diff options
authorChris Johns <>2017-08-09 20:19:22 +1000
committerChris Johns <>2017-08-09 20:19:22 +1000
commit58de62d8beb931995ec8bf2677f1714dfa004719 (patch)
parentAdd the sphinxcontrib.bibtex extension to the repo. (diff)
Revert "Add the sphinxcontrib.bibtex extension to the repo."
This reverts commit aa4f8e2e436d6c49e1524a4a3fb164b28632d894. The contrib has too many dependencies to add into the repo.
Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 1 insertions, 975 deletions
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35d34fc..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- sphinxcontrib
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This package is a namespace package that contains all extensions
- distributed in the ``sphinx-contrib`` distribution.
- :copyright: Copyright 2007-2009 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index d79e688..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- Sphinx Interface
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. autofunction:: setup
- .. autofunction:: init_bibtex_cache
- .. autofunction:: purge_bibtex_cache
- .. autofunction:: process_citations
- .. autofunction:: process_citation_references
- .. autofunction:: check_duplicate_labels
-import docutils.nodes
-import docutils.parsers.rst
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.cache import Cache
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes import bibliography
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.roles import CiteRole
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.directives import BibliographyDirective
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.transforms import BibliographyTransform
-import six
-def init_bibtex_cache(app):
- """Create ``app.env.bibtex_cache`` if it does not exist yet.
- :param app: The sphinx application.
- :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
- """
- if not hasattr(app.env, "bibtex_cache"):
- app.env.bibtex_cache = Cache()
-def purge_bibtex_cache(app, env, docname):
- """Remove all information related to *docname* from the cache.
- :param app: The sphinx application.
- :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
- :param env: The sphinx build environment.
- :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment`
- """
- env.bibtex_cache.purge(docname)
-def process_citations(app, doctree, docname):
- """Replace labels of citation nodes by actual labels.
- :param app: The sphinx application.
- :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
- :param doctree: The document tree.
- :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document`
- :param docname: The document name.
- :type docname: :class:`str`
- """
- for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.citation):
- key = node[0].astext()
- try:
- label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key)
- except KeyError:
- app.warn("could not relabel citation [%s]" % key)
- else:
- node[0] = docutils.nodes.label('', label)
-def process_citation_references(app, doctree, docname):
- """Replace text of citation reference nodes by actual labels.
- :param app: The sphinx application.
- :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
- :param doctree: The document tree.
- :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document`
- :param docname: The document name.
- :type docname: :class:`str`
- """
- # sphinx has already turned citation_reference nodes
- # into reference nodes, so iterate over reference nodes
- for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.reference):
- # exclude sphinx [source] labels
- if isinstance(node[0], docutils.nodes.Element):
- if 'viewcode-link' in node[0]['classes']:
- continue
- text = node[0].astext()
- if text.startswith('[') and text.endswith(']'):
- key = text[1:-1]
- try:
- label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key)
- except KeyError:
- app.warn("could not relabel citation reference [%s]" % key)
- else:
- node[0] = docutils.nodes.Text('[' + label + ']')
-def check_duplicate_labels(app, env):
- """Check and warn about duplicate citation labels.
- :param app: The sphinx application.
- :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
- :param env: The sphinx build environment.
- :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment`
- """
- label_to_key = {}
- for info in env.bibtex_cache.get_all_bibliography_caches():
- for key, label in six.iteritems(info.labels):
- if label in label_to_key:
- app.warn(
- "duplicate label for keys %s and %s"
- % (key, label_to_key[label]))
- else:
- label_to_key[label] = key
-def setup(app):
- """Set up the bibtex extension:
- * register config values
- * register directives
- * register nodes
- * register roles
- * register transforms
- * connect events to functions
- :param app: The sphinx application.
- :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
- """
- app.add_config_value("bibtex_default_style", "alpha", "html")
- app.connect("builder-inited", init_bibtex_cache)
- app.connect("doctree-resolved", process_citations)
- app.connect("doctree-resolved", process_citation_references)
- app.connect("env-purge-doc", purge_bibtex_cache)
- app.connect("env-updated", check_duplicate_labels)
- # docutils keeps state around during testing, so to avoid spurious
- # warnings, we detect here whether the directives have already been
- # registered... very ugly hack but no better solution so far
- _directives = docutils.parsers.rst.directives._directives
- if "bibliography" not in _directives:
- app.add_directive("bibliography", BibliographyDirective)
- app.add_role("cite", CiteRole())
- app.add_node(bibliography)
- app.add_transform(BibliographyTransform)
- else:
- assert _directives["bibliography"] is BibliographyDirective
- # Parallel read is not safe at the moment: in the current design,
- # the document that contains references must be read last for all
- # references to be resolved.
- return {'parallel_read_safe': False}
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9064f..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- Cached Information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Classes and methods to maintain any information that is stored
- outside the doctree.
- .. autoclass:: Cache
- :members:
- .. autoclass:: BibfileCache
- :members:
- .. autoclass:: BibliographyCache
- :members:
-import six
-try: # pragma: no cover
- from collections import OrderedDict
-except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- from ordereddict import OrderedDict
-import ast
-import collections
-import copy
-from oset import oset
-import re
-def _raise_invalid_node(node):
- """Helper method to raise an exception when an invalid node is
- visited.
- """
- raise ValueError("invalid node %s in filter expression" % node)
-class _FilterVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
- """Visit the abstract syntax tree of a parsed filter expression."""
- entry = None
- """The bibliographic entry to which the filter must be applied."""
- cited_docnames = False
- """The documents where the entry is cited (empty if not cited)."""
- def __init__(self, entry, docname, cited_docnames):
- self.entry = entry
- self.docname = docname
- self.cited_docnames = cited_docnames
- def visit_Module(self, node):
- if len(node.body) != 1:
- raise ValueError(
- "filter expression cannot contain multiple expressions")
- return self.visit(node.body[0])
- def visit_Expr(self, node):
- return self.visit(node.value)
- def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
- outcomes = (self.visit(value) for value in node.values)
- if isinstance(node.op, ast.And):
- return all(outcomes)
- elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Or):
- return any(outcomes)
- else: # pragma: no cover
- # there are no other boolean operators
- # so this code should never execute
- assert False, "unexpected boolean operator %s" % node.op
- def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
- if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not):
- return not self.visit(node.operand)
- else:
- _raise_invalid_node(node)
- def visit_BinOp(self, node):
- left = self.visit(node.left)
- op = node.op
- right = self.visit(node.right)
- if isinstance(op, ast.Mod):
- # modulo operator is used for regular expression matching
- if not isinstance(left, six.string_types):
- raise ValueError(
- "expected a string on left side of %s" % node.op)
- if not isinstance(right, six.string_types):
- raise ValueError(
- "expected a string on right side of %s" % node.op)
- return, left, re.IGNORECASE)
- elif isinstance(op, ast.BitOr):
- return left | right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.BitAnd):
- return left & right
- else:
- _raise_invalid_node(node)
- def visit_Compare(self, node):
- # keep it simple: binary comparators only
- if len(node.ops) != 1:
- raise ValueError("syntax for multiple comparators not supported")
- left = self.visit(node.left)
- op = node.ops[0]
- right = self.visit(node.comparators[0])
- if isinstance(op, ast.Eq):
- return left == right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.NotEq):
- return left != right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.Lt):
- return left < right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.LtE):
- return left <= right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.Gt):
- return left > right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.GtE):
- return left >= right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.In):
- return left in right
- elif isinstance(op, ast.NotIn):
- return left not in right
- else:
- # not used currently: ast.Is | ast.IsNot
- _raise_invalid_node(op)
- def visit_Name(self, node):
- """Calculate the value of the given identifier."""
- id_ =
- if id_ == 'type':
- return self.entry.type.lower()
- elif id_ == 'key':
- return self.entry.key.lower()
- elif id_ == 'cited':
- return bool(self.cited_docnames)
- elif id_ == 'docname':
- return self.docname
- elif id_ == 'docnames':
- return self.cited_docnames
- elif id_ == 'True':
- return True
- elif id_ == 'False':
- return False
- elif id_ == 'author' or id_ == 'editor':
- if id_ in self.entry.persons:
- return u' and '.join(
- six.text_type(person) # XXX needs fix in pybtex?
- for person in self.entry.persons[id_])
- else:
- return u''
- else:
- return self.entry.fields.get(id_, "")
- def visit_Set(self, node):
- return frozenset(self.visit(elt) for elt in node.elts)
- def visit_Str(self, node):
- return node.s
- # NameConstant is Python 3.4 only so do not insist on coverage
- def visit_NameConstant(self, node): # pragma: no cover
- return node.value
- def generic_visit(self, node):
- _raise_invalid_node(node)
-class Cache:
- """Global bibtex extension information cache. Stored in
- ``app.env.bibtex_cache``, so must be picklable.
- """
- bibfiles = None
- """A :class:`dict` mapping .bib file names (relative to the top
- source folder) to :class:`BibfileCache` instances.
- """
- _bibliographies = None
- """Each bibliography directive is assigned an id of the form
- bibtex-bibliography-xxx. This :class:`dict` maps each docname
- to another :class:`dict` which maps each id
- to information about the bibliography directive,
- :class:`BibliographyCache`. We need to store this extra
- information separately because it cannot be stored in the
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` nodes
- themselves.
- """
- _cited = None
- """A :class:`dict` mapping each docname to a :class:`set` of
- citation keys.
- """
- _enum_count = None
- """A :class:`dict` mapping each docname to an :class:`int`
- representing the current bibliography enumeration counter.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.bibfiles = {}
- self._bibliographies = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- self._cited = collections.defaultdict(oset)
- self._enum_count = {}
- def purge(self, docname):
- """Remove all information related to *docname*.
- :param docname: The document name.
- :type docname: :class:`str`
- """
- self._bibliographies.pop(docname, None)
- self._cited.pop(docname, None)
- self._enum_count.pop(docname, None)
- def inc_enum_count(self, docname):
- """Increment enumeration list counter for document *docname*."""
- self._enum_count[docname] += 1
- def set_enum_count(self, docname, value):
- """Set enumeration list counter for document *docname* to *value*."""
- self._enum_count[docname] = value
- def get_enum_count(self, docname):
- """Get enumeration list counter for document *docname*."""
- return self._enum_count[docname]
- def add_cited(self, key, docname):
- """Add the given *key* to the set of cited keys for
- *docname*.
- :param key: The citation key.
- :type key: :class:`str`
- :param docname: The document name.
- :type docname: :class:`str`
- """
- self._cited[docname].add(key)
- def get_cited_docnames(self, key):
- """Return the *docnames* from which the given *key* is cited.
- :param key: The citation key.
- :type key: :class:`str`
- """
- return frozenset([
- docname for docname, keys in six.iteritems(self._cited)
- if key in keys])
- def get_label_from_key(self, key):
- """Return label for the given key."""
- for bibcache in self.get_all_bibliography_caches():
- if key in bibcache.labels:
- return bibcache.labels[key]
- else:
- raise KeyError("%s not found" % key)
- def get_all_cited_keys(self):
- """Yield all citation keys, sorted first by document
- (alphabetical), then by citation order in the document.
- """
- for docname in sorted(self._cited):
- for key in self._cited[docname]:
- yield key
- def set_bibliography_cache(self, docname, id_, bibcache):
- """Register *bibcache* (:class:`BibliographyCache`)
- with id *id_* for document *docname*.
- """
- assert id_ not in self._bibliographies[docname]
- self._bibliographies[docname][id_] = bibcache
- def get_bibliography_cache(self, docname, id_):
- """Return :class:`BibliographyCache` with id *id_* in
- document *docname*.
- """
- return self._bibliographies[docname][id_]
- def get_all_bibliography_caches(self):
- """Return all bibliography caches."""
- for bibcaches in six.itervalues(self._bibliographies):
- for bibcache in six.itervalues(bibcaches):
- yield bibcache
- def _get_bibliography_entries(self, docname, id_, warn):
- """Return filtered bibliography entries, sorted by occurence
- in the bib file.
- """
- # get the information of this bibliography node
- bibcache = self.get_bibliography_cache(docname=docname, id_=id_)
- # generate entries
- for bibfile in bibcache.bibfiles:
- data = self.bibfiles[bibfile].data
- for entry in six.itervalues(data.entries):
- # beware: the prefix is not stored in the data
- # to allow reusing the data for multiple bibliographies
- cited_docnames = self.get_cited_docnames(
- bibcache.keyprefix + entry.key)
- visitor = _FilterVisitor(
- entry=entry,
- docname=docname,
- cited_docnames=cited_docnames)
- try:
- success = visitor.visit(bibcache.filter_)
- except ValueError as err:
- warn("syntax error in :filter: expression; %s" % err)
- # recover by falling back to the default
- success = bool(cited_docnames)
- if success:
- # entries are modified in an unpickable way
- # when formatting, so fetch a deep copy
- # and return this copy with prefixed key
- # we do not deep copy entry.collection because that
- # consumes enormous amounts of memory
- entry.collection = None
- entry2 = copy.deepcopy(entry)
- entry2.key = bibcache.keyprefix + entry.key
- entry2.collection = data
- entry.collection = data
- yield entry2
- def get_bibliography_entries(self, docname, id_, warn):
- """Return filtered bibliography entries, sorted by citation order."""
- # get entries, ordered by bib file occurrence
- entries = OrderedDict(
- (entry.key, entry) for entry in
- self._get_bibliography_entries(
- docname=docname, id_=id_, warn=warn))
- # order entries according to which were cited first
- # first, we add all keys that were cited
- # then, we add all remaining keys
- sorted_entries = []
- for key in self.get_all_cited_keys():
- try:
- entry = entries.pop(key)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- sorted_entries.append(entry)
- sorted_entries += six.itervalues(entries)
- return sorted_entries
-class BibfileCache(collections.namedtuple('BibfileCache', 'mtime data')):
- """Contains information about a parsed .bib file.
- .. attribute:: mtime
- A :class:`float` representing the modification time of the .bib
- file when it was last parsed.
- .. attribute:: data
- A :class:`pybtex.database.BibliographyData` containing the
- parsed .bib file.
- """
-class BibliographyCache(collections.namedtuple(
- 'BibliographyCache',
- """bibfiles style encoding
-list_ enumtype start labels labelprefix
-filter_ curly_bracket_strip keyprefix
- """Contains information about a bibliography directive.
- .. attribute:: bibfiles
- A :class:`list` of :class:`str`\\ s containing the .bib file
- names (relative to the top source folder) that contain the
- references.
- .. attribute:: style
- The bibtex style.
- .. attribute:: list_
- The list type.
- .. attribute:: enumtype
- The sequence type (only used for enumerated lists).
- .. attribute:: start
- The first ordinal of the sequence (only used for enumerated lists).
- .. attribute:: labels
- Maps citation keys to their final labels.
- .. attribute:: labelprefix
- This bibliography's string prefix for pybtex generated labels.
- .. attribute:: keyprefix
- This bibliography's string prefix for citation keys.
- .. attribute:: filter_
- An :class:`ast.AST` node, containing the parsed filter expression.
- """
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index af8e9db..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- New Doctree Directives
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. autoclass:: BibliographyDirective
- .. automethod:: run
- .. automethod:: process_bibfile
- .. automethod:: update_bibfile_cache
- .. automethod:: parse_bibfile
- .. autofunction:: process_start_option
-import ast # parse(), used for filter
-import os.path # getmtime()
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives # for Directive.option_spec
-from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
-from sphinx.util.console import bold, standout
-from pybtex.database.input import bibtex
-from pybtex.database import BibliographyData
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.cache import BibliographyCache, BibfileCache
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes import bibliography
-# register the latex codec
-import latexcodec # noqa
-def process_start_option(value):
- """Process and validate the start option value
- of a :rst:dir:`bibliography` directive.
- If *value* is ``continue`` then this function returns -1,
- otherwise *value* is converted into a positive integer.
- """
- if value == "continue":
- return -1
- else:
- return directives.positive_int(value)
-class BibliographyDirective(Directive):
- """Class for processing the :rst:dir:`bibliography` directive.
- Parses the bibliography files, and produces a
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` node.
- .. seealso::
- Further processing of the resulting
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` node is done
- by
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.transforms.BibliographyTransform`.
- """
- required_arguments = 1
- optional_arguments = 0
- final_argument_whitespace = True
- has_content = False
- option_spec = {
- 'cited': directives.flag,
- 'notcited': directives.flag,
- 'all': directives.flag,
- 'filter': directives.unchanged,
- 'style': directives.unchanged,
- 'list': directives.unchanged,
- 'enumtype': directives.unchanged,
- 'start': process_start_option,
- 'encoding': directives.encoding,
- 'disable-curly-bracket-strip': directives.flag,
- 'labelprefix': directives.unchanged,
- 'keyprefix': directives.unchanged,
- }
- def run(self):
- """Process .bib files, set file dependencies, and create a
- node that is to be transformed to the entries of the
- bibliography.
- """
- env = self.state.document.settings.env
- # create id and cache for this node
- # this id will be stored with the node
- # and is used to look up additional data in env.bibtex_cache
- # (implementation note: new_serialno only guarantees unique
- # ids within a single document, but we need the id to be
- # unique across all documents, so we also include the docname
- # in the id)
- id_ = 'bibtex-bibliography-%s-%s' % (
- env.docname, env.new_serialno('bibtex'))
- if "filter" in self.options:
- if "all" in self.options:
-":filter: overrides :all:"))
- if "notcited" in self.options:
-":filter: overrides :notcited:"))
- if "cited" in self.options:
-":filter: overrides :cited:"))
- try:
- filter_ = ast.parse(self.options["filter"])
- except SyntaxError:
- standout("syntax error in :filter: expression") +
- " (" + self.options["filter"] + "); "
- "the option will be ignored"
- )
- filter_ = ast.parse("cited")
- elif "all" in self.options:
- filter_ = ast.parse("True")
- elif "notcited" in self.options:
- filter_ = ast.parse("not cited")
- else:
- # the default filter: include only cited entries
- filter_ = ast.parse("cited")
- bibcache = BibliographyCache(
- list_=self.options.get("list", "citation"),
- enumtype=self.options.get("enumtype", "arabic"),
- start=self.options.get("start", 1),
- style=self.options.get(
- "style",,
- filter_=filter_,
- encoding=self.options.get(
- 'encoding',
- 'latex+' + self.state.document.settings.input_encoding),
- curly_bracket_strip=(
- 'disable-curly-bracket-strip' not in self.options),
- labelprefix=self.options.get("labelprefix", ""),
- keyprefix=self.options.get("keyprefix", ""),
- labels={},
- bibfiles=[],
- )
- if (bibcache.list_ not in set(["bullet", "enumerated", "citation"])):
- "unknown bibliography list type '{0}'.".format(bibcache.list_))
- for bibfile in self.arguments[0].split():
- # convert to normalized absolute path to ensure that the same file
- # only occurs once in the cache
- bibfile = os.path.normpath(env.relfn2path(bibfile.strip())[1])
- self.process_bibfile(bibfile, bibcache.encoding)
- env.note_dependency(bibfile)
- bibcache.bibfiles.append(bibfile)
- env.bibtex_cache.set_bibliography_cache(env.docname, id_, bibcache)
- return [bibliography('', ids=[id_])]
- def parse_bibfile(self, bibfile, encoding):
- """Parse *bibfile*, and return parsed data.
- :param bibfile: The bib file name.
- :type bibfile: ``str``
- :return: The parsed bibliography data.
- :rtype: :class:`pybtex.database.BibliographyData`
- """
- app =
- parser = bibtex.Parser(encoding)
- bold("parsing bibtex file {0}... ".format(bibfile)), nonl=True)
- parser.parse_file(bibfile)
-"parsed {0} entries"
- .format(len(
- return
- def update_bibfile_cache(self, bibfile, mtime, encoding):
- """Parse *bibfile* (see :meth:`parse_bibfile`), and store the
- parsed data, along with modification time *mtime*, in the
- bibtex cache.
- :param bibfile: The bib file name.
- :type bibfile: ``str``
- :param mtime: The bib file's modification time.
- :type mtime: ``float``
- :return: The parsed bibliography data.
- :rtype: :class:`pybtex.database.BibliographyData`
- """
- data = self.parse_bibfile(bibfile, encoding)
- env = self.state.document.settings.env
- env.bibtex_cache.bibfiles[bibfile] = BibfileCache(
- mtime=mtime,
- data=data)
- return data
- def process_bibfile(self, bibfile, encoding):
- """Check if ``env.bibtex_cache.bibfiles[bibfile]`` is still
- up to date. If not, parse the *bibfile* (see
- :meth:`update_bibfile_cache`), and store parsed data in the
- bibtex cache.
- :param bibfile: The bib file name.
- :type bibfile: ``str``
- :return: The parsed bibliography data.
- :rtype: :class:`pybtex.database.BibliographyData`
- """
- env = self.state.document.settings.env
- cache = env.bibtex_cache.bibfiles
- # get modification time of bibfile
- try:
- mtime = os.path.getmtime(bibfile)
- except OSError:
- standout("could not open bibtex file {0}.".format(bibfile)))
- cache[bibfile] = BibfileCache( # dummy cache
- mtime=-float("inf"), data=BibliographyData())
- return cache[bibfile].data
- # get cache and check if it is still up to date
- # if it is not up to date, parse the bibtex file
- # and store it in the cache
- bold("checking for {0} in bibtex cache... ".format(bibfile)),
- nonl=True)
- try:
- bibfile_cache = cache[bibfile]
- except KeyError:
-"not found")
- self.update_bibfile_cache(bibfile, mtime, encoding)
- else:
- if mtime != bibfile_cache.mtime:
-"out of date")
- self.update_bibfile_cache(bibfile, mtime, encoding)
- else:
-'up to date')
- return cache[bibfile].data
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index 426aed9..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- New Doctree Nodes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. autoclass:: bibliography
-from docutils import nodes
-class bibliography(nodes.General, nodes.Element):
- """Node for representing a bibliography. Replaced by a list of
- citations by
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.transforms.BibliographyTransform`.
- """
- pass
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index bbbd1f0..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- New Doctree Roles
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. autoclass:: CiteRole
- :show-inheritance:
- .. automethod:: result_nodes
-from pybtex.plugin import find_plugin
-import pybtex.database
-from sphinx.roles import XRefRole # for :cite:
-class CiteRole(XRefRole):
- """Class for processing the :rst:role:`cite` role."""
- backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'docutils')()
- def result_nodes(self, document, env, node, is_ref):
- """Transform reference node into a citation reference,
- and note that the reference was cited.
- """
- keys = node['reftarget'].split(',')
- # Note that at this point, usually, env.bibtex_cache.bibfiles
- # is still empty because the bibliography directive may not
- # have been processed yet, so we cannot get the actual entry.
- # Instead, we simply fake an entry with the desired key, and
- # fix the label at doctree-resolved time. This happens in
- # process_citation_references.
- refnodes = [
- self.backend.citation_reference(_fake_entry(key), document)
- for key in keys]
- for key in keys:
- env.bibtex_cache.add_cited(key, env.docname)
- return refnodes, []
-def _fake_entry(key):
- entry = pybtex.database.Entry(type_="")
- entry.key = key
- return entry
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4cdcb..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- New Doctree Transforms
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. autoclass:: BibliographyTransform
- :show-inheritance:
- .. autoattribute:: default_priority
- .. automethod:: apply
- .. autofunction:: node_text_transform
- .. autofunction:: transform_curly_bracket_strip
- .. autofunction:: transform_url_command
-import docutils.nodes
-import docutils.transforms
-from pybtex.plugin import find_plugin
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes import bibliography
-def node_text_transform(node, transform):
- """Apply transformation to all Text nodes within node."""
- for child in node.children:
- if isinstance(child, docutils.nodes.Text):
- node.replace(child, transform(child))
- else:
- node_text_transform(child, transform)
-def transform_curly_bracket_strip(textnode):
- """Strip curly brackets from text."""
- text = textnode.astext()
- if '{' in text or '}' in text:
- text = text.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
- return docutils.nodes.Text(text)
- else:
- return textnode
-def transform_url_command(textnode):
- """Convert '\\\\url{...}' into a proper docutils hyperlink."""
- text = textnode.astext()
- if '\\url' in text:
- text1, _, text = text.partition('\\url')
- text2, _, text3 = text.partition('}')
- text2 = text2.lstrip(' {')
- ref = docutils.nodes.reference(refuri=text2)
- ref += docutils.nodes.Text(text2)
- node = docutils.nodes.inline()
- node += transform_url_command(docutils.nodes.Text(text1))
- node += ref
- node += transform_url_command(docutils.nodes.Text(text3))
- return node
- else:
- return textnode
-class BibliographyTransform(docutils.transforms.Transform):
- """A docutils transform to generate citation entries for
- bibliography nodes.
- """
- # transform must be applied before references are resolved
- default_priority = 10
- """Priority of the transform. See
- """
- def apply(self):
- """Transform each
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` node into a
- list of citations.
- """
- env = self.document.settings.env
- docname = env.docname
- for bibnode in self.document.traverse(bibliography):
- id_ = bibnode['ids'][0]
- bibcache = env.bibtex_cache.get_bibliography_cache(
- docname=docname, id_=id_)
- entries = env.bibtex_cache.get_bibliography_entries(
- docname=docname, id_=id_,
- # locate and instantiate style and backend plugins
- style = find_plugin('',
- backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'docutils')()
- # create citation nodes for all references
- if bibcache.list_ == "enumerated":
- nodes = docutils.nodes.enumerated_list()
- nodes['enumtype'] = bibcache.enumtype
- if bibcache.start >= 1:
- nodes['start'] = bibcache.start
- env.bibtex_cache.set_enum_count(
- env.docname, bibcache.start)
- else:
- nodes['start'] = env.bibtex_cache.get_enum_count(
- env.docname)
- elif bibcache.list_ == "bullet":
- nodes = docutils.nodes.bullet_list()
- else: # "citation"
- nodes = docutils.nodes.paragraph()
- # remind: style.format_entries modifies entries in unpickable way
- for entry in style.format_entries(entries):
- if bibcache.list_ in ["enumerated", "bullet"]:
- citation = docutils.nodes.list_item()
- citation += backend.paragraph(entry)
- else: # "citation"
- citation = backend.citation(entry, self.document)
- # backend.citation(...) uses entry.key as citation label
- # we change it to entry.label later onwards
- # but we must note the entry.label now;
- # at this point, we also already prefix the label
- key = citation[0].astext()
- bibcache.labels[key] = bibcache.labelprefix + entry.label
- node_text_transform(citation, transform_url_command)
- if bibcache.curly_bracket_strip:
- node_text_transform(
- citation,
- transform_curly_bracket_strip)
- nodes += citation
- if bibcache.list_ == "enumerated":
- env.bibtex_cache.inc_enum_count(env.docname)
- bibnode.replace_self(nodes)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
index 3ee4435..7947829 100644
--- a/common/
+++ b/common/
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ def cmd_configure(ctx):
check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.graphviz')
check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx')
check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.mathjax')
+ check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex')
# Optional builds.