SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause brief: | Gets the time elapsed since the ${/glossary/unix-epoch:/term} measured using ${/glossary/clock-realtime:/term} in coarse resolution in binary time format. copyrights: - Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) definition: default: attributes: null body: null params: - ${bintime:/name} *${.:/params[0]/name} return: void variants: [] description: null enabled-by: true index-entries: [] interface-type: function links: - role: interface-placement uid: header - role: interface-ingroup uid: group - role: constraint uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-any - role: constraint uid: /constraint/directive-no-preempt - role: constraint uid: /constraint/clock-driver name: rtems_clock_get_realtime_coarse_bintime notes: | The directive does not access a device to get the time. It uses a recent snapshot provided by the ${/glossary/clock-driver:/term}. Alternatively, the ${get-realtime-bintime:/name} directive may be used to get the time in a higher resolution and with a higher runtime overhead. See ${get-realtime-coarse:/name} and ${get-realtime-coarse-timeval:/name} to get the time in alternative formats. params: - description: | is the pointer to a ${/c/if/bintime:/name} object. The time elapsed since the ${/glossary/unix-epoch:/term} measured using the ${/glossary/clock-realtime:/term} at some time point close to the directive call will be stored in this object. Calling the directive with a pointer equal to ${/c/if/null:/name} is undefined behaviour. dir: out name: time_snapshot return: null type: interface