# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ This module provides functions for the generation of interfaces. """ # Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from contextlib import contextmanager import os from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Union, Set from rtemsspec.content import CContent, CInclude, enabled_by_to_exp, \ ExpressionMapper, get_value_double_colon, get_value_doxygen_function, \ get_value_hash from rtemsspec.items import Item, ItemCache, ItemGetValueContext, \ ItemGetValueMap, ItemMapper ItemMap = Dict[str, Item] Lines = Union[str, List[str]] GetLines = Callable[["Node", Item, Any], Lines] def _get_ingroups(item: Item) -> ItemMap: ingroups = {} # type: ItemMap for group in item.parents("interface-ingroup"): ingroups[group.uid] = group return ingroups def _get_group_identifiers(groups: ItemMap) -> List[str]: return [item["identifier"] for item in groups.values()] def _forward_declaration(item: Item) -> str: target = item.parent("interface-target") return f"{target['interface-type']} {target['name']}" def _get_value_forward_declaration(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: return _forward_declaration(ctx.item) def _get_value_params(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: return f"``{ctx.value[ctx.key]}``" class _InterfaceMapper(ItemMapper): def __init__(self, node: "Node"): super().__init__(node.item) self._node = node self._code_or_doc = "doc" self.add_get_value("interface/forward-declaration/code:/name", _get_value_forward_declaration) self.add_get_value("interface/forward-declaration/doc:/name", _get_value_forward_declaration) self.add_get_value("interface/function/doc:/name", get_value_doxygen_function) self.add_get_value("interface/function/doc:/params/name", _get_value_params) self.add_get_value("interface/enumerator/doc:/name", get_value_double_colon) self.add_get_value("interface/typedef/doc:/name", get_value_double_colon) self.add_get_value("interface/define/doc:/name", get_value_hash) self.add_get_value("interface/enum/doc:/name", get_value_hash) self.add_get_value("interface/macro/doc:/name", get_value_doxygen_function) self.add_get_value("interface/macro/doc:/params/name", _get_value_params) self.add_get_value("interface/variable/doc:/name", get_value_hash) for opt in ["feature-enable", "feature", "initializer", "integer"]: name = f"interface/appl-config-option/{opt}/doc:/name" self.add_get_value(name, get_value_hash) self.add_get_value("interface/unspecified-function/doc:/name", get_value_doxygen_function) @contextmanager def code(self) -> Iterator[None]: """ Enables code mapping. """ code_or_doc = self._code_or_doc self._code_or_doc = "code" yield self._code_or_doc = code_or_doc def get_value_map(self, item: Item) -> ItemGetValueMap: if self._code_or_doc == "code" and item["type"] == "interface": node = self._node header_file = node.header_file if item["interface-type"] == "enumerator": for child in item.children("interface-enumerator"): header_file.add_includes(child) else: header_file.add_includes(item) header_file.add_dependency(node, item) return self._get_value_map.get(f"{item.type}/{self._code_or_doc}", {}) def enabled_by_to_defined(self, enabled_by: str) -> str: """ Maps an item-level enabled-by attribute value to the corresponding defined expression. """ return self._node.header_file.enabled_by_defined[enabled_by] class _InterfaceExpressionMapper(ExpressionMapper): def __init__(self, mapper: _InterfaceMapper): super().__init__() self._mapper = mapper def map_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> str: with self._mapper.code(): return self._mapper.substitute(symbol) class _ItemLevelExpressionMapper(ExpressionMapper): def __init__(self, mapper: _InterfaceMapper): super().__init__() self._mapper = mapper def map_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> str: with self._mapper.code(): return self._mapper.substitute( self._mapper.enabled_by_to_defined(symbol)) class _HeaderExpressionMapper(ExpressionMapper): def __init__(self, item: Item, enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]): super().__init__() self._mapper = ItemMapper(item) self._enabled_by_defined = enabled_by_defined def map_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> str: return self._mapper.substitute(self._enabled_by_defined[symbol]) def _add_definition(node: "Node", item: Item, prefix: str, value: Dict[str, Any], get_lines: GetLines) -> CContent: content = CContent() default = value["default"] variants = value["variants"] if variants: ifelse = "#if " with node.mapper.prefix(os.path.join(prefix, "variants")): for variant in variants: enabled_by = enabled_by_to_exp( variant["enabled-by"], _InterfaceExpressionMapper(node.mapper)) content.append(f"{ifelse}{enabled_by}") with content.indent(): content.append(get_lines(node, item, variant["definition"])) ifelse = "#elif " if default is not None: content.append("#else") with node.mapper.prefix(os.path.join(prefix, "default")): with content.indent(): content.append(get_lines(node, item, default)) content.append("#endif") else: with node.mapper.prefix(os.path.join(prefix, "default")): content.append(get_lines(node, item, default)) return content class Node: """ Nodes of a header file. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, header_file: "_HeaderFile", item: Item): self.header_file = header_file self.item = item self.ingroups = _get_ingroups(item) self.dependents = set() # type: Set["Node"] self.depends_on = set() # type: Set["Node"] self.content = CContent() self.mapper = _InterfaceMapper(self) try: group = item.child("placement-order") except IndexError: self.index = None else: self.index = (group.uid, list(group.parents("placement-order")).index(item)) def __lt__(self, other: "Node") -> bool: return self.item.uid < other.item.uid @contextmanager def _enum_struct_or_union(self) -> Iterator[None]: self.content.add(self._get_description(self.item, self.ingroups)) name = self.item["name"] typename = self.item["interface-type"] kind = self.item["definition-kind"] if kind == f"{typename}-only": self.content.append(f"{typename} {name} {{") elif kind == "typedef-only": self.content.append(f"typedef {typename} {{") else: self.content.append(f"typedef {typename} {name} {{") self.content.push_indent() yield self.content.pop_indent() if kind == f"{typename}-only": self.content.append("};") else: self.content.append(f"}} {name};") def _generate(self) -> None: self.content.add(f"/* Generated from spec:{self.item.uid} */") _NODE_GENERATORS[self.item["interface-type"]](self) def generate(self) -> None: """ Generates a node to generate the node content. """ enabled_by = self.item["enabled-by"] if not isinstance(enabled_by, bool) or not enabled_by: mapper = _ItemLevelExpressionMapper(self.mapper) self.content.add(f"#if {enabled_by_to_exp(enabled_by, mapper)}") with self.content.indent(): self._generate() self.content.add("#endif") else: self._generate() def generate_compound(self) -> None: """ Generates a compound (struct or union). """ with self._enum_struct_or_union(): for index, definition in enumerate(self.item["definition"]): self.content.add( _add_definition(self, self.item, f"definition[{index}]", definition, Node._get_compound_definition)) def generate_enum(self) -> None: """ Generates an enum. """ with self._enum_struct_or_union(): enumerators = [] # type: List[CContent] for parent in self.item.parents("interface-enumerator"): enumerator = self._get_description(parent, {}) enumerator.append( _add_definition(self, parent, "definition", parent["definition"], Node._get_enumerator_definition)) enumerators.append(enumerator) for enumerator in enumerators[0:-1]: enumerator.lines[-1] += "," enumerator.append("") self.content.append(enumerator) try: self.content.append(enumerators[-1]) except IndexError: pass def generate_define(self) -> None: """ Generates a define. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_define_definition) def generate_forward_declaration(self) -> None: """ Generates a forward declaration. """ self.content.append([ "", "/* Forward declaration */", _forward_declaration(self.item) + ";" ]) def generate_function(self) -> None: """ Generates a function. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_function_definition) def generate_group(self) -> None: """ Generates a group. """ for ingroup in self.ingroups.values(): self.header_file.add_dependency(self, ingroup) self.content.add_group(self.item["identifier"], self.item["name"], _get_group_identifiers(self.ingroups), self.substitute_text(self.item["brief"]), self.substitute_text(self.item["description"])) def generate_macro(self) -> None: """ Generates a macro. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_macro_definition) def generate_typedef(self) -> None: """ Generates a typedef. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_typedef_definition) def generate_variable(self) -> None: """ Generates a variable. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_variable_definition) def substitute_code(self, text: str) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution on code using the item mapper of the node. """ if text: with self.mapper.code(): return self.mapper.substitute(text.strip("\n")) return text def substitute_text(self, text: str) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution on a description using the item mapper of the node. """ if text: return self.mapper.substitute(text.strip("\n")) return text def _get_compound_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: content = CContent() content.add_description_block( self.substitute_text(definition["brief"]), self.substitute_text(definition["description"])) kind = definition["kind"] if kind == "member": member = self.substitute_code(definition["definition"]) + ";" content.append(member.split("\n")) else: content.append(f"{kind} {{") content.gap = False with content.indent(): for index, compound_member in enumerate( definition["definition"]): content.add( _add_definition(self, item, f"definition[{index}]", compound_member, Node._get_compound_definition)) name = definition["name"] content.append(f"}} {name};") return content.lines def _get_enumerator_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: name = item["name"] if definition: return f"{name} = {self.substitute_code(definition)}" return f"{name}" def _get_define_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: name = item["name"] value = self.substitute_code(definition) if value: return f"#define {name} {value}".split("\n") return f"#define {name}" def _get_function_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: content = CContent() name = item["name"] attrs = self.substitute_code(definition["attributes"]) attrs = f"{attrs} " if attrs else "" ret = self.substitute_code(definition["return"]) params = [ self.substitute_code(param) for param in definition["params"] ] body = definition["body"] if body: with content.function(f"{attrs}static inline {ret}", name, params): content.add(self.substitute_code(body)) else: content.declare_function(f"{attrs}{ret}", name, params) return content.lines def _get_macro_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: name = item["name"] params = [param["name"] for param in item["params"]] if params: param_line = " " + ", ".join(params) + " " else: param_line = "" line = f"#define {name}({param_line})" if len(line) > 79: param_block = ", \\\n ".join(params) line = f"#define {name}( \\\n {param_block} \\\n)" if not definition: return line body_lines = self.substitute_code(definition).split("\n") if len(body_lines) == 1 and len(line + body_lines[0]) <= 79: body = " " else: body = " \\\n " body += " \\\n ".join(body_lines) return line + body def _get_typedef_definition(self, _item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: return f"typedef {self.substitute_code(definition)};" def _get_variable_definition(self, _item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: return f"extern {self.substitute_code(definition)};" def _get_description(self, item: Item, ingroups: ItemMap) -> CContent: content = CContent() with content.doxygen_block(): content.add_ingroup(_get_group_identifiers(ingroups)) content.add_brief_description(self.substitute_text(item["brief"])) content.wrap(self.substitute_text(item["description"])) content.wrap(self.substitute_text(item["notes"])) if "params" in item: content.add_param_description(item["params"], self.substitute_text) if "return" in item: ret = item["return"] for retval in ret["return-values"]: content.wrap(self.substitute_text(retval["description"]), initial_indent=self.substitute_text( f"@retval {retval['value']} ")) content.wrap(self.substitute_text(ret["return"]), initial_indent="@return ") return content def _add_generic_definition(self, get_lines: GetLines) -> None: self.content.add(self._get_description(self.item, self.ingroups)) self.content.append( _add_definition(self, self.item, "definition", self.item["definition"], get_lines)) _NODE_GENERATORS = { "enum": Node.generate_enum, "define": Node.generate_define, "forward-declaration": Node.generate_forward_declaration, "function": Node.generate_function, "group": Node.generate_group, "macro": Node.generate_macro, "struct": Node.generate_compound, "typedef": Node.generate_typedef, "union": Node.generate_compound, "variable": Node.generate_variable, } def _is_ready_to_bubble(before: Node, after: Node) -> bool: if after in before.dependents: return False # Move the groups towards the top of the header file group = "interface/group" if (before.item.type == group) ^ (after.item.type == group): return after.item.type == group # Move items with an explicit placement order towards the bottom of the # file if before.index and after.index: return after.index < before.index if after.index: return False return after < before def _bubble_sort(nodes: List[Node]) -> List[Node]: node_count = len(nodes) for i in range(node_count - 1): for j in range(node_count - 1 - i): if _is_ready_to_bubble(nodes[j], nodes[j + 1]): nodes[j], nodes[j + 1] = nodes[j + 1], nodes[j] return nodes class _HeaderFile: """ A header file. """ def __init__(self, item: Item, enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]): self._item = item self._content = CContent() self._content.register_license_and_copyrights_of_item(item) self._ingroups = _get_ingroups(item) self._includes = [] # type: List[Item] self._nodes = {} # type: Dict[str, Node] self.enabled_by_defined = enabled_by_defined def add_includes(self, item: Item) -> None: """ Adds the includes of the item to the header file includes. """ for parent in item.parents("interface-placement"): if parent.type == "interface/header-file": self._includes.append(parent) def _add_child(self, item: Item) -> None: self._nodes[item.uid] = Node(self, item) self._content.register_license_and_copyrights_of_item(item) def add_dependency(self, node: Node, item: Item) -> None: """ Adds a dependency from a node to another node identified by an item if the item corresponds to a node and it is not a self reference. """ if item.uid in self._nodes and item.uid != node.item.uid: other = self._nodes[item.uid] node.depends_on.add(other) other.dependents.add(node) def _resolve_ingroups(self, node: Node) -> None: for ingroup in node.ingroups.values(): self.add_dependency(node, ingroup) def generate_nodes(self) -> None: """ Generates all nodes of this header file. """ for child in self._item.children("interface-placement"): self._add_child(child) for node in self._nodes.values(): self._resolve_ingroups(node) node.generate() def _get_nodes_in_dependency_order(self) -> List[Node]: """ Gets the nodes of this header file ordered according to node dependencies and other criteria. The nodes form a partially ordered set (poset). The ordering is done in two steps. Firstly, a topological sort using Kahn's algorithm is carried out. Secondly, the nodes are sorted using a bubble sort which takes node dependencies into account. There are more efficient ways to do this, however, if you experience run time problems due to this method, then maybe you should reconsider your header file organization. """ nodes_in_dependency_order = [] # type: List[Node] # Get incoming edge degrees for all nodes in_degree = {} # type: Dict[str, int] for node in self._nodes.values(): in_degree[node.item.uid] = len(node.dependents) # Create a queue with all nodes with no incoming edges queue = [] # type: List[Node] for node in self._nodes.values(): if in_degree[node.item.uid] == 0: queue.append(node) # Topological sort while queue: node = queue.pop(0) nodes_in_dependency_order.insert(0, node) for other in node.depends_on: in_degree[other.item.uid] -= 1 if in_degree[other.item.uid] == 0: queue.append(other) return _bubble_sort(nodes_in_dependency_order) def finalize(self) -> None: """ Finalizes the header file. """ self._content.prepend_spdx_license_identifier() with self._content.file_block(): self._content.add_ingroup(_get_group_identifiers(self._ingroups)) self._content.add_brief_description(self._item["brief"]) self._content.add_copyrights_and_licenses() self._content.add_automatically_generated_warning() self._content.add(f"/* Generated from spec:{self._item.uid} */") with self._content.header_guard(self._item["path"]): exp_mapper = _HeaderExpressionMapper(self._item, self.enabled_by_defined) includes = [ CInclude(item["path"], enabled_by_to_exp(item["enabled-by"], exp_mapper)) for item in self._includes if item != self._item ] includes.extend([ CInclude(link.item["path"], enabled_by_to_exp(link["enabled-by"], exp_mapper)) for link in self._item.links_to_parents() if link.role == "interface-include" ]) self._content.add_includes(includes) with self._content.extern_c(): for node in self._get_nodes_in_dependency_order(): self._content.add(node.content) def write(self, domain_path: str) -> None: """ Writes the header file. """ self._content.write( os.path.join(domain_path, self._item["prefix"], self._item["path"])) def _generate_header_file(item: Item, domains: Dict[str, str], enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]) -> None: domain = item.parent("interface-placement") assert domain["interface-type"] == "domain" domain_path = domains.get(domain.uid, None) if domain_path is None: return header_file = _HeaderFile(item, enabled_by_defined) header_file.generate_nodes() header_file.finalize() header_file.write(domain_path) def _gather_enabled_by_defined(item_level_interfaces: List[str], item_cache: ItemCache) -> Dict[str, str]: enabled_by_defined = {} # type: Dict[str, str] for uid in item_level_interfaces: for child in item_cache[uid].children("interface-placement"): define = f"defined(${{{child.uid}:/name}})" enabled_by_defined[child["name"]] = define return enabled_by_defined def generate(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None: """ Generates header files according to the configuration. :param config: A dictionary with configuration entries. :param item_cache: The specification item cache containing the interfaces. """ domains = config["domains"] enabled_by_defined = _gather_enabled_by_defined( config["item-level-interfaces"], item_cache) for item in item_cache.all.values(): if item.type == "interface/header-file": _generate_header_file(item, domains, enabled_by_defined)