path: root/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
index 8782e16..2fda75c 100644
--- a/common/
+++ b/common/
@@ -1,240 +1,281 @@
import sys, os, re
from waflib.Build import BuildContext
-sphinx_min_version = (1,3)
+sphinx_min_version = (1, 3)
def cmd_spell(ctx):
- from waflib import Options
- from sys import argv
- from subprocess import call
- Options.commands = None # stop warnings about knowing commands.
+ from waflib import Options
+ from sys import argv
+ from subprocess import call
- if not ctx.env.BIN_ASPELL:
- ctx.fatal("'aspell' is required please add binary to your path and re-run configure.")
+ Options.commands = None # stop warnings about knowing commands.
- if len(argv) < 3:
- ctx.fatal("Please supply at least one file name")
+ if not ctx.env.BIN_ASPELL:
+ ctx.fatal("'aspell' is required please install and re-run configure.")
- files = argv[2:]
+ if len(argv) < 3:
+ ctx.fatal("Please supply at least one file name")
- path = ctx.path.parent.abspath()
+ files = argv[2:]
- # XXX: add error checking eg check if file exists.
- for file in files:
- cmd = ctx.env.BIN_ASPELL + ["-c", "--personal=%s/common/spell/dict/rtems" % path, "--extra-dicts=%s/common/spell/en_GB-ise-w_accents.multi" % path, file]
+ path = ctx.path.parent.abspath()
- print("running:", cmd)
- call(cmd)
+ # XXX: add error checking eg check if file exists.
+ for file in files:
+ cmd = ctx.env.BIN_ASPELL + \
+ ["-c",
+ "--personal=%s/common/spell/dict/rtems" % path,
+ "--extra-dicts=%s/common/spell/en_GB-ise-w_accents.multi" % path,
+ file]
+ print("running:", cmd)
+ call(cmd)
def cmd_linkcheck(ctx, conf_dir=".", source_dir="."):
- ctx(
- rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} -b linkcheck -c %s -j %d -d build/doctrees %s build/linkcheck" % (conf_dir,, source_dir),
- cwd = ctx.path.abspath(),
- source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
- target = "linkcheck/output.txt"
- )
+ ctx_rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} -b linkcheck -c %s -j %d " + \
+ "-d build/doctrees %s build/linkcheck" % (conf_dir,
+ source_dir)
+ ctx(
+ rule = ctx_rule,
+ cwd = ctx.path.abspath(),
+ source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
+ target = "linkcheck/output.txt"
+ )
class spell(BuildContext):
- __doc__ = "Check spelling. Supply a list of files or a glob (*.rst)"
- cmd = 'spell'
- fun = 'cmd_spell'
+ __doc__ = "Check spelling. Supply a list of files or a glob (*.rst)"
+ cmd = 'spell'
+ fun = 'cmd_spell'
class linkcheck(BuildContext):
- __doc__ = "Check all external URL references."
- cmd = 'linkcheck'
- fun = 'cmd_linkcheck'
+ __doc__ = "Check all external URL references."
+ cmd = 'linkcheck'
+ fun = 'cmd_linkcheck'
def check_sphinx_version(ctx, minver):
- version = ctx.cmd_and_log(ctx.env.BIN_SPHINX_BUILD + ['--version']).split(" ")[-1:][0].strip()
- try:
- ver = tuple(map(int, re.split('[\D]', version)))
- except:
- ctx.fatal("Sphinx version cannot be checked: %s" % version)
- if ver < minver:
- ctx.fatal("Sphinx version is too old: %s" % ".".join(map(str, ver)))
- return ver
+ version = ctx.cmd_and_log(ctx.env.BIN_SPHINX_BUILD +
+ ['--version']).split(" ")[-1:][0].strip()
+ try:
+ ver = tuple(map(int, re.split('[\D]', version)))
+ except:
+ ctx.fatal("Sphinx version cannot be checked: %s" % version)
+ if ver < minver:
+ ctx.fatal("Sphinx version is too old: %s" % ".".join(map(str, ver)))
+ return ver
def sphinx_verbose(ctx):
- return ' '.join(ctx.env.SPHINX_VERBOSE)
+ return ' '.join(ctx.env.SPHINX_VERBOSE)
+def is_top_build(ctx):
+ from_top = False
+ if ctx.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] and ctx.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] == 'yes':
+ from_top = True
+ return from_top
+def build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype):
+ where = buildtype
+ if is_top_build(ctx):
+ where = os.path.join(, where)
+ bnode = ctx.bldnode.find_node(where)
+ if bnode is None:
+ ctx.bldnode.make_node(where).mkdir()
+ build_dir = ctx.path.get_bld().relpath()
+ output_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(buildtype)
+ output_dir = output_node.abspath()
+ return build_dir, output_node, output_dir
+def html_resources(ctx, buildtype):
+ for dir_name in ["_static", "_templates"]:
+ files = ctx.path.parent.find_node("common").ant_glob("%s/*" % dir_name)
+ fnode = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(os.path.join(buildtype, dir_name))
+ fnode.mkdir() # dirs
+ ctx(
+ features = "subst",
+ is_copy = True,
+ source = files,
+ target = [fnode.make_node( for x in files]
+ )
+ # copy images
+# ctx.path.get_bld().make_node("images").mkdir()
+# files = ctx.path.parent.ant_glob("images/**")
+# ctx(
+# features = "subst",
+# is_copy = True,
+# source = files,
+# target = [x.srcpath().replace("../", "") for x in files]
+# )
def cmd_configure(ctx):
- ctx.load('tex')
- ctx.env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS', '-shell-escape')
- ctx.find_program("sphinx-build", var="BIN_SPHINX_BUILD", mandatory=True)
- ctx.find_program("aspell", var="BIN_ASPELL", mandatory=False)
- ctx.find_program("inliner", var="BIN_INLINER", mandatory=False)
- ctx.start_msg("Checking if Sphinx is at least %s.%s" % sphinx_min_version)
- ver = check_sphinx_version(ctx, sphinx_min_version)
- ctx.end_msg("yes (%s)" % ".".join(map(str, ver)))
- ctx.start_msg("Sphinx Verbose: ")
- if 'SPHINX_VERBOSE' not in ctx.env:
- ctx.env.append_value('SPHINX_VERBOSE', ctx.options.sphinx_verbose)
- level = sphinx_verbose(ctx)
- if level == '-Q':
- level = 'quiet'
- ctx.end_msg(level)
-def html_resources(ctx):
- for dir_name in ["_static", "_templates"]:
- files = ctx.path.parent.find_node("common").ant_glob("%s/*" % dir_name)
- fnode = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(os.path.join('html', dir_name))
- fnode.mkdir() # dirs
- ctx(
- features = "subst",
- is_copy = True,
- source = files,
- target = [fnode.make_node( for x in files]
- )
- # copy images
-# ctx.path.get_bld().make_node("images").mkdir()
-# files = ctx.path.parent.ant_glob("images/**")
-# ctx(
-# features = "subst",
-# is_copy = True,
-# source = files,
-# target = [x.srcpath().replace("../", "") for x in files]
-# )
+ ctx.find_program("sphinx-build", var="BIN_SPHINX_BUILD", mandatory = True)
+ ctx.find_program("aspell", var = "BIN_ASPELL", mandatory = False)
+ ctx.start_msg("Checking if Sphinx is at least %s.%s" % sphinx_min_version)
+ ver = check_sphinx_version(ctx, sphinx_min_version)
+ ctx.end_msg("yes (%s)" % ".".join(map(str, ver)))
+ ctx.start_msg("Sphinx Verbose: ")
+ if 'SPHINX_VERBOSE' not in ctx.env:
+ ctx.env.append_value('SPHINX_VERBOSE', ctx.options.sphinx_verbose)
+ level = sphinx_verbose(ctx)
+ if level == '-Q':
+ level = 'quiet'
+ ctx.end_msg(level)
+ #
+ # Optional builds.
+ #
+ ctx.env.BUILD_PDF = 'no'
+ if ctx.options.pdf:
+ ctx.env.BUILD_PDF = 'yes'
+ ctx.load('tex')
+ if not ctx.env.PDFLATEX or not ctx.env.MAKEINDEX:
+ ctx.fatal('The programs pdflatex and makeindex are required for PDF output')
+ if 'PDFLATEXFLAGS' not in ctx.env or \
+ '-shell-escape' not in ctx.env['PDFLATEXFLAGS']:
+ ctx.env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS', '-shell-escape')
+ ctx.envBUILD_SINGLEHTML = 'no'
+ if ctx.options.singlehtml:
+ ctx.env.BUILD_SINGLEHTML = 'yes'
+ ctx.find_program("inliner", var = "BIN_INLINER", mandatory = False)
+ if not ctx.env.BIN_INLINER:
+ ctx.fatal("Node inliner is required install with 'npm install -g inliner' " +
+ "(")
def doc_pdf(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir):
- if not ctx.env.PDFLATEX or not ctx.env.MAKEINDEX:
- ctx.fatal('The programs pdflatex and makeindex are required')
- build_dir = ctx.path.get_bld().relpath()
- output_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('latex')
- output_dir = output_node.abspath()
- ctx(
- rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} %s -b latex -c %s -d build/%s/doctrees %s %s" % (sphinx_verbose(ctx), conf_dir, build_dir, source_dir, output_dir),
- cwd = ctx.path,
- source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
- target = ctx.path.find_or_declare("latex/%s.tex" % (
- )
- ctx.add_group()
- ctx(
- features = 'tex',
- cwd = output_dir,
- type = 'pdflatex',
- source = "latex/%s.tex" %,
- prompt = 0
- )
- ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}/%s' % (,
- 'latex/%s.pdf' % (,
- cwd = output_node,
- quiet = True)
+ buildtype = 'latex'
+ build_dir, output_node, output_dir = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype)
+ rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} %s -b %s -c %s -d build/%s/doctrees %s %s" % \
+ (sphinx_verbose(ctx), buildtype, conf_dir,
+ build_dir, source_dir, output_dir)
+ ctx(
+ rule = rule,
+ cwd = ctx.path,
+ source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
+ target = ctx.path.find_or_declare("%s/%s.tex" % (buildtype,
+ )
+ ctx(
+ features = 'tex',
+ cwd = output_dir,
+ type = 'pdflatex',
+ source = "%s/%s.tex" % (buildtype,,
+ prompt = 0
+ )
+ ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}',
+ '%s/%s.pdf' % (buildtype,,
+ cwd = output_node,
+ quiet = True)
def doc_singlehtml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir):
- if not ctx.env.BIN_INLINER:
- ctx.fatal("Node inliner is required install with 'npm install -g inliner' (")
- html_resources(ctx)
- ctx(
- rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} -b singlehtml -c %s -j %d -d build/doctrees %s build/singlehtml" % (conf_dir,, source_dir),
- cwd = ctx.path.abspath(),
- source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
- target = "singlehtml/index.html",
- install_path = None
- )
- ctx.add_group()
- ctx(
- rule = "${BIN_INLINER} ${SRC} > ${TGT}",
- source = "singlehtml/index.html",
- target = "singlehtml/%s.html" %,
- install_path = None
- )
+ #
+ # Use a run command to handle stdout and stderr output from inliner. Using
+ # a standard rule in the build context locks up.
+ #
+ def run(task):
+ src = task.inputs[0].abspath()
+ tgt = task.outputs[0].abspath()
+ cmd = '%s %s' % (task.env.BIN_INLINER[0], src)
+ so = open(tgt, 'w')
+ se = open(tgt + '.err', 'w')
+ r = task.exec_command(cmd, stdout = so, stderr = se)
+ so.close()
+ se.close()
+ #
+ # The inliner does not handle internal href's correctly and places the
+ # input's file name in the href. Strip these.
+ #
+ with open(tgt, 'r') as i:
+ before =
+ after = before.replace('index.html', '')
+ i.close()
+ with open(tgt, 'w') as o:
+ o.write(after)
+ o.close()
+ return r
+ buildtype = 'singlehtml'
+ build_dir, output_node, output_dir = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype)
+ html_resources(ctx, buildtype)
+ rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} %s -b %s -c %s -d build/%s/doctrees %s %s" % \
+ (sphinx_verbose(ctx), buildtype, conf_dir,
+ build_dir, source_dir, output_dir)
+ ctx(
+ rule = rule,
+ cwd = ctx.path,
+ source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
+ target = ctx.path.find_or_declare("%s/index.html" % (buildtype)),
+ install_path = None
+ )
+ ctx(
+ rule = run,
+ inliner = ctx.env.BIN_INLINER,
+ source = "%s/index.html" % buildtype,
+ target = "%s/%s.html" % (buildtype,,
+ install_path = '${PREFIX}'
+ )
def doc_html(ctx, conf_dir, source_dir):
- html_resources(ctx)
- build_dir = ctx.path.get_bld().relpath()
- output_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('html')
- output_dir = output_node.abspath()
- ctx(
- rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} %s -b html -c %s -d build/%s/doctrees %s %s" % (sphinx_verbose(ctx), conf_dir, build_dir, source_dir, output_dir),
- cwd = ctx.path,
- source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),# + ctx.path.ant_glob(''),
- target = ctx.path.find_or_declare('html/index.html'),
- install_path = None
- )
- ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}/%s' % (,
- output_node.ant_glob('**/*'),
- cwd = output_node,
- relative_trick = True,
- quiet = True)
-def is_top_build(ctx):
- from_top = False
- if ctx.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] and ctx.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] == 'yes':
- from_top = True
- return from_top
-def build_type(ctx):
- build_type = 'html'
- if ctx.options.pdf:
- build_type = 'pdf'
- return build_type
-def build_dir_setup(ctx):
- btype = build_type(ctx)
- where = btype
- if is_top_build(ctx):
- where = os.path.join(, where)
- bnode = ctx.bldnode.find_node(where)
- if bnode is None:
- ctx.bldnode.make_node(where).mkdir()
- return where
+ buildtype = 'html'
+ build_dir, output_node, output_dir = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype)
+ html_resources(ctx, buildtype)
+ rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} %s -b %s -c %s -d build/%s/doctrees %s %s" % \
+ (sphinx_verbose(ctx), buildtype, conf_dir,
+ build_dir, source_dir, output_dir)
+ ctx(
+ rule = rule,
+ cwd = ctx.path,
+ source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'),
+ target = ctx.path.find_or_declare('%s/index.html' % buildtype),
+ install_path = None
+ )
+ ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}/%s' % (,
+ output_node.ant_glob('**/*', quiet = True),
+ cwd = output_node,
+ relative_trick = True,
+ quiet = True)
def cmd_build(ctx, conf_dir = ".", source_dir = "."):
- build_dir_setup(ctx)
+ srcnode = ctx.srcnode.abspath()
- srcnode = ctx.srcnode.abspath()
+ if ctx.env.BUILD_PDF == 'yes':
+ doc_pdf(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir)
- if ctx.options.pdf:
- doc_pdf(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir)
- elif ctx.options.singlehtml:
- html_resources(ctx)
- doc_singlehtml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir)
- else:
- doc_html(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir)
+ if ctx.env.BUILD_SINGLEHTML == 'yes':
+ doc_singlehtml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir)
-def cmd_options(ctx):
- ctx.add_option('--sphinx-verbose', action='store', default="-Q", help="Sphinx verbose.")
- ctx.add_option('--pdf', action='store_true', default=False, help="Build PDF.")
- ctx.add_option('--singlehtml', action='store_true', default=False, help="Build Single HTML file, requires Node Inliner")
+ doc_html(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir)
+def cmd_options(ctx):
+ ctx.add_option('--sphinx-verbose',
+ action = 'store',
+ default = "-Q",
+ help = "Sphinx verbose.")
+ ctx.add_option('--pdf',
+ action='store_true',
+ default = False,
+ help = "Build PDF.")
+ ctx.add_option('--singlehtml',
+ action='store_true',
+ default = False,
+ help = "Build Single HTML file, requires Node Inliner")
def cmd_options_path(ctx):
- cmd_options(ctx)
- ctx.add_option('--rtems-path-py', type='string', help="Full path to py/ in RTEMS source repository.")
+ cmd_options(ctx)
+ ctx.add_option('--rtems-path-py',
+ type = 'string',
+ help = "Full path to py/ in RTEMS source repository.")
def cmd_configure_path(ctx):
- if not ctx.options.rtems_path_py:
- ctx.fatal("--rtems-path-py is required")
+ if not ctx.options.rtems_path_py:
+ ctx.fatal("--rtems-path-py is required")
- ctx.env.RTEMS_PATH = ctx.options.rtems_path_py
+ ctx.env.RTEMS_PATH = ctx.options.rtems_path_py
- cmd_configure(ctx)
+ cmd_configure(ctx)
@@ -244,22 +285,22 @@ templates_path = ['_templates']
html_static_path = ['_static']
# XXX: fix this ugly hack. No time to waste on it.
def cmd_build_path(ctx):
- def run(task):
+ def run(task):
- with open("") as fp:
- conf = "import sys, os\nsys.path.append(os.path.abspath('../../common/'))\n"
- conf +=
+ with open("") as fp:
+ conf = "import sys, os\nsys.path.append(os.path.abspath('../../common/'))\n"
+ conf +=
- task.inputs[0].abspath()
- task.outputs[0].write(conf + (CONF_FRAG % ctx.env.RTEMS_PATH))
+ task.inputs[0].abspath()
+ task.outputs[0].write(conf + (CONF_FRAG % ctx.env.RTEMS_PATH))
- ctx(
- rule = run,
- source = [ctx.path.parent.find_node("common/"), ctx.path.find_node("./")],
- target = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('')
+ ctx(
+ rule = run,
+ source = [ctx.path.parent.find_node("common/"),
+ ctx.path.find_node("./")],
+ target = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('')
- cmd_build(ctx, conf_dir="build", source_dir="build")
+ cmd_build(ctx, conf_dir = "build", source_dir = "build")