTEMS as a big chunk. In the second phase the technical specification is
+modified through arranged procedures. There will be procedures
+* to modify existing requirements,
+* add new requirements, and
+* mark requirements as obsolete.
+All procedures should be based on a peer review principles.
+.. toctree::
+ req-for-req
+ items
+ validation
+ traceability
+ management
+ tooling
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+.. _ReqEngSpecItems:
+Specification Items
+The technical specification of RTEMS will contain requirements, specializations
+of requirements, :ref:`test procedures <ReqEngTestProcedure>`,
+:ref:`test suites <ReqEngTestSuite>`, :ref:`test cases <ReqEngTestCase>`, and
+:ref:`requirement validations <ReqEngValidation>`. These things will be called
+*specification items* or just *items* if it is clear from the context.
+The specification items are stored in files in :term:`YAML` format with a
+defined set of key-value pairs called attributes. The key name shall match
+with the pattern defined by the regular expression
+``[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+``. In particular, key names which begin with an
+underscore (``_``) are reserved for internal use in tools.
+Each specification item shall have the following attributes:
+ The value shall be a list of expressions. An expression is an operator
+ or an option. An option evaluates to true if it is included the set of
+ enabled options of the configuration. An operator is a dictionary with
+ exactly one key and a value. Valid keys are *and*, *or*, and *not*:
+ * The value of the *and* operator shall be a list of expressions. It
+ evaluates to the *logical and* of all outcomes of the expressions in
+ the list.
+ * The value of the *or* operator shall be a list of expressions. It
+ evaluates to the *logical or* of all outcomes of the expressions in
+ the list.
+ * The value of the *not* operator shall be an expression. It negates
+ the outcome of its expression.
+ The outcome of a list of expressions without an operator is the
+ *logical or* of all outcomes of the expressions in the list. An empty
+ list evaluates to true. Examples:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ enabled-by:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ enabled-by:
+ - and:
+ - not: RTEMS_SMP
+ .. code-block:: none
+ enabled-by:
+ - and:
+ - or:
+ - arm
+ - i386
+ The value shall be a list of key-value pairs defining links to other
+ specification items. The list is ordered and defines the order in
+ which links are processed. There shall be a key *role* with an
+ unspecified value. There shall be a key *uid* with a relative UID to
+ the item referenced by this link. Other keys are type-specific.
+ Example:
+ .. code-block:: yaml
+ links:
+ - role: build-dependency
+ uid: optpwrdwnhlt
+ - role: build-dependency
+ uid: ../../bspopts
+ - role: build-dependency
+ uid: ../start
+ The value shall be the specification :ref:`item type <ReqEngItemTypes>`.
+The following attributes are used in specification items of various types:
+.. _ReqEngItemAttrLicense:
+ The value should be ``BSD-2-Clause OR CC-BY-SA-4.0``. If content is
+ imported from external sources, then the corresponding license shall be
+ used. Acceptable licenses are BSD-2-Clause and CC-BY-SA-4.0. The
+ copyright holder of the external work should be asked to allow a
+ dual-licensing BSD-2-Clause or CC-BY-SA-4.0. This allows generation of
+ BSD-2-Clause licensed source code and CC-BY-SA-4.0 licensed documentation.
+.. _ReqEngItemAttrCopyrights:
+ The value shall be a list of copyright statements of the following formats:
+ * ``Copyright (C) <YEAR> <COPYRIGHT HOLDER>``
+ See also :ref:`FileHeaderCopyright`.
+.. _ReqEngItemTypes:
+Item Types
+Specification items can have all sorts of *types*. The selection of types and
+the level of detail depends on a particular standard and product model. We need
+enough flexibility to be in line with ECSS-E-ST-10-06 and possible future
+applications of other standards. Each item may have a list of types. Valid
+types are listed below. This list may change over time. If new types are
+added, then a mapping between types should be specified. The item types and
+their definition is work in progress. A list of types follows:
+* requirement
+ * functional - Functional requirements shall describe the behaviour of the
+ software product under specific conditions.
+ * *capability*
+ * *dependability-function*
+ * *function*
+ * *operational* - Operational requirements shall
+ * define the operation modes (e.g. initialization, multitasking, termination),
+ * describe the operation modes, and
+ * describe the operation mode transitions.
+ * *safety-function*
+ * non-functional
+ * *build-configuration*
+ * *constraint*
+ * *design*
+ * *interface*
+ * *interface-requirement*
+ * *maintainability*
+ * *performance*
+ * *portability*
+ * *quality*
+ * *reliability*
+ * *resource*
+ * *safety*
+* *test-procedure*
+* *test-suite*
+* *test-case*
+* *validation-by-analysis*
+* *validation-by-inspection*
+* *validation-by-review-of-design*
+* *validation-platform*
+.. image:: ../../images/eng/req-spec-items.*
+ :scale: 70
+ :align: center
+All requirement specification items shall have the following attribute:
+ The rationale or justification of the specification item.
+Build Configuration
+Build configuration requirements define what needs to be built (libraries,
+object files, test executables, etc.) and how (configuration option header
+files, compiler flags, linker flags, etc.). The goal is to generate build
+files (Makefile or waf) and content for the Software Configuration File (SCF)
+from it. A YAML scheme needs to be defined for this purpose.
+.. _ReqEngInterfaceReq:
+Interface Requirement
+Interface requirements shall describe the high level aspects of interfaces.
+The item type shall be *interface-requirement*.
+.. _ReqEngInterface:
+.. warning::
+ This is work in progress.
+Interface items shall specify the interface of the software product to other
+software products and the hardware. The item type shall be *interface*. The
+interface items shall have an *interface-category* which is one of the
+following and nothing else:
+* *application*: Application interface items shall describe the interface
+ between the software product and the application (:term:`API`). The goal is
+ to generate header files with Doxygen markup and user manual documentation
+ parts from the application interface specification.
+* *application-configuration*: Application configuration items shall define
+ parameters of the software product which can be set by the application at
+ link-time. The goal is to generate user manual documentation parts and test
+ cases from the application configuration specification.
+* *architecture*: Architecture interface items shall define the
+ interface between the software product and the processor architecture
+ (:term:`ABI`).
+* *gcc*: GCC interface items shall define the interface between the software
+ product and GCC components such as libgcc.a, libatomic.a, libgomp.a,
+ libstdc++.a, etc.
+* *hardware*: Hardware interface items shall define the interface between the
+ software product and the hardware.
+* *newlib*: Newlib interface items shall define the interface between the
+ software product and the Newlib (libc.a).
+The interface items shall have an *interface-type* which is one of the
+following and nothing else:
+* *configuration-option*
+* *define*
+* *enum*
+* *function*
+* *header*
+* *macro*
+* *register-block*
+* *structure*
+* *typedef*
+* *union*
+* *variable*
+.. _ReqEngInterfaceApplicationConfigGroups:
+Interface - Application Configuration Groups
+The application configuration group items shall have the following attribute
+ See :ref:`SPDX-License-Identifier <ReqEngItemAttrLicense>`.
+ The value shall be the description of this application configuration group.
+ The value shall be the name of this application configuration group.
+ See :ref:`copyrights <ReqEngItemAttrCopyrights>`.
+ The interface type value shall be *appl-config-group*.
+ There shall be a link to a higher level requirement.
+ The application configuration group requirement.
+ The type value shall be *interface*.
+.. _ReqEngInterfaceApplicationConfigOptions:
+Interface - Application Configuration Options
+The application configuration option items shall have the following attribute
+ See :ref:`SPDX-License-Identifier <ReqEngItemAttrLicense>`.
+ This attribute shall be present only for *initializer* and *integer*
+ type options. The value shall be a dictionary of the following optional
+ key-value pairs.
+ custom
+ The value shall be a list of constraints in natural language. Use the
+ following wording:
+ The value of this configuration option shall be ...
+ min
+ The value shall be the minimum value of the option.
+ max
+ The value shall be the maximum value of the option.
+ links
+ The value shall be a list of relative UIDs to constraints.
+ set
+ The value shall be the list of valid values of the option.
+ This attribute shall be present only for *feature* type options. The value
+ shall be a description of the default configuration in case this boolean
+ feature define is undefined. Use the following wording:
+ If this configuration option is undefined, then ...
+ This attribute shall be present only for *initializer* and *integer*
+ type options. The value shall be an initializer, an integer, or a
+ descriptive text.
+ For *feature* and *feature-enable* type options, the value shall be a
+ description of the configuration in case this boolean feature define is
+ defined. Use the following wording:
+ In case this configuration option is defined, then ...
+ For *initializer* and *integer* options, the value shall describe the
+ effect of the option value. The description should focus on the average
+ use-case. It should not cover potential problems, constraints, obscure
+ use-cases, corner cases and everything which makes matters complicated.
+ Add these things to *appl-config-option-constraint* and
+ *appl-config-option-notes*. Use the following wording:
+ The value of this configuration option defines ...
+ The value shall be a list of entries for the document index. By default,
+ the application configuration option name is added to the index.
+ The value shall be the name of the application configuration option. Use a
+ pattern of ``CONFIGURE_[A-Z0-9_]+`` for the name.
+ The value shall be the notes for this option. The notes should explain
+ everything which was omitted from the description. It should cover all the
+ details, special cases, usage notes, error conditions, configuration
+ dependencies, and references.
+ The value shall be one of the following and nothing else:
+ feature
+ Use this type for boolean feature opions which have a behaviour in the
+ default configuration which is not just that the feature is disabled.
+ feature-enable
+ Use this type for boolean feature opions which just enables a feature.
+ initializer
+ Use this type for options which initialize a data structure.
+ integer
+ Use this type for integer options.
+ See :ref:`copyrights <ReqEngItemAttrCopyrights>`.
+ The interface type value shall be *appl-config-option*.
+ There shall be a link to the application configuration group to which this
+ option belongs.
+ The application configuration option requirement.
+ The type value shall be *interface*.
+.. _ReqEngTestProcedure:
+Test Procedure
+Test procedures shall be executed by the Qualification Toolchain.
+The test procedure items shall have the following attribute
+ The type value shall be *test-procedure*.
+ The purpose of this test procedure.
+ There shall be links to validation platform requirements.
+ The test procedure steps. Could be a list of key-value pairs. The key
+ is the step name and the value is a description of the actions
+ performed in this step.
+.. _ReqEngTestSuite:
+Test Suite
+Test suites shall use the :ref:`RTEMS Test Framework <RTEMSTestFramework>`.
+The test suite items shall have the following attribute specializations:
+ The type value shall be *test-suite*.
+ The test suite description.
+.. _ReqEngTestCase:
+Test Case
+Test cases shall use the :ref:`RTEMS Test Framework <RTEMSTestFramework>`.
+The test case items shall have the following attribute specializations:
+ The type value shall be *test-case*.
+ The link to the requirement validated by this test case or no links if
+ this is a unit or integration test case.
+ If this is a unit test case, then a reference to the :term:`software
+ item` under test shall be provided. If this is an integration test
+ case, then a reference to the integration under test shall be provided.
+ The integration is identified by its Doxygen group name.
+ A short description of the test case.
+ The inputs to execute the test case.
+ The expected outputs.
+The test case code may be also contained in the test case specification
+item in a *code* attribute. This is subject to discussion on the RTEMS
+mailing list. Alternatively, the test code could be placed directly in
+source files. A method is required to find the test case specification of
+a test case code and vice versa.
+.. _ReqEngResAndPerf:
+Resources and Performance
+Normally, resource and performance requirements are formulated like this:
+* The resource U shall need less than V storage units.
+* The operation Y shall complete within X time units.
+Such statements are difficult to make for a software product like RTEMS which
+runs on many different target platforms in various configurations. So, the
+performance requirements of RTEMS shall be stated in terms of benchmarks. The
+benchmarks are run on the project-specific target platform and configuration.
+The results obtained by the benchmark runs are reported in a human readable
+presentation. The application designer can then use the benchmark results to
+determine if its system performance requirements are met. The benchmarks shall
+be executed under different environment conditions, e.g. varying cache states
+(dirty, empty, valid) and system bus load generated by other processors. The
+application designer shall have the ability to add additional environment
+conditions, e.g. system bus load by DMA engines or different system bus
+arbitration schemes.
+To catch resource and performance regressions via test suite runs there shall be
+a means to specify threshold values for the measured quantities. The threshold
+values should be provided for each validation platform. How this can be done
+and if the threshold values are maintained by the RTEMS Project is subject to
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+Requirement Management
+Change Control Board
+Working with requirements usually involves a Change Control Board
+(:term:`CCB`). The CCB of the RTEMS Project is the
+`RTEMS developer mailing list <>`_.
+There are the following actors involved:
+* *RTEMS users*: Everyone using the RTEMS real-time operating system to design,
+ develop and build an application on top of it.
+* *RTEMS developers*: The persons developing and maintaining RTEMS. They write
+ patches to add or modify code, requirements, tests and documentation.
+* *RTEMS maintainers*: They are listed in the
+ `MAINTAINERS <>`_ file and have
+ write access to the project repositories.
+Adding and changing requirements follows the normal patch review process. The
+normal patch review process is described in the
+`RTEMS User Manual <>`_.
+Reviews and comments may be submitted by anyone, but a maintainer review is
+required to approve *significant* changes. In addition for significant
+changes, there should be at least one reviewer with a sufficient independence
+from the author which proposes a new requirement or a change of an existing
+requirement. Working in another company on different projects is sufficiently
+independent. RTEMS maintainers do not know all the details, so they trust in
+general people with experience on a certain platform. Sometimes no review
+comments may appear in a reasonable time frame, then an implicit agreement to
+the proposed changes is assumed. Patches can be sent at anytime, so
+controlling changes in RTEMS requires a permanent involvement on the RTEMS
+developer mailing list.
+For a qualification of RTEMS according to certain standards, the requirements
+may be approved by an RTEMS user. The approval by RTEMS users is not the
+concern of the RTEMS Project, however, the RTEMS Project should enable RTEMS
+users to manage the approval of requirements easily. This information may be
+also used by a independent authority which comes into play with an Independent
+Software Verification and Validation (:term:`ISVV`). It could be used to
+select a subset of requirements, e.g. look only at the ones approved by a
+certain user. RTEMS users should be able to reference the determinative
+content of requirements, test procedures, test cases and justification reports
+in their own documentation. Changes in the determinative content should
+invalidate all references to previous versions.
+Add a Requirement
+.. image:: ../../images/eng/req-add.*
+ :scale: 70
+ :align: center
+.. _ReqEngModifyRequirement:
+Modify a Requirement
+.. image:: ../../images/eng/req-modify.*
+ :scale: 70
+ :align: center
+Mark a Requirement as Obsolete
+Requirements shall be never removed. They shall be marked as obsolete. This
+ensures that requirement identifiers are not reused. The procedure to obsolete
+a requirement is the same as the one to :ref:`modify a requirement
diff --git a/eng/req/req-for-req.rst b/eng/req/req-for-req.rst
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+Requirements for Requirements
+.. _ReqEngIdent:
+Each requirement shall have a unique identifier (UID). The question is in
+which scope should it be unique? Ideally, it should be universally unique.
+Therefore all UIDs used to link one specification item to another should use
+relative UIDs. This ensures that the RTEMS requirements can be referenced
+easily in larger systems though a system-specific prefix. The standard
+ECSS-E-ST-10-06C recommends in section 8.2.6 that the identifier should reflect
+the type of the requirement and the life profile situation. Other standards
+may have other recommendations. To avoid a bias of RTEMS in the direction of
+ECSS, this recommendation will not be followed.
+The *absolute UID* of a specification item (for example a requirement) is
+defined by a leading ``/`` and the path of directories from the specification
+base directory to the file of the item separated by ``/`` characters and the
+file name without the ``.yml`` extension. For example, a specification item
+contained in the file :file:`build/cpukit/librtemscpu.yml` inside a
+:file:`spec` directory has the absolute UID of ``/build/cpukit/librtemscpu``.
+The *relative UID* to a specification item is defined by the path of
+directories from the file containing the source specification item to the file
+of the destination item separated by ``/`` characters and the file name of the
+destination item without the ``.yml`` extension. For example the relative UID
+from ``/build/bsps/sparc/leon3/grp`` to ``/build/bsps/bspopts`` is
+Basically, the valid characters of an UID are determined by the file system
+storing the item files. By convention, UID characters shall be restricted to
+the following set defined by the regular expression ``[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+``. Use
+``-`` as a separator inside an UID part.
+In documents the URL-like prefix ``spec:`` shall be used to indicated
+specification item UIDs.
+The UID scheme for RTEMS requirements shall be component based. For example,
+the UID ``spec:/classic/task/create-err-invaddr`` may specify that the
+:c:func:`rtems_task_create` directive shall return a status of
+``RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS`` if the ``id`` parameter is ``NULL``.
+A initial requirement item hierarchy could be this:
+* build (building RTEMS BSPs and libraries)
+* acfg (application configuration groups)
+ * opt (application configuration options)
+* classic
+ * task
+ * create-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_create`)
+ * delete-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_delete`)
+ * exit-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_exit`)
+ * getaff-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_get_affinity`)
+ * getpri-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_get_priority`)
+ * getsched-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_get_scheduler`)
+ * ident-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_ident`)
+ * issusp-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_is_suspended`)
+ * iter-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_iterate`)
+ * mode-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_mode`)
+ * restart-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_restart`)
+ * resume* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_resume`)
+ * self* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_self`)
+ * setaff-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_set_affinity`)
+ * setpri-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_set_priority`)
+ * setsched* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_set_scheduler`)
+ * start-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_start`)
+ * susp-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_suspend`)
+ * wkafter-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_wake_after`)
+ * wkwhen-* (requirements for :c:func:`rtems_task_wake_when`)
+ * sema
+ * ...
+* posix
+* ...
+A more detailed naming scheme and guidelines should be established. We have to
+find the right balance between the length of UIDs and self-descriptive UIDs. A
+clear scheme for all Classic API managers may help to keep the UIDs short and
+The specification of the validation of requirements should be maintained also
+by specification items. For each requirement directory there should be a
+validation subdirectory named *test*, e.g. :file:`spec/classic/task/test`. A
+test specification directory may contain also validations by analysis, by
+inspection, and by design, see :ref:`ReqEngValidation`.
+Level of Requirements
+The level of a requirement shall be expressed with one of the verbal forms
+listed below and nothing else. The level of requirements are derived from RFC
+2119 :cite:`RFC2119` and ECSS-E-ST-10-06C :cite:`ECSS_E_ST_10_06C`.
+Absolute Requirements
+Absolute requirements shall be expressed with the verbal form *shall* and no
+other terms.
+Absolute Prohibitions
+Absolute prohibitions shall be expressed with the verbal form *shall not* and
+no other terms.
+.. warning::
+ Absolute prohibitions may be difficult to validate. They should not be
+ used.
+Recommendations shall be expressed with the verbal forms *should* and
+*should not* and no other terms with guidance from RFC 2119:
+ SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there
+ may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a
+ particular item, but the full implications must be understood and
+ carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
+ SHOULD NOT This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that
+ there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the
+ particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full
+ implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed
+ before implementing any behavior described with this label.
+Permissions shall be expressed with the verbal form *may* and no other terms
+with guidance from RFC 2119:
+ MAY This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is
+ truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a
+ particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that
+ it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item.
+ An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be
+ prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does
+ include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the
+ same vein an implementation which does include a particular option
+ MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which
+ does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the
+ option provides.)
+Possibilities and Capabilities
+Possibilities and capabilities shall be expressed with the verbal form *can*
+and no other terms.
+.. _ReqEngSyntax:
+Use the Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (:term:`EARS`) to formulate
+requirements. A recommended reading list to get familiar with this approach is
+:cite:`Mavin:2009:EARS`, :cite:`Mavin:2010:BigEars`, and
+:cite:`Mavin:2016:LLEARS`. Please also have a look at the EARS quick reference
+sheet :cite:`Uusitalo:2012:EARS`. The sentence types are:
+* Ubiquitous
+ The <system name> shall <system response>.
+* Event-driven
+ *When* <optional preconditions> <trigger>, the <system name> shall <system response>.
+* State-driven
+ *While* <in state>, the <system name> shall <system response>.
+* Unwanted behaviour
+ *If* <optional preconditions> <trigger>, *then* the <system name> shall <system response>.
+* Optional
+ *Where* <feature>, the <system name> shall <system response>.
+The optional sentence type should be only used for application configuration
+options. The goal is to use the *enabled-by* attribute to enable or disable
+requirements based on configuration parameters that define the RTEMS artefacts
+used to build an application executable (header files, libraries, linker command
+files). Such configuration parameters are for example the architecture, the
+platform, CPU port options, and build configuration options (e.g. uniprocessor
+vs. SMP).
+Wording Restrictions
+To prevent the expression of imprecise requirements, the following terms shall
+not be used in requirement formulations:
+* "acceptable"
+* "adequate"
+* "almost always"
+* "and/or"
+* "appropriate"
+* "approximately"
+* "as far as possible"
+* "as much as practicable"
+* "best"
+* "best possible"
+* "easy"
+* "efficient"
+* "e.g."
+* "enable"
+* "enough"
+* "etc."
+* "few"
+* "first rate"
+* "flexible"
+* "generally"
+* "goal"
+* "graceful"
+* "great"
+* "greatest"
+* "ideally"
+* "i.e."
+* "if possible"
+* "in most cases"
+* "large"
+* "many"
+* "maximize"
+* "minimize"
+* "most"
+* "multiple"
+* "necessary"
+* "numerous"
+* "optimize"
+* "ought to"
+* "probably"
+* "quick"
+* "rapid"
+* "reasonably"
+* "relevant"
+* "robust"
+* "satisfactory"
+* "several"
+* "shall be included but not limited to"
+* "simple"
+* "small"
+* "some"
+* "state-of-the-art".
+* "sufficient"
+* "suitable"
+* "support"
+* "systematically"
+* "transparent"
+* "typical"
+* "user-friendly"
+* "usually"
+* "versatile"
+* "when necessary"
+For guidelines to avoid these terms see Table 11-2, "Some ambiguous terms to
+avoid in requirements" in :cite:`Wiegers:2013:SR`. There should be some means
+to enforce that these terms are not used, e.g. through a client-side pre-commit
+Git hook, a server-side pre-receive Git hook, or some scripts run by special
+build commands.
+Separate Requirements
+Requirements shall be stated separately. A bad example is:
+ The task create directive shall evaluate the parameters, allocate a task
+ object and initialize it.
+To make this a better example, it should be split into separate requirements:
+ When the task create directive is called with valid parameters and a free
+ task object exists, the task create directive shall assign the identifier of
+ an initialized task object to the ``id`` parameter and return the
+ ``RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL`` status.
+ If no free task objects exists, the task create directive shall return the
+ ``RTEMS_TOO_MANY`` status.
+ If the ``id`` parameter is ``NULL``, the task create directive shall return the
+ If the ``name`` parameter is invalid, the task create directive shall
+ return the ``RTEMS_INVALID_NAME`` status.
+ ...
+Conflict Free Requirements
+Requirements shall not be in conflict with each other inside a specification.
+A bad example is:
+ When a mutex is not available, the mutex obtain directive shall enqueue the
+ calling thread on the wait queue of the mutex.
+ If a mutex is not available, the mutex obtain directive shall return the
+To resolve this conflict, a condition may be added:
+ When a mutex is not available and the RTEMS_WAIT option is set, the mutex
+ obtain directive shall enqueue the calling thread on the wait queue of the
+ mutex.
+ If a mutex is not available, when the RTEMS_WAIT option is not set, the
+ mutex obtain directive shall return the RTEMS_UNSATISFIED status.
+Use of Project-Specific Terms and Abbreviations
+All project-specific terms and abbreviations used to formulate requirements
+shall be defined in the project glossary.
+.. _ReqEngJustReq:
+Justification of Requirements
+Each requirement shall have a rationale or justification recorded in a
+dedicated section of the requirement file. See *rationale* attribute for
diff --git a/eng/req/tooling.rst b/eng/req/tooling.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c175fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/req/tooling.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+Tool Requirements
+To manage requirements some tool support is helpful. Here is a list of
+requirements for the tool:
+* The tool shall be open source.
+* The tool should be actively maintained during the initial phase of the RTEMS
+ requirements specification.
+* The tool shall use plain text storage (no binary formats, no database).
+* The tool shall support version control via Git.
+* The tool should export the requirements in a human readable form using the
+ Sphinx documentation framework.
+* The tool shall support traceability of requirements to items external to the
+ tool.
+* The tool shall support traceability between requirements.
+* The tool shall support custom requirement attributes.
+* The tool should ensure that there are no cyclic dependencies between
+ requirements.
+* The tool should provide an export to :term:`ReqIF`.
+Tool Evaluation
+During an evaluation phase the following tools were considered:
+* `aNimble <>`_
+* :term:`Doorstop`
+* `OSRMT <>`_
+* `Papyrus <>`_
+* `ProR <>`_
+* `ReqIF Studio <>`_
+* `Requirement Heap <>`_
+* `rmToo <>`_
+The tools aNimble, OSRMT and Requirement Heap were not selected since they use
+a database. The tools Papyrus, ProR and ReqIF are Eclipse based and use
+complex XML files for data storage. They were difficult to use and lack good
+documentation/tutorials. The tools rmToo and Doorstop turned out to be the
+best candidates to manage requirements in the RTEMS Project. The Doorstop tool
+was selected as the first candidate mainly due a recommendation by an RTEMS
+.. _ReqEngDoorstop:
+Best Available Tool - Doorstop
+:term:`Doorstop` is a requirements management tool. It has a modern,
+object-oriented and well-structured implementation in Python 3.6 under the
+LGPLv3 license. It uses a continuous integration build with style checkers,
+static analysis, documentation checks, code coverage, unit test and integration
+tests. In 2019, the project was actively maintained. Pull requests for minor
+improvements and new features were reviewed and integrated within days. Each
+requirement is contained in a single file in :term:`YAML` format. Requirements
+are organized in documents and can be linked to each other
+Doorstop consists of three main parts
+* a stateless command line tool `doorstop`,
+* a file format with a pre-defined set of attributes (YAML), and
+* a primitive GUI tool (not intended to be used).
+For RTEMS, its scope will be extended to manage specifications in general. The
+primary reason for selecting Doorstop as the requirements management tool for
+the RTEMS Project is its data format which allows a high degree of
+customization. Doorstop uses a directed, acyclic graph (DAG) of items. The
+items are files in YAML format. Each item has a set of
+`standard attributes <>`_
+(key-value pairs).
+The use case for the standard attributes is requirements management. However,
+Doorstop is capable to manage custom attributes as well. We will heavily use
+custom attributes for the specification items. Enabling Doorstop to effectively
+use custom attributes was done specifically for the RTEMS Project in several
+patch sets.
+A key feature of Doorstop is the `fingerprint of items
+For the RTEMS Project, the fingerprint hash algorithm was changed from MD5 to
+SHA256. In 2019, it can be considered cryptographically secure. The
+fingerprint should cover the normative values of an item, e.g. comments etc. are
+not included. The fingerprint helps RTEMS users to track the significant
+changes in the requirements (in contrast to all the changes visible in Git). As
+an example use case, a user may want to assign a project-specific status to
+specification items. This can be done with a table which contains columns for
+1. the UID of the item,
+2. the fingerprint, and
+3. the project-specific status.
+Given the source code of RTEMS (which includes the specification items) and this
+table, it can be determined which items are unchanged and which have another
+status (e.g. unknown, changed, etc.).
+After some initial work with Doorstop some issues surfaced
+(`#471 <>`_)
+It turned out that Doorstop is not designed as a library and contains to much
+policy. This results in a lack of flexibility required for the RTEMS Project.
+1. Its primary use case is requirements management. So, it has some standard
+ attributes useful in this domain, like derived, header, level, normative,
+ ref, reviewed, and text. However, we want to use it more generally for
+ specification items and these attributes make not always sense. Having them
+ in every item is just overhead and may cause confusion.
+2. The links cannot have custom attributes, e.g. role, enabled-by. With
+ link-specific attributes you could have multiple DAGs formed up by the same
+ set of items.
+3. Inside a document (directory) items are supposed to have a common type (set
+ of attributes). We would like to store at a hierarchy level also distinct
+ specializations.
+4. The verification of the items is quite limited. We need verification with
+ type-based rules.
+5. The UIDs in combination with the document hierarchy lead to duplication,
+ e.g. a/b/c/a-b-c-d.yml. You have the path (a/b/c) also in the file name
+ (a-b-c). You cannot have relative UIDs in links (e.g. ../parent-req) . The
+ specification items may contain multiple requirements, e.g. min/max
+ attributes. There is no way to identify them.
+6. The links are ordered by Doorstop alphabetically by UID. For some
+ applications, it would be better to use the order specified by the user. For
+ example, we want to use specification items for a new build system. Here it
+ is handy if you can express things like this: A is composed of B and C.
+ Build B before C.
diff --git a/eng/req/traceability.rst b/eng/req/traceability.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..012c3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/req/traceability.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+.. _ReqEngTrace:
+Traceability of Specification Items
+The standard ECSS-E-ST-10-06C demands that requirements shall be under
+configuration management, backwards-traceable and forward-traceable
+:cite:`ECSS_E_ST_10_06C`. Requirements are a specialization of specification
+items in RTEMS.
+.. _ReqEngTraceHistory:
+History of Specification Items
+The RTEMS specification items should placed in the RTEMS sources using Git for
+version control. The history of specification items can be traced with Git.
+Special commit procedures for changes in specification item files should be
+established. For example, it should be allowed to change only one
+specification item per commit. A dedicated Git commit message format may be
+used as well, e.g. use of ``Approved-by:`` or ``Reviewed-by:`` lines which
+indicate an agreed statement (similar to the
+`Linux kernel patch submission guidelines <>`_).
+Git commit procedures may be ensured through a server-side pre-receive hook.
+The history of requirements may be also added to the specification items
+directly in a *revision* attribute. This would make it possible to generate
+the history information for documents without having the Git repository
+available, e.g. from an RTEMS source release archive.
+.. _ReqEngTraceBackward:
+Backward Traceability of Specification Items
+Providing backward traceability of specification items means that we must be
+able to find the corresponding higher level specification item for each refined
+specification item. A custom tool needs to verify this.
+.. _ReqEngTraceForward:
+Forward Traceability of Specification Items
+Providing forward traceability of specification items means that we must be
+able to find all the refined specification items for each higher level
+specification item. A custom tool needs to verify this. The links from
+parent to child specification items are implicitly defined by links from a
+child item to a parent item.
+.. _ReqEngTraceReqArchDesign:
+Traceability between Software Requirements, Architecture and Design
+The software requirements are implemented in custom YAML files, see
+:ref:`ReqEngSpecItems`. The software architecture and design is written in
+Doxygen markup. Doxygen markup is used throughout all header and source files.
+A Doxygen filter program may be provided to place Doxygen markup in assembler
+files. The software architecture is documented via Doxygen groups. Each
+Doxygen group name should have a project-specific name and the name should be
+unique within the project, e.g. RTEMSTopLevel\ MidLevel\ LowLevel. The link
+from a Doxygen group to its parent group is realized through the ``@ingroup``
+special command. The link from a Doxygen group or :term:`software component`
+to the corresponding requirement is realized through a ``@satisfy{req}``
+`custom command <>`_ which needs the
+identifier of the requirement as its one and only parameter. Only links to
+parents are explicitly given in the Doxygen markup. The links from a parent to
+its children are only implicitly specified via the link from a child to its
+parent. So, a tool must process all files to get the complete hierarchy of
+software requirements, architecture and design. Links from a software component
+to another software component are realized through automatic Doxygen references
+or the ``@ref`` and ``@see`` special commands.
diff --git a/eng/req/validation.rst b/eng/req/validation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d4286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/req/validation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+.. _ReqEngValidation:
+Requirement Validation
+The validation of each requirement shall be accomplished by one or more of
+the following methods and nothing else:
+* *By test*: A :ref:`ReqEngTestCase` specification item is provided to
+ demonstrate that the requirement is satisfied when the software product is
+ executed on the target platform.
+* *By analysis*: A statement is provided how the requirement is met, by
+ analysing static properties of the software product.
+* *By inspection*: A statement is provided how the requirement is met, by
+ inspection of the :term:`source code`.
+* *By review of design*: A rationale is provided to demonstrate how the
+ qualification requirement is satisfied implicitly by the software design.
+Validation by test is strongly recommended. The choice of any other validation
+method shall be strongly justified. The requirements author is obligated to
+provide the means to validate the requirement with detailed instructions.
+For a specification item in a parent directory it could be checked that at
+least one item in a subdirectory has a link to it. For example a subdirectory
+could contain validation items. With this feature you could check that all
+requirements are covered by at least one validation item.
+The requirement validation by analysis, by inspection, and by design
+specification items shall have the following attribute specializations:
+ The type attribute value shall be *validation-by-analysis*,
+ *validation-by-inspection*, or *validation-by-review-of-design*.
+ There shall be exactly one link to the validated requirement.
+ The statement or rational of the requirement validation.