# # RTEMS Tools for 5. # # # The RTEMS Tools version is set to the RSB version or the RTEMS version. # %if %{rsb_released} %define rtems_tools_version %{rsb_version} %define rtems_tools_source rtems-tools-%{rtems_tools_version} %define rtems_tools_ext xz %else %define rtems_tools_version 7045cc39b414cd38a864c22d6db220b9d140a4af %define rtems_tools_ext bz2 %endif %define rtems_tools_source rtems-tools-%{rtems_tools_version} %source set rtems-tools https://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools/snapshot/%{rtems_tools_source}.tar.%{rtems_tools_ext} %hash sha512 rtems-tools-%{rtems_tools_version}.tar.bz2 \ 01b23d938e568c957ceadb3dfe37affb5aca78b0282c7e11f40a67cb4196255f5bb5b4b0b47c2b1dd9a164e69bdae8751fdeb428e0d8af4e7f571d2c5424a18d # # Optionally enable/disable building the RTEMS Tools via the command line. # %if %{defined with_rtems_tools} %define rtems_tools_build 1 %endif %if %{defined without_rtems_tools} %define rtems_tools_build 0 %endif # # Build by default. # %if ! %{defined rtems_tools_build} %define rtems_tools_build 1 %endif %if %{rtems_tools_build} # # The RTEMS Tools build instructions. # %include tools/rtems-tools-common-1.cfg %endif