*** BEGIN OF TEST TELNETD 1 *** *** TEST VERSION: 5.0.0.dc32b6aa0807fb70f9b26bc0bc6e164ddb49bd3a *** TEST STATE: EXPECTED-PASS *** TEST BUILD: RTEMS_NETWORKING *** TEST TOOLS: 7.3.0 20180125 (RTEMS 5, RSB 9670d7541e0621915e521fe76e7bb33de8cee661, Newlib d13c84eb07e35984bf7a974cd786a6cdac29e6b9) syslog: telnetd: configuration with invalid command Telnetd: spawning task failed (status: RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY) syslog: telnetd: cannot create server task syslog: telnetd: started successfully syslog: telnetd: already started *** END OF TEST TELNETD 1 ***