# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2013-2014 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import copy import datetime import os import sys import threading import time from rtemstoolkit import error from rtemstoolkit import log from rtemstoolkit import path from rtemstoolkit import stacktraces import bsps import config import console import options import report import version import fnmatch class test(object): def __init__(self, index, total, report, executable, rtems_tools, bsp, bsp_config, opts): self.index = index self.total = total self.report = report self.bsp = bsp self.bsp_config = bsp_config self.opts = copy.copy(opts) self.opts.defaults['test_index'] = str(index) self.opts.defaults['test_total'] = str(total) self.opts.defaults['bsp'] = bsp self.opts.defaults['bsp_arch'] = '%%{%s_arch}' % (bsp) self.opts.defaults['bsp_opts'] = '%%{%s_opts}' % (bsp) if not path.isfile(executable): raise error.general('cannot find executable: %s' % (executable)) self.opts.defaults['test_executable'] = executable if rtems_tools: rtems_tools_bin = path.join(rtems_tools, 'bin') if not path.isdir(rtems_tools_bin): raise error.general('cannot find RTEMS tools path: %s' % (rtems_tools_bin)) self.opts.defaults['rtems_tools'] = rtems_tools_bin self.config = config.file(self.report, self.bsp_config, self.opts) def run(self): if self.config: self.config.run() def kill(self): if self.config: self.config.kill() class test_run(object): def __init__(self, index, total, report, executable, rtems_tools, bsp, bsp_config, opts): self.test = None self.result = None self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.index = copy.copy(index) self.total = total self.report = report self.executable = copy.copy(executable) self.rtems_tools = rtems_tools self.bsp = bsp self.bsp_config = bsp_config self.opts = opts def runner(self): self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now() try: self.test = test(self.index, self.total, self.report, self.executable, self.rtems_tools, self.bsp, self.bsp_config, self.opts) self.test.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except: self.result = sys.exc_info() self.end_time = datetime.datetime.now() def run(self): self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.runner, name = 'test[%s]' % path.basename(self.executable)) self.thread.start() def is_alive(self): return self.thread and self.thread.is_alive() def reraise(self): if self.result is not None: raise self.result[0], self.result[1], self.result[2] def kill(self): if self.test: self.test.kill() def find_executables(paths, glob): executables = [] for p in paths: if path.isfile(p): executables += [p] elif path.isdir(p): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p, followlinks = True): for f in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f.lower(), glob): executables += [path.join(root, f)] return sorted(executables) def report_finished(reports, report_mode, reporting, finished, job_trace): processing = True while processing: processing = False reported = [] for tst in finished: if tst not in reported and \ (reporting < 0 or tst.index == reporting): if job_trace: log.notice('}} %*d: %s: %s (%d)' % (len(str(tst.total)), tst.index, path.basename(tst.executable), 'reporting', reporting)) processing = True reports.log(tst.executable, report_mode) reported += [tst] reporting += 1 finished[:] = [t for t in finished if t not in reported] if len(reported): del reported[:] if job_trace: print '}} threading:', threading.active_count() for t in threading.enumerate(): print '}} ', t.name return reporting def _job_trace(tst, msg, total, exe, active, reporting): s = '' for a in active: s += ' %d:%s' % (a.index, path.basename(a.executable)) log.notice('}} %*d: %s: %s (%d %d %d%s)' % (len(str(tst.total)), tst.index, path.basename(tst.executable), msg, reporting, total, exe, s)) def list_bsps(opts): path_ = opts.defaults.expand('%%{_configdir}/bsps/*.mc') bsps = path.collect_files(path_) log.notice(' BSP List:') for bsp in bsps: log.notice(' %s' % (path.basename(bsp[:-3]))) raise error.exit() def killall(tests): for test in tests: test.kill() def run(command_path = None): import sys tests = [] stdtty = console.save() opts = None default_exefilter = '*.exe' try: optargs = { '--rtems-tools': 'The path to the RTEMS tools', '--rtems-bsp': 'The RTEMS BSP to run the test on', '--report-mode': 'Reporting modes, failures (default),all,none', '--list-bsps': 'List the supported BSPs', '--debug-trace': 'Debug trace based on specific flags', '--filter': 'Glob that executables must match to run (default: ' + default_exefilter + ')', '--stacktrace': 'Dump a stack trace on a user termination (^C)' } opts = options.load(sys.argv, optargs = optargs, command_path = command_path) log.notice('RTEMS Testing - Tester, v%s' % (version.str())) if opts.find_arg('--list-bsps'): bsps.list(opts) exe_filter = opts.find_arg('--filter') if exe_filter: exe_filter = exe_filter[1] else: exe_filter = default_exefilter opts.log_info() debug_trace = opts.find_arg('--debug-trace') if debug_trace: debug_trace = debug_trace[1] else: debug_trace = '' opts.defaults['debug_trace'] = debug_trace job_trace = 'jobs' in debug_trace.split(',') rtems_tools = opts.find_arg('--rtems-tools') if rtems_tools: rtems_tools = rtems_tools[1] bsp = opts.find_arg('--rtems-bsp') if bsp is None: raise error.general('no RTEMS BSP provided') opts.defaults.load('%%{_configdir}/bsps/%s.mc' % (bsp[1])) bsp = opts.defaults.get('%{bsp}') if not bsp: raise error.general('BSP definition (%{bsp}) not found in the global map') bsp = bsp[2] if not opts.defaults.set_read_map(bsp): raise error.general('no BSP map found') bsp_script = opts.defaults.get(bsp) if not bsp_script: raise error.general('BSP script not found: %s' % (bsp)) bsp_config = opts.defaults.expand(opts.defaults[bsp]) report_mode = opts.find_arg('--report-mode') if report_mode: if report_mode[1] != 'failures' and \ report_mode[1] != 'all' and \ report_mode[1] != 'none': raise error.general('invalid report mode') report_mode = report_mode[1] else: report_mode = 'failures' executables = find_executables(opts.params(), exe_filter) if len(executables) == 0: raise error.general('no executbles supplied') start_time = datetime.datetime.now() total = len(executables) reports = report.report(total) invalid_tests = opts.defaults['invalid_tests'] if invalid_tests: reports.set_invalid_tests([l.strip() for l in invalid_tests.splitlines()]) reporting = 1 jobs = int(opts.jobs(opts.defaults['_ncpus'])) exe = 0 finished = [] if jobs > len(executables): jobs = len(executables) while exe < total or len(tests) > 0: if exe < total and len(tests) < jobs: tst = test_run(exe + 1, total, reports, executables[exe], rtems_tools, bsp, bsp_config, opts) exe += 1 tests += [tst] if job_trace: _job_trace(tst, 'create', total, exe, tests, reporting) tst.run() else: dead = [t for t in tests if not t.is_alive()] tests[:] = [t for t in tests if t not in dead] for tst in dead: if job_trace: _job_trace(tst, 'dead', total, exe, tests, reporting) finished += [tst] tst.reraise() del dead if len(tests) >= jobs or exe >= total: time.sleep(0.250) if len(finished): reporting = report_finished(reports, report_mode, reporting, finished, job_trace) finished_time = datetime.datetime.now() reporting = report_finished(reports, report_mode, reporting, finished, job_trace) if reporting < total: log.warning('finished jobs does match: %d' % (reporting)) report_finished(reports, report_mode, -1, finished, job_trace) reports.summary() end_time = datetime.datetime.now() log.notice('Average test time: %s' % (str((end_time - start_time) / total))) log.notice('Testing time : %s' % (str(end_time - start_time))) except error.general, gerr: print gerr sys.exit(1) except error.internal, ierr: print ierr sys.exit(1) except error.exit, eerr: sys.exit(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: if opts.find_arg('--stacktrace'): print '}} dumping:', threading.active_count() for t in threading.enumerate(): print '}} ', t.name print stacktraces.trace() log.notice('abort: user terminated') killall(tests) sys.exit(1) finally: console.restore(stdtty) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": run()