# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ This module provides functions for the generation of interfaces. """ # Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from contextlib import contextmanager import os from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Union from rtemsspec.content import CContent, CInclude, enabled_by_to_exp, \ ExpressionMapper, get_value_double_colon, get_value_doxygen_function, \ get_value_hash from rtemsspec.items import Item, ItemCache, ItemGetValueContext, ItemMapper ItemMap = Dict[str, Item] Lines = Union[str, List[str]] GetLines = Callable[["Node", Item, Any], Lines] def _get_ingroups(item: Item) -> ItemMap: ingroups = {} # type: ItemMap for link in item.links_to_parents(): if link.role == "interface-ingroup": ingroups[link.item.uid] = link.item return ingroups def _get_group_identifiers(groups: ItemMap) -> List[str]: return [item["identifier"] for item in groups.values()] def _forward_declaration(item: Item) -> str: target = next(item.parents("interface-target")) return f"{target['interface-type']} {target['name']}" def _get_value_forward_declaration(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: return _forward_declaration(ctx.item) class _InterfaceMapper(ItemMapper): def __init__(self, node: "Node"): super().__init__(node.item) self._node = node self._code_or_doc = "doc" self.add_get_value("interface/forward-declaration:code:/name", _get_value_forward_declaration) self.add_get_value("interface/forward-declaration:doc:/name", _get_value_forward_declaration) self.add_get_value("interface/function:doc:/name", get_value_doxygen_function) self.add_get_value("interface/enumerator:doc:/name", get_value_double_colon) self.add_get_value("interface/typedef:doc:/name", get_value_double_colon) self.add_get_value("interface/define:doc:/name", get_value_hash) self.add_get_value("interface/enum:doc:/name", get_value_hash) self.add_get_value("interface/macro:doc:/name", get_value_hash) self.add_get_value("interface/variable:doc:/name", get_value_hash) @contextmanager def code(self) -> Iterator[None]: """ Enables code mapping. """ code_or_doc = self._code_or_doc self._code_or_doc = "code" yield self._code_or_doc = code_or_doc def get_value(self, ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: if self._code_or_doc == "code" and ctx.item["type"] == "interface": node = self._node header_file = node.header_file if ctx.item["interface-type"] == "enumerator": for link in ctx.item.links_to_children(): if link.role == "interface-enumerator": header_file.add_includes(link.item) else: header_file.add_includes(ctx.item) header_file.add_potential_edge(node, ctx.item) return super().get_value( ItemGetValueContext(ctx.item, f"{self._code_or_doc}:{ctx.path}", ctx.value, ctx.key, ctx.index)) def enabled_by_to_defined(self, enabled_by: str) -> str: """ Maps an item-level enabled-by attribute value to the corresponding defined expression. """ return self._node.header_file.enabled_by_defined[enabled_by] class _InterfaceExpressionMapper(ExpressionMapper): def __init__(self, mapper: _InterfaceMapper): super().__init__() self._mapper = mapper def map_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> str: with self._mapper.code(): return self._mapper.substitute(symbol) class _ItemLevelExpressionMapper(ExpressionMapper): def __init__(self, mapper: _InterfaceMapper): super().__init__() self._mapper = mapper def map_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> str: with self._mapper.code(): return self._mapper.substitute( self._mapper.enabled_by_to_defined(symbol)) class _HeaderExpressionMapper(ExpressionMapper): def __init__(self, item: Item, enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]): super().__init__() self._mapper = ItemMapper(item) self._enabled_by_defined = enabled_by_defined def map_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> str: return self._mapper.substitute(self._enabled_by_defined[symbol]) def _add_definition(node: "Node", item: Item, prefix: str, value: Dict[str, Any], get_lines: GetLines) -> CContent: content = CContent() default = value["default"] variants = value["variants"] if variants: ifelse = "#if " with node.mapper.prefix(os.path.join(prefix, "variants")): for variant in variants: enabled_by = enabled_by_to_exp( variant["enabled-by"], _InterfaceExpressionMapper(node.mapper)) content.append(f"{ifelse}{enabled_by}") with content.indent(): content.append(get_lines(node, item, variant["definition"])) ifelse = "#elif " if default is not None: content.append("#else") with node.mapper.prefix(os.path.join(prefix, "default")): with content.indent(): content.append(get_lines(node, item, default)) content.append("#endif") else: with node.mapper.prefix(os.path.join(prefix, "default")): content.append(get_lines(node, item, default)) return content class Node: """ Nodes of a header file. """ def __init__(self, header_file: "_HeaderFile", item: Item, ingroups: ItemMap): self.header_file = header_file self.item = item self.ingroups = ingroups self.in_edges = {} # type: ItemMap self.out_edges = {} # type: ItemMap self.content = CContent() self.mapper = _InterfaceMapper(self) def __lt__(self, other: "Node") -> bool: return self.item.uid < other.item.uid @contextmanager def _enum_struct_or_union(self) -> Iterator[None]: self.content.add(self._get_description(self.item, self.ingroups)) name = self.item["name"] typename = self.item["interface-type"] kind = self.item["definition-kind"] if kind == f"{typename}-only": self.content.append(f"{typename} {name} {{") elif kind == "typedef-only": self.content.append(f"typedef {typename} {{") else: self.content.append(f"typedef {typename} {name} {{") self.content.push_indent() yield self.content.pop_indent() if kind == f"{typename}-only": self.content.append("};") else: self.content.append(f"}} {name};") def _generate(self) -> None: _NODE_GENERATORS[self.item["interface-type"]](self) def generate(self) -> None: """ Generates a node to generate the node content. """ enabled_by = self.item["enabled-by"] if not isinstance(enabled_by, bool) or not enabled_by: mapper = _ItemLevelExpressionMapper(self.mapper) self.content.add(f"#if {enabled_by_to_exp(enabled_by, mapper)}") with self.content.indent(): self._generate() self.content.add("#endif") else: self._generate() def generate_compound(self) -> None: """ Generates a compound (struct or union). """ with self._enum_struct_or_union(): for index, definition in enumerate(self.item["definition"]): self.content.add( _add_definition(self, self.item, f"definition[{index}]", definition, Node._get_compound_definition)) def generate_enum(self) -> None: """ Generates an enum. """ with self._enum_struct_or_union(): enumerators = [] # type: List[CContent] for link in self.item.links_to_parents(): if link.role != "interface-enumerator": continue enumerator = self._get_description(link.item, {}) enumerator.append( _add_definition(self, link.item, "definition", link.item["definition"], Node._get_enumerator_definition)) enumerators.append(enumerator) for enumerator in enumerators[0:-1]: enumerator.lines[-1] += "," enumerator.append("") self.content.append(enumerator) try: self.content.append(enumerators[-1]) except IndexError: pass def generate_define(self) -> None: """ Generates a define. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_define_definition) def generate_forward_declaration(self) -> None: """ Generates a forward declaration. """ self.content.append([ "", "/* Forward declaration */", _forward_declaration(self.item) + ";" ]) def generate_function(self) -> None: """ Generates a function. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_function_definition) def generate_group(self) -> None: """ Generates a group. """ self.header_file.add_ingroup(self.item) for ingroup in self.ingroups.values(): self.header_file.add_potential_edge(self, ingroup) self.content.add_group(self.item["identifier"], self.item["name"], _get_group_identifiers(self.ingroups), self.item["brief"], self.item["description"]) def generate_macro(self) -> None: """ Generates a macro. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_macro_definition) def generate_typedef(self) -> None: """ Generates a typedef. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_typedef_definition) def generate_variable(self) -> None: """ Generates a variable. """ self._add_generic_definition(Node._get_variable_definition) def substitute_code(self, text: str) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution on code using the item mapper of the node. """ if text: with self.mapper.code(): return self.mapper.substitute(text.strip("\n")) return text def substitute_text(self, text: str) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution on a description using the item mapper of the node. """ if text: return self.mapper.substitute(text.strip("\n")) return text def _get_compound_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: content = CContent() content.add_description_block( self.substitute_text(definition["brief"]), self.substitute_text(definition["description"])) kind = definition["kind"] if kind == "member": member = self.substitute_code(definition["definition"]) + ";" content.append(member.split("\n")) else: content.append(f"{kind} {{") content.gap = False with content.indent(): for index, compound_member in enumerate( definition["definition"]): content.add( _add_definition(self, item, f"definition[{index}]", compound_member, Node._get_compound_definition)) name = definition["name"] content.append(f"}} {name};") return content.lines def _get_enumerator_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: name = item["name"] if definition: return f"{name} = {self.substitute_code(definition)}" return f"{name}" def _get_define_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: name = item["name"] value = self.substitute_code(definition) if value: return f"#define {name} {value}".split("\n") return f"#define {name}" def _get_function_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: content = CContent() name = item["name"] ret = self.substitute_code(definition["return"]) params = [ self.substitute_code(param) for param in definition["params"] ] body = definition["body"] if body: with content.function("static inline " + ret, name, params): content.add(self.substitute_code(body)) else: content.declare_function(ret, name, params) return content.lines def _get_macro_definition(self, item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: name = item["name"] params = [param["name"] for param in item["params"]] if params: param_line = " " + ", ".join(params) + " " else: param_line = "" line = f"#define {name}({param_line})" if len(line) > 79: param_block = ", \\\n ".join(params) line = f"#define {name}( \\\n {param_block} \\\n)" if not definition: return line body_lines = self.substitute_code(definition).split("\n") if len(body_lines) == 1 and len(line + body_lines[0]) <= 79: body = " " else: body = " \\\n " body += " \\\n ".join(body_lines) return line + body def _get_typedef_definition(self, _item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: return f"typedef {self.substitute_code(definition)};" def _get_variable_definition(self, _item: Item, definition: Any) -> Lines: return f"extern {self.substitute_code(definition)};" def _get_description(self, item: Item, ingroups: ItemMap) -> CContent: content = CContent() with content.doxygen_block(): content.add_ingroup(_get_group_identifiers(ingroups)) content.add_brief_description(self.substitute_text(item["brief"])) content.wrap(self.substitute_text(item["description"])) content.wrap(self.substitute_text(item["notes"])) if "params" in item: content.add_param_description(item["params"], self.substitute_text) if "return" in item: ret = item["return"] for retval in ret["return-values"]: content.wrap(self.substitute_text(retval["description"]), initial_indent=self.substitute_text( f"@retval {retval['value']} ")) content.wrap(self.substitute_text(ret["return"]), initial_indent="@return ") return content def _add_generic_definition(self, get_lines: GetLines) -> None: self.content.add(self._get_description(self.item, self.ingroups)) self.content.append( _add_definition(self, self.item, "definition", self.item["definition"], get_lines)) _NODE_GENERATORS = { "enum": Node.generate_enum, "define": Node.generate_define, "forward-declaration": Node.generate_forward_declaration, "function": Node.generate_function, "group": Node.generate_group, "macro": Node.generate_macro, "struct": Node.generate_compound, "typedef": Node.generate_typedef, "union": Node.generate_compound, "variable": Node.generate_variable, } class _HeaderFile: """ A header file. """ def __init__(self, item: Item, enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]): self._item = item self._content = CContent() self._ingroups = {} # type: ItemMap self._includes = [] # type: List[Item] self._nodes = {} # type: Dict[str, Node] self.enabled_by_defined = enabled_by_defined def add_includes(self, item: Item) -> None: """ Adds the includes of the item to the header file includes. """ for link in item.links_to_parents(): if link.role == "interface-placement" and link.item[ "interface-type"] == "header-file": self._includes.append(link.item) def add_ingroup(self, item: Item) -> None: """ Adds an ingroup to the header file. """ self._ingroups[item.uid] = item def _add_child(self, item: Item) -> None: ingroups = _get_ingroups(item) if item["interface-type"] != "group": self._ingroups.update(ingroups) self._nodes[item.uid] = Node(self, item, ingroups) self._content.register_license_and_copyrights_of_item(item) def add_potential_edge(self, node: Node, item: Item) -> None: """ Adds a potential edge from a node to another node identified by an item. """ if item.uid in self._nodes and item.uid != node.item.uid: node.out_edges[item.uid] = item self._nodes[item.uid].in_edges[node.item.uid] = node.item def _resolve_ingroups(self, node: Node) -> None: for ingroup in node.ingroups.values(): self.add_potential_edge(node, ingroup) def generate_nodes(self) -> None: """ Generates all nodes of this header file. """ for link in self._item.links_to_children(): if link.role == "interface-placement": self._add_child(link.item) for node in self._nodes.values(): self._resolve_ingroups(node) node.generate() def _get_nodes_in_dependency_order(self) -> List[Node]: """ Gets the nodes of this header file ordered according to node dependencies and UIDs. Performs a topological sort using Kahn's algorithm. """ nodes_in_dependency_order = [] # type: List[Node] # Get incoming edge degrees for all nodes in_degree = {} # type: Dict[str, int] for node in self._nodes.values(): in_degree[node.item.uid] = len(node.in_edges) # Create a queue with all nodes with no incoming edges sorted by UID queue = [] # type: List[Node] for node in self._nodes.values(): if in_degree[node.item.uid] == 0: queue.append(node) queue.sort(reverse=True) # Topological sort while queue: node = queue.pop(0) nodes_in_dependency_order.insert(0, node) # Sort by UID for uid in sorted(node.out_edges): in_degree[uid] -= 1 if in_degree[uid] == 0: queue.append(self._nodes[uid]) return nodes_in_dependency_order def finalize(self) -> None: """ Finalizes the header file. """ self._content.prepend_spdx_license_identifier() with self._content.file_block(): self._content.add_ingroup(_get_group_identifiers(self._ingroups)) self._content.add_brief_description(self._item["brief"]) self._content.add_copyrights_and_licenses() self._content.add_automatically_generated_warning() with self._content.header_guard(self._item["path"]): exp_mapper = _HeaderExpressionMapper(self._item, self.enabled_by_defined) includes = [ CInclude(item["path"], enabled_by_to_exp(item["enabled-by"], exp_mapper)) for item in self._includes if item != self._item ] includes.extend([ CInclude(link.item["path"], enabled_by_to_exp(link["enabled-by"], exp_mapper)) for link in self._item.links_to_parents() if link.role == "interface-include" ]) self._content.add_includes(includes) with self._content.extern_c(): for node in self._get_nodes_in_dependency_order(): self._content.add(node.content) def write(self, domain_path: str) -> None: """ Writes the header file. """ self._content.write( os.path.join(domain_path, self._item["prefix"], self._item["path"])) def _generate_header_file(item: Item, domains: Dict[str, str], enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]) -> None: domain = next(item.parents("interface-placement")) assert domain["interface-type"] == "domain" domain_path = domains.get(domain.uid, None) if domain_path is None: return header_file = _HeaderFile(item, enabled_by_defined) header_file.generate_nodes() header_file.finalize() header_file.write(domain_path) def _visit_header_files(item: Item, domains: Dict[str, str], enabled_by_defined: Dict[str, str]) -> None: for child in item.children(): _visit_header_files(child, domains, enabled_by_defined) if item["type"] == "interface" and item["interface-type"] == "header-file": _generate_header_file(item, domains, enabled_by_defined) def _gather_enabled_by_defined(item_level_interfaces: List[str], item_cache: ItemCache) -> Dict[str, str]: enabled_by_defined = {} # type: Dict[str, str] for uid in item_level_interfaces: for link in item_cache[uid].links_to_children(): if link.role == "interface-placement": define = f"defined(${{{link.item.uid}:/name}})" enabled_by_defined[link.item["name"]] = define return enabled_by_defined def generate(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None: """ Generates header files according to the configuration. :param config: A dictionary with configuration entries. :param item_cache: The specification item cache containing the interfaces. """ enabled_by_defined = _gather_enabled_by_defined( config["item-level-interfaces"], item_cache) for item in item_cache.top_level.values(): _visit_header_files(item, config["domains"], enabled_by_defined)