RTEMS PORT OF THE 'em' ETHERNET DRIVER ====================================== This is a port of the intel / FreeBSD 'em' driver as of 2007/7/4 (checked out from FreeBSD/head on that date). SUPPORTED BSPs: - you need 'libbsdport' which in turn needs 'libbspExt' These work for i386/pc386 and powerpc/new-exception-processing BSPs, i.e., the BSP must implement and . USAGE: - to attach this driver: * define a NULL terminated list with all libbsdport supported drivers you want to include with your application: extern driver_t libbsdport_em_driver; driver_t *libbsdport_netdriver_table[] = { &libbsdport_em_driver, /* other drivers here or upstream of 'em' if they support * the same hardware but are preferred. */ 0 }; * specify libbsdport_netdriver_attach for the 'attach' function pointer in struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig. * use the 'name' field in struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig to filter drivers and device instances: either may be omitted which means that the next available driver/hardware device is to be used. Here are a few examples: "" /* use first device found supported by any driver in the * libbsdport_driver_table[]. */ "em2" /* use second device supported by the 'em' driver */ Notes: Counting instances begins with 1 (not 0). Consult libbsdport/README for more information. KNOWN ISSUES: - 'ignore_broadcast' and 'mtu' settings from struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig are ignored. I haven't seen many drivers that honour 'ignore_broadcast' and 'mtu' can be set using a ioctl(). I'm trying to keep changes to BSD sources minimal... - ring sizes are restricted (driver validates sizes and uses defaults if requested sizes don't meet requirements). TESTED WITH: 82544 on motorola MVME5500 (PPC MVE board) 82573 on concurrent technologies PP410 (intel x86) board TESTED ON: rtems-4.7 powerpc/beatnik (motorola MVME5500) i386/pc686 (concurrent technologies PP410 compact PCI) T.S, 200707