# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2013-2014 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # RTEMS Testing Reports # import datetime import os import threading from rtemstoolkit import error from rtemstoolkit import log from rtemstoolkit import path # # Maybe this should be a configuration. # test_fail_excludes = [ 'minimum' ] class report(object): '''RTEMS Testing report.''' def __init__(self, total): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.total = total self.total_len = len(str(total)) self.passed = 0 self.user_input = 0 self.failed = 0 self.expected_fail = 0 self.indeterminate = 0 self.benchmark = 0 self.timeouts = 0 self.invalids = 0 self.results = {} self.name_max_len = 0 def __str__(self): msg = 'Passed: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.passed, os.linesep) msg += 'Failed: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.failed, os.linesep) msg += 'User Input: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.user_input, os.linesep) msg += 'Expected Fail: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.expected_fail, os.linesep) msg += 'Indeterminate: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.self.indeterminate, os.linesep) msg += 'Benchmark: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.self.benchmark, os.linesep) msg += 'Timeout: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.timeouts, os.linesep) msg += 'Invalid: %*d%s' % (self.total_len, self.invalids, os.linesep) return msg def start(self, index, total, name, executable, bsp_arch, bsp): header = '[%*d/%*d] p:%-*d f:%-*d u:%-*d e:%-*d I:%-*d B:%-*d t:%-*d i:%-*d | %s/%s: %s' % \ (len(str(total)), index, len(str(total)), total, len(str(total)), self.passed, len(str(total)), self.failed, len(str(total)), self.user_input, len(str(total)), self.expected_fail, len(str(total)), self.indeterminate, len(str(total)), self.benchmark, len(str(total)), self.timeouts, len(str(total)), self.invalids, bsp_arch, bsp, path.basename(name)) self.lock.acquire() if name in self.results: self.lock.release() raise error.general('duplicate test: %s' % (name)) self.results[name] = { 'index': index, 'bsp': bsp, 'bsp_arch': bsp_arch, 'exe': name, 'start': datetime.datetime.now(), 'end': None, 'result': None, 'output': None, 'header': header } self.lock.release() log.notice(header, stdout_only = True) def end(self, name, output): start = False end = False state = None timeout = False prefixed_output = [] for line in output: if line[0] == ']': if line[1].startswith('*** '): if line[1][4:].startswith('BEGIN OF '): start = True if line[1][4:].startswith('END OF '): end = True if line[1][4:].startswith('TEST STATE:'): state = line[1][15:].strip() if line[1][4:].startswith('TIMEOUT TIMEOUT'): timeout = True prefixed_output += [line[0] + ' ' + line[1]] self.lock.acquire() if name not in self.results: self.lock.release() raise error.general('test report missing: %s' % (name)) if self.results[name]['end'] is not None: self.lock.release() raise error.general('test already finished: %s' % (name)) self.results[name]['end'] = datetime.datetime.now() if state is None: if start and end: if state is None: status = 'passed' self.passed += 1 elif timeout: status = 'timeout' self.timeouts += 1 elif start: if not end: status = 'failed' self.failed += 1 else: exe_name = path.basename(name).split('.')[0] if exe_name in test_fail_excludes: status = 'passed' self.passed += 1 else: status = 'invalid' self.invalids += 1 else: if state == 'EXPECTED_FAIL': if start and end: status = 'passed' self.passed += 1 else: status = 'expected-fail' self.expected_fail += 1 elif state == 'USER_INPUT': status = 'user-input' self.user_input += 1 elif state == 'INDETERMINATE': if start and end: status = 'passed' self.passed += 1 else: status = 'indeterminate' self.indeterminate += 1 elif state == 'BENCHMARK': status = 'benchmark' self.benchmark += 1 else: raise error.general('invalid test state: %s: %s' % (name, state)) self.results[name]['result'] = status self.results[name]['output'] = prefixed_output if self.name_max_len < len(path.basename(name)): self.name_max_len = len(path.basename(name)) self.lock.release() return status def log(self, name, mode): if mode != 'none': self.lock.acquire() if name not in self.results: self.lock.release() raise error.general('test report missing: %s' % (name)) exe = path.basename(self.results[name]['exe']) result = self.results[name]['result'] time = self.results[name]['end'] - self.results[name]['start'] failed = result in ['failed', 'timeout', 'invalid'] result = 'Result: %-10s Time: %s %s' % (result, str(time), exe) if mode != 'none': header = self.results[name]['header'] if mode == 'all' or failed: output = self.results[name]['output'] else: output = None self.lock.release() if header: log.output(header) if output: log.output(result) log.output(output) def score_card(self): l = [] l += ['Passed: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.passed)] l += ['Failed: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.failed)] l += ['User Input: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.user_input)] l += ['Expected Fail: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.expected_fail)] l += ['Indeterminate: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.indeterminate)] l += ['Benchmark: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.benchmark)] l += ['Timeout: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.timeouts)] l += ['Invalid: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.invalids)] l += ['---------------%s' % ('-' * self.total_len)] l += ['Total: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.total)] return os.linesep.join(l) def failures(self): def show_state(results, state, max_len): l = [] for name in results: if results[name]['result'] == state: l += [' %s' % (path.basename(name))] return l l = [] if self.failed: l += ['Failures:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'failed', self.name_max_len) if self.user_input: l += ['User Input:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'user-input', self.name_max_len) if self.expected_fail: l += ['Expected Fail:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'expected-fail', self.name_max_len) if self.indeterminate: l += ['Indeterminate:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'indeterminate', self.name_max_len) if self.benchmark: l += ['Benchmark:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'benchmark', self.name_max_len) if self.timeouts: l += ['Timeouts:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'timeout', self.name_max_len) if self.invalids: l += ['Invalid:'] l += show_state(self.results, 'invalid', self.name_max_len) return os.linesep.join(l) def summary(self): log.output() log.notice(self.score_card()) log.output() log.output(self.failures())