# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ This module provides functions for the generation of validation tests. """ # Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import itertools import math import os import re from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple from rtemsspec.content import CContent, CInclude, enabled_by_to_exp, \ ExpressionMapper, to_camel_case from rtemsspec.items import Item, ItemCache, ItemGetValueContext, ItemMapper ItemMap = Dict[str, Item] _STEPS = re.compile(r"^steps/([0-9]+)$") def _get_test_run(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: return f"{to_camel_case(ctx.item.uid[1:]).replace(' ', '')}_Run" class _Mapper(ItemMapper): def __init__(self, item: Item): super().__init__(item) self._step = 0 self.add_get_value("requirement/functional/action:/test-run", _get_test_run) self.add_get_value("test-case:/test-run", _get_test_run) @property def steps(self): """ The count of test steps. """ return self._step def reset(self): """ Resets the test step counter. """ self._step = 0 def map(self, identifier: str) -> Tuple[Item, str, Any]: if identifier == "step": step = self._step self._step = step + 1 return self._item, "step", str(step) match = _STEPS.search(identifier) if match: inc = int(match.group(1)) self._step += inc return self._item, "step", f"Accounts for {inc} test plan steps" return super().map(identifier) def _add_ingroup(content: CContent, items: List["_TestItem"]) -> None: content.add_ingroup([item.group_identifier for item in items]) class _TestItem: """ A test item with a default implementation for test cases. """ def __init__(self, item: Item): self._item = item self._ident = to_camel_case(item.uid[1:]) self._mapper = _Mapper(item) def __getitem__(self, key: str): return self._item[key] @property def item(self) -> Item: """ Returns the item. """ return self._item @property def uid(self) -> str: """ Returns the item UID. """ return self._item.uid @property def ident(self) -> str: """ Returns the test identifier. """ return self._ident @property def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name. """ return self._item.spec @property def includes(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of includes. """ return self._item["test-includes"] @property def local_includes(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of local includes. """ return self._item["test-local-includes"] @property def brief(self) -> str: """ Returns the substituted brief description. """ return self.substitute_text(self["test-brief"]) @property def description(self) -> str: """ Returns the substituted description. """ return self.substitute_text(self["test-description"]) @property def group_identifier(self) -> str: """ Returns the group identifier. """ return f"RTEMSTestCase{self.ident}" def substitute_code(self, text: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution for code. """ return self._mapper.substitute(text) def substitute_text(self, text: Optional[str], prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution for text with an optional prefix. """ if prefix: return self._mapper.substitute_with_prefix(text, prefix) return self._mapper.substitute(text) def add_test_case_description( self, content: CContent, test_case_to_suites: Dict[str, List["_TestItem"]]) -> None: """ Adds the test case description. """ with content.defgroup_block(self.group_identifier, self.name): _add_ingroup(content, test_case_to_suites[self.uid]) content.add_brief_description(self.brief) content.wrap(self.description) self.add_test_case_action_description(content) content.add("@{") def add_test_case_action_description(self, content: CContent) -> None: """ Adds the test case action description. """ actions = self["test-actions"] if actions: content.add("This test case performs the following actions:") for action in actions: content.wrap(self.substitute_text(action["description"]), initial_indent="- ") for check in action["checks"]: content.wrap(self.substitute_text(check["description"]), initial_indent=" - ", subsequent_indent=" ") def _generate_test_case_actions(self) -> CContent: content = CContent() for action in self["test-actions"]: content.add(self.substitute_code(action["action"])) for check in action["checks"]: content.append(self.substitute_text(check["check"])) return content def _get_run_params(self, header: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[str]: if not header: return [] return [ self.substitute_text(param["specifier"], f"test-header/run-params[{index}]") for index, param in enumerate(header["run-params"]) ] def add_header_body(self, content: CContent, header: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Adds the test header body. """ content.add(self.substitute_code(header["code"])) with content.doxygen_block(): content.add_brief_description("Runs the parameterized test case.") content.add_param_description(header["run-params"]) content.gap = False content.declare_function("void", f"{self.ident}_Run", self._get_run_params(header)) def generate_header(self, base_directory: str, header: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Generates the test header. """ content = CContent() content.register_license_and_copyrights_of_item(self._item) content.prepend_spdx_license_identifier() with content.file_block(): content.add_ingroup([self.group_identifier]) content.add_copyrights_and_licenses() content.add_automatically_generated_warning() with content.header_guard(os.path.basename(header["target"])): content.add_includes(list(map(CInclude, header["includes"]))) content.add_includes(list(map(CInclude, header["local-includes"])), local=True) with content.extern_c(): with content.add_to_group(self.group_identifier): self.add_header_body(content, header) content.write(os.path.join(base_directory, header["target"])) def generate(self, content: CContent, base_directory: str, test_case_to_suites: Dict[str, List["_TestItem"]]) -> None: """ Generates the content. """ self.add_test_case_description(content, test_case_to_suites) self._mapper.reset() actions = self._generate_test_case_actions() fixture = self["test-fixture"] header = self["test-header"] if header: self.generate_header(base_directory, header) if self._mapper.steps > 0 and not fixture: fixture = "T_empty_fixture" content.add(self.substitute_code(self["test-support"])) if header: params = self._get_run_params(header) if fixture: ret = "static void" name = f"{self.ident}_Wrap" else: ret = "void" name = f"{self.ident}_Run" align = True else: ret = "" params = [f"{self.ident}"] if fixture: params.append(f"&{fixture}") name = "T_TEST_CASE_FIXTURE" else: name = "T_TEST_CASE" align = False with content.function_block( f"void T_case_body_{self.ident}( void )"): pass content.gap = False with content.function(ret, name, params, align=align): content.add(self.substitute_code(self["test-prologue"])) if self._mapper.steps > 0: content.add(f"T_plan({self._mapper.steps});") content.add(actions) content.add(self.substitute_code(self["test-epilogue"])) if header and fixture: run = f"{self.ident}_Run" content.add(f"static T_fixture_node {self.ident}_Node;") with content.function("void", run, params, align=align): content.call_function(None, "T_push_fixture", [f"&{self.ident}_Node", f"&{fixture}"]) content.gap = False content.call_function( None, name, [param["name"] for param in header["run-params"]]) content.append("T_pop_fixture();") content.add("/** @} */") class _TestSuiteItem(_TestItem): """ A test suite item. """ @property def group_identifier(self) -> str: return f"RTEMSTestSuite{self.ident}" def generate(self, content: CContent, _base_directory: str, _test_case_to_suites: Dict[str, List[_TestItem]]) -> None: with content.defgroup_block(self.group_identifier, self.name): content.add("@ingroup RTEMSTestSuites") content.add_brief_description(self.brief) content.wrap(self.description) content.add("@{") content.add(self.substitute_code(self["test-code"])) content.add("/** @} */") class _Transition(NamedTuple): """ A transition to a set of post conditions with an enabled by expression. """ enabled_by: str post_conditions: Tuple[int, ...] info: str _DirectiveIndexToEnum = Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...] _TransitionMap = List[List[_Transition]] def _directive_state_to_index( conditions: List[Any]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], ...]: return tuple( dict((state["name"], index) for index, state in enumerate(condition["states"])) for condition in conditions) def _directive_index_to_enum(prefix: str, conditions: List[Any]) -> _DirectiveIndexToEnum: return tuple( tuple([f"{prefix}_{condition['name']}"] + [ f"{prefix}_{condition['name']}_{state['name']}" for state in condition["states"] ] + [f"{prefix}_{condition['name']}_NA"]) for index, condition in enumerate(conditions)) def _directive_add_enum(content: CContent, index_to_enum: _DirectiveIndexToEnum) -> None: for enum in index_to_enum: content.add("typedef enum {") with content.indent(): content.add(",\n".join(enum[1:])) content.add(f"}} {enum[0]};") class _TestDirectiveItem(_TestItem): """ A test directive item. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, item: Item): super().__init__(item) self._pre_condition_count = len(item["pre-conditions"]) self._post_condition_count = len(item["post-conditions"]) self._pre_index_to_enum = _directive_index_to_enum( f"{self.ident}_Pre", item["pre-conditions"]) self._post_index_to_enum = _directive_index_to_enum( f"{self.ident}_Post", item["post-conditions"]) self._pre_state_to_index = _directive_state_to_index( item["pre-conditions"]) self._post_state_to_index = _directive_state_to_index( item["post-conditions"]) self._pre_index_to_condition = dict( (index, condition) for index, condition in enumerate(item["pre-conditions"])) self._post_index_to_name = dict( (index, condition["name"]) for index, condition in enumerate(item["post-conditions"])) @property def context(self) -> str: """ Returns the test case context type. """ return f"{self._ident}_Context" def _add_pre_condition_descriptions(self, content: CContent) -> None: for condition in self["pre-conditions"]: content.add("static const char * const " f"{self.ident}_PreDesc_{condition['name']}[] = {{") with content.indent(): content.add(",\n".join( itertools.chain((f"\"{state['name']}\"" for state in condition["states"]), ["\"NA\""]))) content.add("};") content.add("static const char * const * const " f"{self.ident}_PreDesc[] = {{") with content.indent(): content.add(",\n".join([ f"{self.ident}_PreDesc_{condition['name']}" for condition in self["pre-conditions"] ] + ["NULL"])) content.add("};") def _add_context(self, content: CContent, header: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: content.add(self.substitute_code(self["test-context-support"])) with content.doxygen_block(): content.add_brief_description( f"Test context for {self.name} test case.") content.append("typedef struct {") with content.indent(): for info in self["test-context"]: content.add_description_block(info["brief"], info["description"]) content.add(f"{info['member'].strip()};") for param in self._get_run_params(header): content.add_description_block( "This member contains a copy of the corresponding " f"{self.ident}_Run() parameter.", None) content.add(f"{param.strip()};") content.add_description_block( "This member defines the pre-condition states " "for the next action.", None) content.add(f"size_t pcs[ {self._pre_condition_count} ];") content.add_description_block( "This member indicates if the test action loop " "is currently executed.", None) content.add("bool in_action_loop;") content.add([ f"}} {self.context};", "", f"static {self.context}", f" {self.ident}_Instance;" ]) def _add_fixture_scope(self, content: CContent) -> None: params = ["void *arg", "char *buf", "size_t n"] with content.function("static size_t", f"{self.ident}_Scope", params): content.add([f"{self.context} *ctx;", "", "ctx = arg;"]) with content.condition("ctx->in_action_loop"): content.call_function( "return", "T_get_scope", [f"{self.ident}_PreDesc", "buf", "n", "ctx->pcs"]) content.add("return 0;") def _add_fixture_method(self, content: CContent, info: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]], name: str) -> str: if not info: return "NULL" method = f"{self.ident}_{name}" wrap = f"{method}_Wrap" content.add_description_block(info["brief"], info["description"]) with content.function("static void", method, [f"{self.context} *ctx"]): content.add(self.substitute_code(info["code"])) with content.function("static void", wrap, ["void *arg"]): content.add([ f"{self.context} *ctx;", "", "ctx = arg;", "ctx->in_action_loop = false;", f"{method}( ctx );" ]) return wrap def _add_transitions(self, condition_index: int, map_index: int, transition: Dict[str, Any], transition_map: _TransitionMap, pre_cond_not_applicables: List[str], post_cond: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments if condition_index < self._pre_condition_count: condition = self._pre_index_to_condition[condition_index] state_count = len(condition["states"]) map_index *= state_count states = transition["pre-conditions"][condition["name"]] if isinstance(states, str): assert states in ["all", "N/A"] for index in range(state_count): self._add_transitions( condition_index + 1, map_index + index, transition, transition_map, pre_cond_not_applicables + [str(int(states == "N/A"))], post_cond) else: for state in states: self._add_transitions( condition_index + 1, map_index + self._pre_state_to_index[condition_index][state], transition, transition_map, pre_cond_not_applicables + ["0"], post_cond) else: enabled_by = enabled_by_to_exp(transition["enabled-by"], ExpressionMapper()) assert enabled_by != "1" or not transition_map[map_index] transition_map[map_index].append( _Transition(enabled_by, post_cond, " " + ", ".join(pre_cond_not_applicables))) def _get_transition_map(self) -> _TransitionMap: transition_count = 1 for condition in self["pre-conditions"]: state_count = len(condition["states"]) assert state_count > 0 transition_count *= state_count transition_map = [list() for _ in range(transition_count) ] # type: _TransitionMap for transition in self["transition-map"]: if isinstance(transition["post-conditions"], dict): info = ["0"] post_cond = tuple( self._post_state_to_index[index][ transition["post-conditions"][ self._post_index_to_name[index]]] for index in range(self._post_condition_count)) else: info = ["1"] post_cond = tuple( len(self._post_state_to_index[index]) for index in range(self._post_condition_count)) self._add_transitions(0, 0, transition, transition_map, info, post_cond) return transition_map def _post_condition_enumerators(self, conditions: Any) -> str: return ",\n".join( f" {self._post_index_to_enum[index][condition + 1]}" for index, condition in enumerate(conditions)) def _add_transition_map(self, content: CContent) -> None: transition_map = self._get_transition_map() content.add([ "static const uint8_t " f"{self.ident}_TransitionMap[][ {self._post_condition_count} ]" " = {", " {" ]) map_elements = [] info_elements = [] for transistions in transition_map: assert transistions[0].enabled_by == "1" if len(transistions) == 1: map_elements.append( self._post_condition_enumerators( transistions[0].post_conditions)) info_elements.append(transistions[0].info) else: ifelse = "#if " map_enumerators = [] # type: List[str] info_enumerators = [] # type: List[str] for variant in transistions[1:]: map_enumerators.append(ifelse + variant.enabled_by) info_enumerators.append(ifelse + variant.enabled_by) map_enumerators.append( self._post_condition_enumerators( variant.post_conditions)) info_enumerators.append(variant.info) ifelse = "#elif " map_enumerators.append("#else") info_enumerators.append("#else") map_enumerators.append( self._post_condition_enumerators( transistions[0].post_conditions)) info_enumerators.append(transistions[0].info) map_enumerators.append("#endif") info_enumerators.append("#endif") map_elements.append("\n".join(map_enumerators)) info_elements.append("\n".join(info_enumerators)) content.append(["\n }, {\n".join(map_elements), " }", "};"]) pre_bits = 2**max(math.ceil(math.log2(self._pre_condition_count + 1)), 3) content.add("static const struct {") with content.indent(): content.append(f"uint{pre_bits}_t Skip : 1;") for condition in self["pre-conditions"]: content.append( f"uint{pre_bits}_t Pre_{condition['name']}_NA : 1;") content.add([f"}} {self.ident}_TransitionInfo[] = {{", " {"]) content.append(["\n }, {\n".join(info_elements), " }", "};"]) def _add_function(self, content: CContent, key: str, name: str) -> None: if self[key] is not None: with content.function("static void", f"{self.ident}_{name}", [f"{self.context} *ctx"]): content.append(self.substitute_code(self[key])) def _add_call(self, content: CContent, key: str, name: str) -> None: if self[key] is not None: content.gap = False content.call_function(None, f"{self.ident}_{name}", ["ctx"]) def _add_loop_body(self, content: CContent) -> None: with content.condition(f"{self.ident}_TransitionInfo[ index ].Skip"): content.append(["++index;", "continue;"]) content.add_blank_line() self._add_call(content, "test-prepare", "Prepare") for index, enum in enumerate(self._pre_index_to_enum): content.gap = False content.call_function(None, f"{enum[0]}_Prepare", ["ctx", f"ctx->pcs[ {index} ]"]) self._add_call(content, "test-action", "Action") transition_map = f"{self.ident}_TransitionMap" for index, enum in enumerate(self._post_index_to_enum): content.gap = False content.call_function( None, f"{enum[0]}_Check", ["ctx", f"{transition_map}[ index ][ {index} ]"]) self._add_call(content, "test-cleanup", "Cleanup") content.append("++index;") def _add_for_loops(self, content: CContent, index: int) -> None: if index < self._pre_condition_count: var = f"ctx->pcs[ {index} ]" begin = self._pre_index_to_enum[index][1] end = self._pre_index_to_enum[index][-1] with content.for_loop(f"{var} = {begin}", f"{var} < {end}", f"++{var}"): name = self._item['pre-conditions'][index]["name"] pre_na = f"{self.ident}_TransitionInfo[ index ].Pre_{name}_NA" with content.condition(pre_na): content.append(f"{var} = {end};") content.append(f"index += ( {end} - 1 )") for index_2 in range(index + 1, self._pre_condition_count): with content.indent(): content.append( f"* {self._pre_index_to_enum[index_2][-1]}") content.lines[-1] += ";" self._add_for_loops(content, index + 1) else: self._add_loop_body(content) def _add_test_case(self, content: CContent, header: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: fixture = f"{self.ident}_Fixture" prologue = CContent() epilogue = CContent() if header: content.add(f"static T_fixture_node {self.ident}_Node;") ret = "void" name = f"{self.ident}_Run" params = self._get_run_params(header) prologue.add([f"{self.context} *ctx;", "size_t index;"]) prologue.call_function("ctx =", "T_push_fixture", [f"&{self.ident}_Node", f"&{fixture}"]) prologue.add([ f"ctx->{param['name']} = {param['name']};" for param in header["run-params"] ] + ["ctx->in_action_loop = true;", "index = 0;"]) epilogue.add("T_pop_fixture();") align = True else: with content.function_block( f"void T_case_body_{self.ident}( void )"): pass content.gap = False ret = "" name = "T_TEST_CASE_FIXTURE" params = [f"{self.ident}", f"&{fixture}"] prologue.add([ f"{self.context} *ctx;", "size_t index;", "", "ctx = T_fixture_context();", "ctx->in_action_loop = true;", "index = 0;" ]) align = False with content.function(ret, name, params, align=align): content.add(prologue) self._add_for_loops(content, 0) content.add(epilogue) def _add_handler(self, content: CContent, conditions: List[Any], index_to_enum: _DirectiveIndexToEnum, action: str) -> None: for condition_index, condition in enumerate(conditions): enum = index_to_enum[condition_index] handler = f"{enum[0]}_{action}" params = [f"{self.context} *ctx", f"{enum[0]} state"] with content.function("static void", handler, params): content.add(self.substitute_code(condition["test-prologue"])) content.add("switch ( state ) {") with content.indent(): for state_index, state in enumerate(condition["states"]): content.add(f"case {enum[state_index + 1]}: {{") with content.indent(): content.add( self.substitute_code(state["test-code"])) content.append("break;") content.add("}") content.add(f"case {enum[-1]}:") with content.indent(): content.append("break;") content.add("}") content.add(self.substitute_code(condition["test-epilogue"])) def add_test_case_action_description(self, _content: CContent) -> None: pass def add_header_body(self, content: CContent, header: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: _directive_add_enum(content, self._pre_index_to_enum) _directive_add_enum(content, self._post_index_to_enum) super().add_header_body(content, header) def generate(self, content: CContent, base_directory: str, test_case_to_suites: Dict[str, List[_TestItem]]) -> None: self.add_test_case_description(content, test_case_to_suites) header = self["test-header"] if header: self.generate_header(base_directory, header) else: _directive_add_enum(content, self._pre_index_to_enum) _directive_add_enum(content, self._post_index_to_enum) self._add_context(content, header) self._add_pre_condition_descriptions(content) content.add(self.substitute_code(self["test-support"])) self._add_handler(content, self["pre-conditions"], self._pre_index_to_enum, "Prepare") self._add_handler(content, self["post-conditions"], self._post_index_to_enum, "Check") setup = self._add_fixture_method(content, self["test-setup"], "Setup") stop = self._add_fixture_method(content, self["test-stop"], "Stop") teardown = self._add_fixture_method(content, self["test-teardown"], "Teardown") self._add_fixture_scope(content) content.add([ f"static T_fixture {self.ident}_Fixture = {{", f" .setup = {setup},", f" .stop = {stop},", f" .teardown = {teardown},", f" .scope = {self.ident}_Scope,", f" .initial_context = &{self.ident}_Instance", "};" ]) self._add_transition_map(content) self._add_function(content, "test-prepare", "Prepare") self._add_function(content, "test-action", "Action") self._add_function(content, "test-cleanup", "Cleanup") self._add_test_case(content, header) content.add("/** @} */") class _SourceFile: """ A test source file. """ def __init__(self, filename: str): """ Initializes a test source file. """ self._file = filename self._test_suites = [] # type: List[_TestItem] self._test_cases = [] # type: List[_TestItem] @property def test_suites(self) -> List[_TestItem]: """ The test suites of the source file. """ return self._test_suites @property def test_cases(self) -> List[_TestItem]: """ The test cases of the source file. """ return self._test_cases def add_test_suite(self, test_suite: Item) -> None: """ Adds a test suite to the source file. """ self._test_suites.append(_TestSuiteItem(test_suite)) def add_test_case(self, test_case: Item) -> None: """ Adds a test case to the source file. """ self._test_cases.append(_TestItem(test_case)) def add_test_directive(self, test_directive: Item) -> None: """ Adds a test directive to the source file. """ self._test_cases.append(_TestDirectiveItem(test_directive)) def generate(self, base_directory: str, test_case_to_suites: Dict[str, List[_TestItem]]) -> None: """ Generates the source file and the corresponding build specification. """ content = CContent() includes = [] # type: List[CInclude] local_includes = [] # type: List[CInclude] for item in itertools.chain(self._test_suites, self._test_cases): includes.extend(map(CInclude, item.includes)) local_includes.extend(map(CInclude, item.local_includes)) content.register_license_and_copyrights_of_item(item.item) content.prepend_spdx_license_identifier() with content.file_block(): _add_ingroup(content, self._test_suites) _add_ingroup(content, self._test_cases) content.add_copyrights_and_licenses() content.add_automatically_generated_warning() content.add_have_config() content.add_includes(includes) content.add_includes(local_includes, local=True) content.add_includes([CInclude("rtems/test.h")]) for item in sorted(self._test_cases, key=lambda x: x.name): item.generate(content, base_directory, test_case_to_suites) for item in sorted(self._test_suites, key=lambda x: x.name): item.generate(content, base_directory, test_case_to_suites) content.write(os.path.join(base_directory, self._file)) class _TestProgram: """ A test program. """ def __init__(self, item: Item): """ Initializes a test program. """ self._item = item self._source_files = [] # type: List[_SourceFile] @property def source_files(self) -> List[_SourceFile]: """ The source files of the test program. """ return self._source_files def add_source_files(self, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile]) -> None: """ Adds the source files of the test program which are present in the source file map. """ for filename in self._item["source"]: source_file = source_files.get(filename, None) if source_file is not None: self._source_files.append(source_file) def _get_source_file(filename: str, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile]) -> _SourceFile: return source_files.setdefault(filename, _SourceFile(filename)) def _gather_action(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile], _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None: src = _get_source_file(item["test-target"], source_files) src.add_test_directive(item) def _gather_test_case(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile], _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None: src = _get_source_file(item["test-target"], source_files) src.add_test_case(item) def _gather_test_program(item: Item, _source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile], test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None: test_programs.append(_TestProgram(item)) def _gather_test_suite(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile], _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None: src = _get_source_file(item["test-target"], source_files) src.add_test_suite(item) def _gather_default(_item: Item, _source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile], _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None: pass _GATHER = { "requirement/functional/action": _gather_action, "test-case": _gather_test_case, "build/test-program": _gather_test_program, "test-suite": _gather_test_suite, } def generate(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None: """ Generates source files and build specification items for validation test suites and test cases according to the configuration. :param config: A dictionary with configuration entries. :param item_cache: The specification item cache containing the validation test suites and test cases. """ source_files = {} # type: Dict[str, _SourceFile] test_programs = [] # type: List[_TestProgram] for item in item_cache.all.values(): _GATHER.get(item.type, _gather_default)(item, source_files, test_programs) test_case_to_suites = {} # type: Dict[str, List[_TestItem]] for test_program in test_programs: test_program.add_source_files(source_files) test_suites = [] # type: List[_TestItem] for source_file in test_program.source_files: test_suites.extend(source_file.test_suites) for source_file in test_program.source_files: for test_case in source_file.test_cases: test_case_to_suites.setdefault(test_case.uid, []).extend(test_suites) for src in source_files.values(): src.generate(config["base-directory"], test_case_to_suites)