#define DEVICET_EXTERN_INLINE #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "devicet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libbsdport_api.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT #include #endif #define DEBUG 0 int libbsdportAttachVerbose = DEBUG; extern void real_libc_free(void*); static STAILQ_HEAD(devq_t, device) devq = STAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(devq); static device_t devalloc(driver_t *dr) { void *m; device_t rval; int l = sizeof(*rval) + dr->softc_size + DEVICE_SOFTC_ALIGNMENT -1; if ( !(m = malloc( l, M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT )) ) return 0; memset(m, 0, l); rval = (device_t)(((uintptr_t)m + (DEVICE_SOFTC_ALIGNMENT-1)) & ~(DEVICE_SOFTC_ALIGNMENT-1)); rval->rawmem = m; rval->type = dr->type; rval->name = dr->name; rval->drv = dr; return rval; } static void devclean(device_t dev) { assert( !dev->attached ); memset(device_get_softc(dev), 0, dev->drv->softc_size); real_libc_free(dev->desc); dev->desc = 0; dev->unit = 0; dev->nameunit[0]=0; memset( &dev->bushdr, 0, sizeof(dev->bushdr)); } static void devfree(device_t dev) { /* paranoia */ devclean(dev); dev->drv = 0; free(dev->rawmem, M_DEVBUF); } static int devattach(device_t dev, int unit, struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *cfg) { int error; if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) { printf("Now attaching %s%d: (0x%x:%x.%x)\n", dev->name, unit, dev->bushdr.pci.bus, dev->bushdr.pci.dev, dev->bushdr.pci.fun); } dev->unit = unit; dev->ifconfig = cfg; sprintf(dev->nameunit,"%s%d",dev->drv->name,unit); /* Try to attach */ if ( (error = dev->drv->methods->attach(dev)) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Attaching '%s%d' failed: %s", dev->drv->name, unit, strerror(error)); return error; } /* Successfully attached new device */ dev->attached = 1; cfg->name = (char*)device_get_nameunit(dev); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&devq, dev, list); return 0; } static int devequal(device_t a, device_t b) { if ( a->type != b->type ) return 0; switch ( a->type ) { case DEV_TYPE_PCI: return a->bushdr.pci.bus == b->bushdr.pci.bus && a->bushdr.pci.dev == b->bushdr.pci.dev && a->bushdr.pci.fun == b->bushdr.pci.fun; default: rtems_panic("devequal: Unsupported device type %i\n", a->type); } return 0; } /* Check if a particular device is already listed */ static device_t devattached(device_t dev) { struct device *ldev; STAILQ_FOREACH(ldev, &devq, list) { if ( devequal(ldev, dev) ) return ldev; } return 0; } int device_printf(device_t dev, const char *fmt, ...) { int rval; va_list ap; rval = fprintf(stdout,"%s:",device_get_nameunit(dev)); va_start(ap, fmt); rval += vfprintf(stdout,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); return rval; } static uint32_t get_pci_triple(const char *drvnam) { unsigned b,d,f; if ( drvnam && 3 == sscanf(drvnam,"%i:%i.%i",&b,&d,&f) ) return (b<<8) | PCI_DEVFN(d,f); return -1; } static void get_name_unit(const char *drvnam, char *nm, int *punit) { int l = strlen(drvnam); int i; if ( l > 0 ) { for ( i=l-1; i>=0 && isdigit(((unsigned char)drvnam[i])); i-- ) /* nothing else to do */; if ( 1 != sscanf(drvnam+i,"%d",punit) ) *punit = 0; /* wildcard */ strncpy(nm, drvnam, i+1); nm[i+1]=0; } else { /* wildcards */ *nm = 0; *punit = 0; } } static int matches(driver_t *dr, const char *pat) { if ( 0 == *pat || '*' == *pat ) return 1; return !strcmp(pat, dr->name); } static int pci_slot_empty(int b, int d, int f) { uint16_t id; pci_read_config_word(b,d,f,PCI_VENDOR_ID,&id); return ( 0xffff == id ); } static int pci_is_ether(int b, int d, int f) { uint16_t dclass; if ( pci_slot_empty(b,d,f) ) return 0; pci_read_config_word(b,d,f,PCI_CLASS_DEVICE, &dclass); return PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET == dclass; } /* this catches the case of an unpopulated slot (returning 0) */ static int pci_num_functions(int b, int d) { uint8_t h; if ( pci_slot_empty(b,d,0) ) return 0; pci_read_config_byte(b,d,0,PCI_HEADER_TYPE,&h); return (h & 0x80) ? PCI_MAX_FUNCTIONS : 1; /* multifunction device ? */ } int libbsdport_netdriver_dump(FILE *f) { struct device *ldev; int ndevs; unsigned w; if ( !f ) f = stdout; ndevs = 0; fprintf(f, "PCI Network device information:\n"); rtems_bsdnet_semaphore_obtain(); STAILQ_FOREACH(ldev, &devq, list) { /* ASSUME LIST ELEMENTS DO NOT DISAPPEAR * so we can release the lock while printing... */ rtems_bsdnet_semaphore_release(); w=fprintf(f,"%-6s -- (0x%x:%x.%x)", device_get_nameunit(ldev), ldev->bushdr.pci.bus, ldev->bushdr.pci.dev, ldev->bushdr.pci.fun); for ( ; w < 24 ; w++) fputc(' ',f); if ( ldev->desc ) fprintf(f," %s",ldev->desc); fputc('\n',f); ndevs++; rtems_bsdnet_semaphore_obtain(); } rtems_bsdnet_semaphore_release(); return ndevs; } #define UNITMATCH(wanted, unit, bdfunit) \ ((wanted) < 0 ? ((wanted) & 0xffff) == (bdfunit) : (wanted) == (unit)) int libbsdport_netdriver_attach(struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *cfg, int attaching) { char nm[20]; /* copy of the name */ int unit,thisunit,wantedunit; int i,b,d,f; int prob; driver_t *dr; device_t dev = 0; device_t tmpdev; int error = 0; int bdfunit; int n_bus; if ( !attaching ) return ENOTSUP; #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT bspExtInit(); #endif if ( (wantedunit = get_pci_triple(cfg->name)) < 0 ) { get_name_unit(cfg->name, nm, &wantedunit); } else { wantedunit |= 1<<31; nm[0]=0; } if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) printf("Wanted unit is 0x%x, pattern '%s'\n", wantedunit, nm); n_bus = pci_bus_count(); #ifdef __i386__ /* ugliest of all hacks -- RTEMS routine is currently (4.9) * still broken; it reports the (0-based) highest bus number * instead of the count. */ n_bus++; #endif unit = 0; for ( i=0; (dr=libbsdport_netdriver_table[i]); i++ ) { /* unused slot ? */ if ( 0 == dr->name && 0 == dr->methods ) continue; /* Find matching driver */ if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) printf("Trying driver '%s' ...", dr->name); if ( matches(dr, nm) ) { if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) printf("MATCH\n"); assert( dr->methods ); thisunit = 0; if ( DEV_TYPE_PCI != dr->type ) { fprintf(stderr,"Non-PCI driver '%s' not supported; skipping\n", dr->name); continue; } dev = devalloc(dr); for ( b=0; bbushdr.pci.bus = b; dev->bushdr.pci.dev = d; dev->bushdr.pci.fun = f; bdfunit = (b<<8) | PCI_DEVFN(d,f); if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) { printf("Probing PCI 0x%x:%x.%x\n", bdfunit>>8, PCI_SLOT(bdfunit), PCI_FUNC(bdfunit)); } /* has this device been attached already ? */ if ( (tmpdev = devattached(dev)) ) { if ( dev->drv == tmpdev->drv ) thisunit++; unit++; if ( UNITMATCH(wantedunit, unit, bdfunit) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Device '%s' has already been attached\n", device_get_nameunit(dev)); error = EBUSY; goto bail; } } else { switch ( ( prob = dr->methods->probe(dev) ) ) { /* LOW_PRIORITY currently unsupported; list preferred drivers first */ case BUS_PROBE_LOW_PRIORITY: case BUS_PROBE_DEFAULT: /* accepted */ thisunit++; unit++; /* wanted unit == 0 means next avail. * unit is acceptable. */ if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) printf("->SUCCESS\n"); if ( 0 == wantedunit || UNITMATCH(wantedunit, unit, bdfunit) ) { error = devattach(dev, thisunit, cfg); if ( !error ) dev = 0; /* is now on list */ goto bail; } break; default: if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) printf("->FAILED\n"); /* probe failed */ break; } } devclean(dev); } /* for all functions */ } /* for all busses + slots */ devfree(dev); dev = 0; } /* matching driver */ else { if ( libbsdportAttachVerbose ) printf("NO MATCH\n"); } } /* for all drivers */ /* Nothing found */ error = ENODEV; bail: if (dev) devfree(dev); return error; } device_t libbsdport_netdriver_get_dev(const char *name) { struct device *ldev; if ( !name ) return 0; rtems_bsdnet_semaphore_obtain(); STAILQ_FOREACH(ldev, &devq, list) { if ( !strcmp(name, device_get_nameunit(ldev)) ) break; } rtems_bsdnet_semaphore_release(); return ldev; }