-- -- Demonstrate CPU Usage Report -- -- $Id$ -- with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with Ada.Dynamic_Priorities; use Ada.Dynamic_Priorities; with System; with Interfaces.C; with RTEMS; procedure CPUUSE is task Low_Task is pragma Priority(16); end Low_Task; task High_Task is pragma Priority(17); end High_Task; task body High_Task is Seconds : Integer; Result : RTEMS.Status_Codes; begin RTEMS.Object_Set_Name( RTEMS.Self, "High_Task", Result ); Seconds := 0; loop delay 1.0; Seconds := Seconds + 1; Put_Line ("High - waking up at " & Integer'Image(Seconds)); if (Seconds mod 5) = 0 then RTEMS.CPU_Usage_Report; end if; if Seconds = 30 then Put_Line ("*** End of Ada CPU Use Test ***"); RTEMS.Shutdown_Executive (0); end if; end loop; end High_Task; task body Low_Task is Result : RTEMS.Status_Codes; begin RTEMS.Object_Set_Name( RTEMS.Self, "Low_Task", Result ); delay 0.1; loop Null; end loop; end Low_Task; Result : RTEMS.Status_Codes; begin RTEMS.Object_Set_Name( RTEMS.Self, "Ada Main", Result ); Put_Line ("*** Start of Ada CPU Use Test ***"); end CPUUSE;