/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Chris Johns * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /** * @file * * @ingroup rtems-ld * * @brief RTEMS Linker ELF module manages the libelf interface. * */ #if !defined (_RLD_ELF_H_) #define _RLD_ELF_H_ #include #include #include #include namespace rld { namespace elf { /** * Forward decl. */ class file; /** * A relocation record. */ class relocation { public: /** * Construct a relocation record. * * @param sym The symbol the relocation references. * @param offset The offset in the section the relocation applies to. * @param info The relocation info. * @param addend The constant addend value. */ relocation (const symbols::symbol& sym, elf_addr offset, elf_xword info, elf_sxword addend = 0); /** * Default constructor. */ relocation (); /** * The offset. */ elf_addr offset () const; /** * The type of the relocation record. */ uint32_t type () const; /** * The info. */ elf_xword info () const; /** * The constant addend. */ elf_sxword addend () const; /** * Return the symbol. */ const symbols::symbol& symbol () const; private: const symbols::symbol* sym; //< The symbol reference. elf_addr offset_; //< The offset in the section. elf_xword info_; //< The record's information. elf_sxword addend_; //< The constant addend value. }; /** * A container of relocation records. */ typedef std::vector < relocation > relocations; /** * An ELF Section. The current implementation only supports a single data * descriptor with a section. */ class section { public: /** * Construct the section getting the details from the ELF file given the * section index. * * The section types are (from elf(3)): * * Section Type Library Type Description * ------------ ------------ ----------- * SHT_DYNAMIC ELF_T_DYN `.dynamic' section entries. * SHT_DYNSYM ELF_T_SYM Symbols for dynamic linking. * SHT_FINI_ARRAY ELF_T_ADDR Termination function pointers. * SHT_GROUP ELF_T_WORD Section group marker. * SHT_HASH ELF_T_HASH Symbol hashes. * SHT_INIT_ARRAY ELF_T_ADDR Initialization function pointers. * SHT_NOBITS ELF_T_BYTE Empty sections. See elf(5). * SHT_NOTE ELF_T_NOTE ELF note records. * SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY ELF_T_ADDR Pre-initialization function * pointers. * SHT_PROGBITS ELF_T_BYTE Machine code. * SHT_REL ELF_T_REL ELF relocation records. * SHT_RELA ELF_T_RELA Relocation records with addends. * SHT_STRTAB ELF_T_BYTE String tables. * SHT_SYMTAB ELF_T_SYM Symbol tables. * SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX ELF_T_WORD Used with extended section * numbering. * SHT_GNU_verdef ELF_T_VDEF Symbol version definitions. * SHT_GNU_verneed ELF_T_VNEED Symbol versioning requirements. * SHT_GNU_versym ELF_T_HALF Version symbols. * SHT_SUNW_move ELF_T_MOVE ELF move records. * SHT_SUNW_syminfo ELF_T_SYMINFO Additional symbol flags. * * @param file_ The ELF file this section is part of. * @param index_ The section's index. * @param name The section's name. * @param type The section's type. * @param alignment The section's alignment. * @param flags The section's flags. * @param addr The section's in-memory address. * @param offset The section's offset in the file. * @param size The section's file in bytes. * @param link The section's header table link. * @param info The section's extra information. * @param entry_size The section's entry size. */ section (file& file_, int index_, const std::string& name, elf_word type, elf_xword alignment, elf_xword flags, elf_addr addr, elf_off offset, elf_xword size, elf_word link = 0, elf_word info = 0, elf_xword entry_size = 0); /** * Construct the section given the details. The ELF file must be * writable. * * @param file_ The ELF file this section is part of. * @param index The section's index in the ELF file. */ section (file& file_, int index); /** * Copy constructor. */ section (const section& orig); /** * Default constructor. */ section (); /** * Add a data segment descriptor to the section if the file is writable. * * These are following data types (from elf(3)): * * ELF_T_ADDR Machine addresses. * ELF_T_BYTE Byte data. The library will not attempt to translate * byte data. * ELF_T_CAP Software and hardware capability records. * ELF_T_DYN Records used in a section of type SHT_DYNAMIC. * ELF_T_EHDR ELF executable header. * ELF_T_HALF 16-bit unsigned words. * ELF_T_LWORD 64 bit unsigned words. * ELF_T_MOVE ELF Move records. * ELF_T_NOTE ELF Note structures. * ELF_T_OFF File offsets. * ELF_T_PHDR ELF program header table entries. * ELF_T_REL ELF relocation entries. * ELF_T_RELA ELF relocation entries with addends. * ELF_T_SHDR ELF section header entries. * ELF_T_SWORD Signed 32-bit words. * ELF_T_SXWORD Signed 64-bit words. * ELF_T_SYMINFO ELF symbol information. * ELF_T_SYM ELF symbol table entries. * ELF_T_VDEF Symbol version definition records. * ELF_T_VNEED Symbol version requirement records. * ELF_T_WORD Unsigned 32-bit words. * ELF_T_XWORD Unsigned 64-bit words. * * @param type The type of data in the segment. * @param alignment The in-file alignment of the data. Must be a power of 2. * @param size The number of bytes in this data descriptor. * @param buffer The data in memory. * @param offset The offset within the containing section. Can be computed. */ void add_data (elf_type type, elf_xword alignment, elf_xword size, void* buffer = 0, elf_off offset = 0); /** * The section's index in the ELF file. * * @return int The section number. */ int index () const; /** * The name of the section. * * @return const std::string& The section's name. */ const std::string& name () const; /** * The section's data. */ elf_data* data (); /** * Get the type of the section. */ elf_word type () const; /** * The section flags. */ elf_xword flags () const; /** * In-memory address of the section. */ elf_addr address () const; /** * Alignment constraint. */ elf_xword alignment () const; /** * The file offset of the section. */ elf_off offset () const; /** * The header table link. */ elf_word link () const; /** * Extra information. */ elf_word info () const; /** * Size of the section. */ elf_xword size () const; /** * Size of the entries in the section. */ elf_xword entry_size () const; /** * Number of entries. */ int entries () const; /** * Return true if the relocation record have an addend field. * * @retval true The relocation record have the addend field. */ bool get_reloc_type () const; /** * Set the name index if writable. This is normally done * automatically when adding the section to the file. */ void set_name (unsigned int index); /** * Set the type of relocation records. * * @param rela If true the records are rela type. */ void set_reloc_type (bool rela); /** * Add a relocation. * * @param reloc The relocation record to add. */ void add (const relocation& reloc); /** * Get the relocations. */ const relocations& get_relocations () const; private: /** * Check the section is valid. * * @param where Where the check is being made. */ void check (const char* where) const; /** * Check the section is valid and writable. * * @param where Where the check is being made. */ void check_writable (const char* where) const; file* file_; //< The ELF file. int index_; //< The section header index. std::string name_; //< The section's name. elf_scn* scn; //< ELF private section data. elf_shdr shdr; //< The section header. elf_data* data_; //< The section's data. bool rela; //< The type of relocation records. relocations relocs; //< The relocation records. }; /** * Container of ELF section pointers. */ typedef std::list < section* > sections; /** * Container of ELF section as a map, ie associative array. */ typedef std::map < std::string, section > section_table; /** * An ELF program header. */ class program_header { public: /** * Construct a program header. */ program_header (); /** * Desctruct a program header. */ ~program_header (); /** * Set the program header. * * @param type The type of segment. * @param flags The segment's flags. * @param offset The offet to segment. * @param filesz The segment size in the file. * @param memsz The segment size in memory. * @param align The segment alignment. * @param vaddr The virtual address in memory. * @param paddr The physical address if any. */ void set (elf_word type, elf_word flags, elf_off offset, elf_xword filesz, elf_xword memsz, elf_xword align, elf_addr vaddr, elf_addr paddr = 0); private: elf_phdr phdr; //< The ELF program header. }; /** * A container of program headers. */ typedef std::list < program_header > program_headers; /** * An ELF file. */ class file { public: /** * Construct an ELF file. */ file (); /** * Destruct the ELF file object. */ ~file (); /** * Begin using the ELF file. * * @param name The full name of the file. * @param fd The file descriptor to read or write the file. * @param writable The file is writeable. The default is false. */ void begin (const std::string& name, int fd, const bool writable = false); /** * Begin using the ELF file in an archive. * * @param name The full name of the file. * @param archive The file that is the archive. * @param offset The offset of the ELF file in the archive. */ void begin (const std::string& name, file& archive, off_t offset); /** * End using the ELF file. */ void end (); /** * Write the ELF file creating it if it is writable. You should have * added the sections and the data segment descriptors to the sections * before calling write. */ void write (); /** * Load the header. Done automatically. */ void load_header (); /** * Get the machine type. */ unsigned int machinetype () const; /** * Get the type of ELF file. */ unsigned int type () const; /** * Get the class of the object file. */ unsigned int object_class () const; /** * Get the data type, ie LSB or MSB. */ unsigned int data_type () const; /** * Is the file an archive format file ? */ bool is_archive () const; /** * Is the file an executable ? */ bool is_executable () const; /** * Is the file relocatable ? */ bool is_relocatable() const; /** * The number of sections in the file. */ int section_count () const; /** * Load the sections. */ void load_sections (); /** * Get a filtered container of the sections. The key is the section * type. If the sections are not loaded they are loaded. If the type is 0 * all sections are returned. * * @param filtered_secs The container the copy of the filtered sections * are placed in. * @param type The type of sections to filter on. If 0 all sections are * matched. */ void get_sections (sections& filtered_secs, unsigned int type); /** * Return the section with given index. * * @param index The section's index to look for. * @retval section The section matching the index. */ section& get_section (int index); /** * Return the index of the string section. */ int strings_section () const; /** * Get the string from the specified section at the requested offset. * * @param section The section to search for the string. * @param offset The offset in the string section. * @return std::string The string. */ std::string get_string (int section, size_t offset); /** * Get the string from the ELF header declared string section at the * requested offset. * * @param offset The offset in the string section. * @return std::string The string. */ std::string get_string (size_t offset); /** * Load the symbols. */ void load_symbols (); /** * Get a filtered container of symbols given the various types. If the * symbols are not loaded they are loaded. * * @param filtered_syms The filtered symbols found in the file. This is a * container of pointers. * @param unresolved Return unresolved symbols. * @param local Return local symbols. * @param weak Return weak symbols. * @param global Return global symbols. */ void get_symbols (rld::symbols::pointers& filtered_syms, bool unresolved = false, bool local = false, bool weak = true, bool global = true); /** * Get the symbol by index in the symtabl section. */ const symbols::symbol& get_symbol (const int index) const; /** * Load the relocation records. */ void load_relocations (); /** * Clear the relocation records. */ void clear_relocations (); /** * Set the ELF header. Must be writable. * * The classes are: * ELFCLASSNONE This class is invalid. * ELFCLASS32 This defines the 32-bit architecture. It sup- ports * machines with files and virtual address spa- ces up to * 4 Gigabytes. * ELFCLASS64 This defines the 64-bit architecture. * * The types are: * ET_NONE An unknown type. * ET_REL A relocatable file. * ET_EXEC An executable file. * ET_DYN A shared object. * ET_CORE A core file. * * The machine types are: * TDB * * The datatypes are: * ELFDATA2LSB Two's complement, little-endian. * ELFDATA2MSB Two's complement, big-endian. * * @param type The type of ELF file, ie executable, relocatable etc. * @param class_ The files ELF class. * @param machinetype The type of machine code present in the ELF file. * @param datatype The data type, ie LSB or MSB. */ void set_header (elf_half type, int class_, elf_half machinetype, unsigned char datatype); /** * Add a section to the ELF file if writable. */ void add (section& sec); /** * Add a program header to the ELF file if writable. */ void add (program_header& phdr); /** * Get the ELF reference. */ elf* get_elf (); /** * Get the name of the file. */ const std::string& name () const; /** * Is the file writable ? */ bool is_writable () const; private: /** * Begin using the ELF file. * * @param name The full name of the file. * @param fd The file descriptor to read or write the file. * @param writable The file is writeable. It cannot be part of an archive. * @param archive The archive's ELF handle or 0 if not an archive. * @param offset The offset of the ELF file in the archive if elf is non-zero. */ void begin (const std::string& name, int fd, const bool writable, file* archive, off_t offset); /** * Check if the file is usable. Throw an exception if not. * * @param where Where the check is performed. */ void check (const char* where) const; /** * Check if the file is usable and writable. Throw an exception if not. * * @param where Where the check is performed. */ void check_writable (const char* where) const; /** * Check if the ELF header is valid. Throw an exception if not. * * @param where Where the check is performed. */ void check_ehdr (const char* where) const; /** * Check if the ELF program header is valid. Throw an exception if not. * * @param where Where the check is performed. */ void check_phdr (const char* where) const; /** * Generate libelf error. * * @param where Where the error is generated. */ void error (const char* where) const; int fd_; //< The file handle. std::string name_; //< The name of the file. bool archive; //< The ELF file is part of an archive. bool writable; //< The file is writeable. elf* elf_; //< The ELF handle. unsigned int mtype; //< The machine type. unsigned int oclass; //< The object class. const char* ident_str; //< The ELF file's ident string. size_t ident_size; //< The size of the ident. elf_ehdr* ehdr; //< The ELF header. elf_phdr* phdr; //< The ELF program header. section_table secs; //< The sections as a table. program_headers phdrs; //< The program headers when creating // ELF files. rld::symbols::bucket symbols; //< The symbols. All tables point here. }; /** * Return the machine type label given the machine type. * * @param machinetype The ELF machine type. */ const std::string machine_type (unsigned int machinetype); /** * Return the global machine type set by the check_file call as a string. */ const std::string machine_type (); /** * Return the global class set by the check_file call. */ unsigned int object_class (); /** * Return the global machine type set by the check_file call. */ unsigned int object_machine_type (); /** * Return the global data type set by the check_file call. */ unsigned int object_datatype (); /** * Check the file against the global machine type, object class and data * type. If this is the first file checked it becomes the default all * others are checked against. This is a simple way to make sure all files * are the same type. * * @param file The check to check. */ void check_file(const file& file); } } #endif