# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2010-2016 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # Determine the defaults and load the specific file. # from __future__ import print_function import copy import glob import pprint import re import os import string import sys # # Support to handle use in a package and as a unit test. # If there is a better way to let us know. # try: from . import error from . import execute from . import git from . import log from . import macros from . import path from . import version except (ValueError, SystemError): import error import execute import git import log import macros import path import version basepath = 'tb' # # Save the host state. # host_windows = False class command_line(object): """Process the command line in a common way for all Tool Builder commands.""" def __init__(self, base_path = None, argv = None, optargs = None, defaults = None, long_opts = None, long_opts_help = None, command_path = '', log_default = None): if argv is None: return global basepath if long_opts == None: raise error.general('No options provided') basepath = base_path if log_default is not None and type(log_default) is not list: raise error.general('log default is a list') self.log_default = log_default if defaults is None: defaults = macros.macros() self.long_opts = { # key macro handler param defs init '--jobs' : ('_jobs', self._lo_jobs, True, 'default', True), '--log' : ('_logfile', self._lo_string, True, None, False), '--macros' : ('_macros', self._lo_string, True, None, False), '--force' : ('_force', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--quiet' : ('_quiet', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--trace' : ('_trace', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--dry-run' : ('_dry_run', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--warn-all' : ('_warn_all', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--no-clean' : ('_no_clean', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--keep-going' : ('_keep_going', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--always-clean' : ('_always_clean', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--no-install' : ('_no_install', self._lo_bool, False, '0', True), '--help' : (None, self._lo_help, False, None, False) } self.long_opts_help = { '--force': 'Force the build to proceed', '--quiet': 'Quiet output (not used)', '--trace': 'Trace the execution', '--dry-run': 'Do everything but actually run the build', '--warn-all': 'Generate warnings', '--no-clean': 'Do not clean up the build tree', '--always-clean': 'Always clean the build tree, even with an error', '--keep-going': 'Do not stop on an error.', '--jobs=[0..n,none,half,full]': 'Run with specified number of jobs, default: num CPUs.', '--macros file[,file]': 'Macro format files to load after the defaults', '--log file': 'Log file where all build out is written too', } self.opts = { 'params' : [] } self.command_path = command_path self.command_name = path.basename(argv[0]) self.argv = argv self.args = argv[1:] self.optargs = optargs self.defaults = defaults for lo in self.long_opts: self.opts[lo[2:]] = self.long_opts[lo][3] if self.long_opts[lo][4]: self.defaults[self.long_opts[lo][0]] = ('none', 'none', self.long_opts[lo][3]) for lo in long_opts: if lo in self.long_opts: raise error.general('suplicate option: %s' % (lo)) self.opts[lo[2:]] = long_opts[lo][3] if long_opts[lo][4]: self.defaults[long_opts[lo][0]] = ('none', 'none', long_opts[lo][3]) if long_opts[lo][1] == 'int': handler = self._lo_int elif long_opts[lo][1] == 'string': handler = self._lo_string elif long_opts[lo][1] == 'path': handler = self._lo_path elif long_opts[lo][1] == 'jobs': handler = self._lo_jobs elif long_opts[lo][1] == 'bool': handler = self._lo_bool elif long_opts[lo][1] == 'triplet': handler = self._lo_triplets else: raise error.general('invalid option handler: %s: %s' % (lo, long_opts[lo][1])) self.long_opts[lo] = (long_opts[lo][0], handler, long_opts[lo][2], long_opts[lo][3], long_opts[lo][4]) if long_opts_help is not None: if lo not in long_opts_help: raise error.general('no help for option: %s' % (lo)) self.long_opts_help[lo] = long_opts_help[lo] def __copy__(self): new = type(self)() #new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) new.opts = copy.copy(self.opts) new.command_path = copy.copy(self.command_path) new.command_name = copy.copy(self.command_name) new.argv = self.argv new.args = self.args new.optargs = copy.copy(self.optargs) new.defaults = copy.copy(self.defaults) new.long_opts = copy.copy(self.long_opts) return new def __str__(self): def _dict(dd): s = '' ddl = list(dd.keys()) ddl.sort() for d in ddl: s += ' ' + d + ': ' + str(dd[d]) + '\n' return s s = 'command: ' + self.command() + \ '\nargs: ' + str(self.args) + \ '\nopts:\n' + _dict(self.opts) return s def _lo_int(self, opt, macro, value): if value is None: raise error.general('option requires a value: %s' % (opt)) try: num = int(value) except: raise error.general('option conversion to int failed: %s' % (opt)) self.opts[opt[2:]] = value self.defaults[macro] = value def _lo_string(self, opt, macro, value): if value is None: raise error.general('option requires a value: %s' % (opt)) self.opts[opt[2:]] = value self.defaults[macro] = value def _lo_path(self, opt, macro, value): if value is None: raise error.general('option requires a path: %s' % (opt)) value = path.abspath(value) self.opts[opt[2:]] = value self.defaults[macro] = value def _lo_jobs(self, opt, macro, value): if value is None: raise error.general('option requires a value: %s' % (opt)) ok = False if value in ['max', 'none', 'half']: ok = True else: try: i = int(value) ok = True except: pass if not ok: try: f = float(value) ok = True except: pass if not ok: raise error.general('invalid jobs option: %s' % (value)) self.defaults[macro] = value self.opts[opt[2:]] = value def _lo_bool(self, opt, macro, value): if value is not None: raise error.general('option does not take a value: %s' % (opt)) self.opts[opt[2:]] = '1' self.defaults[macro] = '1' def _lo_triplets(self, opt, macro, value): # # This is a target triplet. Run it past config.sub to make make sure it # is ok. The target triplet is 'cpu-vendor-os'. # e = execute.capture_execution() config_sub = path.join(self.command_path, basepath, 'config.sub') exit_code, proc, output = e.shell(config_sub + ' ' + value) if exit_code == 0: value = output self.defaults[macro] = ('triplet', 'none', value) self.opts[opt[2:]] = value _cpu = macro + '_cpu' _arch = macro + '_arch' _vendor = macro + '_vendor' _os = macro + '_os' _arch_value = '' _vendor_value = '' _os_value = '' dash = value.find('-') if dash >= 0: _arch_value = value[:dash] value = value[dash + 1:] dash = value.find('-') if dash >= 0: _vendor_value = value[:dash] value = value[dash + 1:] if len(value): _os_value = value self.defaults[_cpu] = _arch_value self.defaults[_arch] = _arch_value self.defaults[_vendor] = _vendor_value self.defaults[_os] = _os_value def _lo_help(self, opt, macro, value): self.help() def _help_indent(self): indent = 0 if self.optargs: for o in self.optargs: if len(o) > indent: indent = len(o) for o in self.long_opts_help: if len(o) > indent: indent = len(o) return indent def help(self): print('%s: [options] [args]' % (self.command_name)) print('RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012-2014 Chris Johns') print('Options and arguments:') opts = list(self.long_opts_help.keys()) if self.optargs: opts += list(self.optargs.keys()) indent = self._help_indent() for o in sorted(opts): if o in self.long_opts_help: h = self.long_opts_help[o] elif self.optargs: h = self.optargs[o] else: raise error.general('invalid help data: %s' %(o)) print('%-*s : %s' % (indent, o, h)) raise error.exit() def process(self): arg = 0 while arg < len(self.args): a = self.args[arg] if a == '-?': self.help() elif a.startswith('--'): los = a.split('=') lo = los[0] if lo in self.long_opts: long_opt = self.long_opts[lo] if len(los) == 1: if long_opt[2]: if arg == len(self.args) - 1: raise error.general('option requires a parameter: %s' % (lo)) arg += 1 value = self.args[arg] else: value = None else: value = '='.join(los[1:]) long_opt[1](lo, long_opt[0], value) else: self.opts['params'].append(a) arg += 1 def post_process(self): # Handle the log first. log.default = log.log(self.logfiles()) if self.trace(): log.tracing = True if self.quiet(): log.quiet = True # Handle the jobs for make if '_ncpus' not in self.defaults: raise error.general('host number of CPUs not set') ncpus = self.jobs(self.defaults['_ncpus']) if ncpus > 1: self.defaults['_smp_mflags'] = '-j %d' % (ncpus) else: self.defaults['_smp_mflags'] = self.defaults['nil'] # Load user macro files um = self.user_macros() if um: checked = path.exists(um) if False in checked: raise error.general('macro file not found: %s' % (um[checked.index(False)])) for m in um: self.defaults.load(m) # Check if the user has a private set of macros to load if 'RSB_MACROS' in os.environ: if path.exists(os.environ['RSB_MACROS']): self.defaults.load(os.environ['RSB_MACROS']) if 'HOME' in os.environ: rsb_macros = path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.rsb_macros') if path.exists(rsb_macros): self.defaults.load(rsb_macros) def local_git(self): repo = git.repo(self.defaults.expand('%{_rtdir}'), self) if repo.valid(): repo_valid = '1' repo_head = repo.head() repo_clean = not repo.dirty() repo_id = repo_head if not repo_clean: repo_id += '-modified' repo_mail = repo.email() else: repo_valid = '0' repo_head = '%{nil}' repo_clean = '%{nil}' repo_id = 'no-repo' repo_mail = None self.defaults['_local_git_valid'] = repo_valid self.defaults['_local_git_head'] = repo_head self.defaults['_local_git_clean'] = str(repo_clean) self.defaults['_local_git_id'] = repo_id if repo_mail is not None: self.defaults['_localgit_mail'] = repo_mail def command(self): return path.join(self.command_path, self.command_name) def force(self): return self.opts['force'] != '0' def dry_run(self): return self.opts['dry-run'] != '0' def set_dry_run(self): self.opts['dry-run'] = '1' def quiet(self): return self.opts['quiet'] != '0' def trace(self): return self.opts['trace'] != '0' def warn_all(self): return self.opts['warn-all'] != '0' def keep_going(self): return self.opts['keep-going'] != '0' def no_clean(self): return self.opts['no-clean'] != '0' def always_clean(self): return self.opts['always-clean'] != '0' def no_install(self): return self.opts['no-install'] != '0' def user_macros(self): # # Return something even if it does not exist. # if self.opts['macros'] is None: return None um = [] configs = self.defaults.expand('%{_configdir}').split(':') for m in self.opts['macros'].split(','): if path.exists(m): um += [m] else: # Get the expanded config macros then check them. cm = path.expand(m, configs) ccm = path.exists(cm) if True in ccm: # Pick the first found um += [cm[ccm.index(True)]] else: um += [m] return um if len(um) else None def jobs(self, cpus): try: cpus = int(cpus) except: raise error.general('invalid host cpu value') opt_jobs = self.opts['jobs'] if opt_jobs == 'default': _jobs = self.defaults.get_value('jobs') if _jobs is not None: if _jobs == 'none': cpus = 0 elif _jobs == 'max': pass elif _jobs == 'half': cpus = cpus / 2 else: try: cpus = int(_jobs) except: raise error.general('invalid %%{jobs} value: %s' % (_jobs)) else: opt_jobs = 'max' if opt_jobs != 'default': if opt_jobs == 'none': cpus = 0 elif opt_jobs == 'max': pass elif opt_jobs == 'half': cpus = cpus / 2 else: ok = False try: i = int(opt_jobs) cpus = i ok = True except: pass if not ok: try: f = float(opt_jobs) cpus = f * cpus ok = True except: pass if not ok: raise error.internal('bad jobs option: %s' % (opt_jobs)) if cpus <= 0: cpu = 1 return cpus def params(self): return self.opts['params'] def get_args(self): for arg in self.args: yield arg def find_arg(self, arg): if self.optargs is None or arg not in self.optargs: raise error.internal('bad arg: %s' % (arg)) for a in self.args: sa = a.split('=') if sa[0].startswith(arg): return sa return None def logfiles(self): if 'log' in self.opts and self.opts['log'] is not None: log = self.opts['log'].split(',') elif self.log_default is None: log = ['stdout'] else: log = self.log_default return log def urls(self): if self.opts['url'] is not None: return self.opts['url'].split(',') return None def log_info(self): log.output(' Command Line: %s' % (' '.join(self.argv))) log.output(' Python: %s' % (sys.version.replace('\n', ''))) def load(opts): """ Copy the defaults, get the host specific values and merge them overriding any matching defaults, then create an options object to handle the command line merging in any command line overrides. Finally post process the command line. """ if not isinstance(opts, command_line): raise error.general('invalid opt type') global host_windows overrides = None if os.name == 'nt': try: import windows overrides = windows.load() host_windows = True except: raise error.general('failed to load Windows host support') elif os.name == 'posix': uname = os.uname() try: if uname[0].startswith('CYGWIN_NT'): try: from . import windows except: import windows overrides = windows.load() elif uname[0] == 'Darwin': try: from . import darwin except: import darwin overrides = darwin.load() elif uname[0] == 'FreeBSD': try: from . import freebsd except: import freebsd overrides = freebsd.load() elif uname[0] == 'NetBSD': try: from . import netbsd except: import netbsd overrides = netbsd.load() elif uname[0] == 'Linux': try: from . import linux except: import linux overrides = linux.load() elif uname[0] == 'SunOS': try: from . import solaris except: import solaris overrides = solaris.load() except: raise error.general('failed to load %s host support' % (uname[0])) else: raise error.general('unsupported host type; please add') if overrides is None: raise error.general('no hosts defaults found; please add') for k in overrides: opts.defaults[k] = overrides[k] opts.local_git() opts.process() opts.post_process() def run(args): try: long_opts = { # key macro handler param defs init '--test-path' : ('_test_path', 'path', True, None, False), '--test-jobs' : ('_test_jobs', 'jobs', True, 'max', True), '--test-bool' : ('_test_bool', 'bool', False, '0', True) } opts = command_line(base_path = '.', argv = args, optargs = None, defaults = macros.macros(), long_opts = long_opts, command_path = '.') load(opts) log.notice('RTEMS Tools Project - Defaults, v%s' % (version.str())) opts.log_info() log.notice('Options:') log.notice(str(opts)) log.notice('Defaults:') log.notice(str(opts.defaults)) except error.general as gerr: print(gerr) sys.exit(1) except error.internal as ierr: print(ierr) sys.exit(1) except error.exit as eerr: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: _notice(opts, 'abort: user terminated') sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': run(sys.argv)