diff options
2 files changed, 716 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/tester/rt/ b/tester/rt/
index 7e1fc3f..d33d606 100755
--- a/tester/rt/
+++ b/tester/rt/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# RTEMS Tools Project (
-# Copyright 2016 Chris Johns (
+# Copyright 2016-2017 Chris Johns (
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'.
@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@ import argparse
import datetime
import operator
import os
+import re
import sys
+import textwrap
+import pprint
import configparser
@@ -43,60 +47,327 @@ except:
from rtemstoolkit import execute
from rtemstoolkit import error
+from rtemstoolkit import host
from rtemstoolkit import log
from rtemstoolkit import path
+from rtemstoolkit import textbox
from rtemstoolkit import version
def rtems_version():
return version.version()
-class warnings_counter:
+def wrap(line, lineend = '', indent = 0):
+ if type(line) is tuple or type(line) is list:
+ if len(line) >= 2:
+ s1 = line[0]
+ else:
+ s1 = ''
+ s2 = line[1:]
+ elif type(line) is str:
+ s1 = ''
+ s2 = [line]
+ else:
+ raise error.internal('line is not a tuple, list or string')
+ s = ''
+ first = True
+ for ss in s2:
+ if type(ss) is not str and type(ss) is not unicode:
+ raise error.internal('text needs to be a string')
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(ss):
+ s += '%s%s%s%s%s' % (' ' * indent, s1, l, lineend, os.linesep)
+ if first and len(s1) > 0:
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ if lineend != '':
+ s = s[:0 - len(os.linesep) - 1] + os.linesep
+ return s
+def title():
+ return 'RTEMS Tools Project - RTEMS Kernel BSP Builder, %s' % (version.str())
+def command_line():
+ return wrap(('command: ', ' '.join(sys.argv)), lineend = '\\')
+class warnings_errors:
def __init__(self, rtems):
self.rtems =
+ self.groups = { 'groups' : ['Shared', 'BSP', 'Network', 'Tests',
+ 'LibCPU', 'CPU Kit'],
+ 'exclude' : '.*Makefile.*',
+ 'CPU Kit' : '.*cpukit/.*',
+ 'Network' : '.*libnetworking/.*',
+ 'Tests' : '.*testsuites/.*',
+ 'BSP' : '.*libbsp/.*',
+ 'LibCPU' : '.*libcpu/.*',
+ 'Shared' : '.*shared/.*' }
+ self.arch = None
+ self.bsp = None
+ = None
+ def _opts(self, arch = None, bsp = None, build = None):
+ if arch is None:
+ arch = self.arch
+ if bsp is None:
+ bsp = self.bsp
+ if build is None:
+ build =
+ return arch, bsp, build
+ def _key(self, arch, bsp, build):
+ arch, bsp, build = self._opts(arch, bsp, build)
+ return '%s/%s-%s' % (arch, bsp, build)
+ def _get_warnings(self, arch = None, bsp = None, build = None):
+ arch, bsp, build = self._opts(arch = arch, bsp = bsp, build = build)
+ if arch is None:
+ arch = '.*'
+ if bsp is None:
+ bsp = '.*'
+ if build is None:
+ build = '.*'
+ selector = re.compile('^%s/%s-%s$' % (arch, bsp, build))
+ warnings = [w for w in self.warnings if selector.match(w)]
+ return sorted(warnings)
+ def _total(self, archive):
+ total = 0
+ for a in archive:
+ total += archive[a]
+ return total
+ def _analyze(self, warnings, exclude):
+ def _group(data, category, name, warning, count, groups, group_regx):
+ if 'groups' not in data:
+ data['groups'] = { }
+ if category not in data['groups']:
+ data['groups'][category] = { 'totals' : { } }
+ if name not in data['groups'][category]:
+ data['groups'][category][name] = { }
+ for group in groups:
+ if group not in data['groups'][category]['totals']:
+ data['groups'][category]['totals'][group] = 0
+ if group not in data['groups'][category][name]:
+ data['groups'][category][name][group] = 0
+ if group_regx[group].match(warning):
+ data['groups'][category][name][group] += count
+ data['groups'][category]['totals'][group] += count
+ break
+ def _update(data, category, name, warning, count, groups, group_regx):
+ if category not in data:
+ data[category] = { }
+ if name not in data[category]:
+ data[category][name] = { }
+ if warning not in data[category][name]:
+ data[category][name][warning] = 0
+ data[category][name][warning] += count
+ _group(data, category, name, w, count, groups, group_regx)
+ data = { }
+ group_regx = { }
+ for group in self.groups['groups']:
+ group_regx[group] = re.compile(self.groups[group])
+ exclude_regx = re.compile(exclude)
+ for warning in warnings:
+ arch = warning.split('/', 1)[0]
+ arch_bsp = warning.split('-', 1)[0]
+ build = warning.split('-', 1)[1]
+ for w in self.warnings[warning]:
+ if not exclude_regx.match(w):
+ count = self.warnings[warning][w]
+ _update(data, 'arch', arch, w, count,
+ self.groups['groups'], group_regx)
+ _update(data, 'arch_bsp', arch_bsp, w, count,
+ self.groups['groups'], group_regx)
+ _update(data, 'build', build, w, count,
+ self.groups['groups'], group_regx)
+ for category in ['arch', 'arch_bsp', 'build']:
+ common = {}
+ for name in data[category]:
+ for w in data[category][name]:
+ if w not in common:
+ for other in [n for n in data[category] if n != name]:
+ if w in data[category][other]:
+ common[w] = data[category][name][w]
+ _group(data, category, 'common', w, common[w],
+ self.groups['groups'], group_regx)
+ data[category]['common'] = common
+ return data
+ def _report_category(self, label, warnings, group_counts):
+ width = 70
+ cols_1 = [width]
+ cols_2 = [8, width - 8]
+ cols_4 = textbox.even_columns(4, width)
+ cols_2_4 = textbox.merge_columns([cols_2, cols_4])
+ s = textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' ' + label], indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ builds = ['common'] + sorted([b for b in warnings if b != 'common'])
+ common = warnings['common']
+ for build in builds:
+ build_warnings = warnings[build]
+ if build is not 'common':
+ build_warnings = [w for w in build_warnings if w not in common]
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1,
+ [' %s : %d warning(s)' % (build,
+ len(build_warnings))],
+ indent = 1)
+ if len(build_warnings) == 0:
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ else:
+ s += textbox.line(cols_4, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ if build not in group_counts:
+ gs = [0 for group in self.groups['groups']]
+ else:
+ gs = []
+ for g in range(0, len(self.groups['groups'])):
+ group = self.groups['groups'][g]
+ gs += ['%*s' % (cols_4[g % 4] - 2,
+ '%s : %4d' % \
+ (group,
+ group_counts[build][group]))]
+ for row in range(0, len(self.groups['groups']), 4):
+ if row + 4 > len(self.groups['groups']):
+ d = gs[row:] + \
+ ['' for r in range(row,
+ len(self.groups['groups']))]
+ else:
+ d = gs[row:+4]
+ s += textbox.row(cols_4, d, indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_2_4, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ vw = sorted([(w, warnings[build][w]) for w in build_warnings],
+ key = operator.itemgetter(1),
+ reverse = True)
+ for w in vw:
+ c1 = '%6d' % w[1]
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(' ' + w[0]):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_2, [c1, l], indent = 1)
+ c1 = ' ' * 6
+ s += textbox.line(cols_2, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ return s
+ def _report_warning_map(self):
+ builds = self.messages['warnings']
+ width = 70
+ cols_1 = [width]
+ s = textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' Warning Map'], indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for build in builds:
+ messages = builds[build]
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' %s : %d' % (build, len(messages))], indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for msg in messages:
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(msg, width = width - 3):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(messages[msg], width = width - 3 - 4):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ return s
def report(self):
- str = ''
- sw = sorted(self.warnings.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
- for w in sw:
- str += ' %5d %s%s' % (w[1], w[0], os.linesep)
- return str
- def accumulate(self, total):
- for w in self.warnings:
- if w not in total.warnings:
- total.warnings[w] = self.warnings[w]
- else:
- total.warnings[w] += self.warnings[w]
- total.count += self.count
+ arch, bsp, build = self._opts()
+ warnings = self._get_warnings(arch, bsp, build)
+ total = 0
+ for build in warnings:
+ total += self._total(self.warnings[build])
+ if total == 0:
+ s = ' No warnings'
+ else:
+ data = self._analyze(warnings, self.groups['exclude'])
+ s = self._report_category('By Architecture (total : %d)' % (total),
+ data['arch'], data['groups']['arch'])
+ s += os.linesep
+ s += self._report_category('By BSP (total : %d)' % (total),
+ data['arch_bsp'], data['groups']['arch_bsp'])
+ s += os.linesep
+ s += self._report_category('By Build (total : %d)' % (total),
+ data['build'], data['groups']['build'])
+ s += os.linesep
+ s += self._report_warning_map()
+ s += os.linesep
+ return s
+ def set_build(self, arch, bsp, build):
+ self.arch = arch
+ self.bsp = bsp
+ = build
+ self.build_key = '%s/%s-%s' % (arch, bsp, build)
+ if self.build_key not in self.warnings:
+ self.warnings[self.build_key] = {}
+ if self.build_key not in self.errors:
+ self.errors[self.build_key] = {}
+ def clear_build(self):
+ self.arch = None
+ self.bsp = None
+ = None
+ self.build_key = None
- def get(self):
- return self.count
+ def get_warning_count(self):
+ return self.warning_count
+ def get_error_count(self):
+ return self.error_count
def reset(self):
self.warnings = { }
- self.count = 0
+ self.warning_count = 0
+ self.errors = { }
+ self.error_count = 0
+ self.messages = { 'warnings' : { }, 'errors' : { } }
+ def get_warning_messages(self, arch = None, bsp = None, build = None):
+ messages = self.messages['warnings'][self._key(arch, bsp, build)]
+ return ['%s %s' % (m, messages[m]) for m in messages]
+ def get_error_messages(self, arch = None, bsp = None, build = None):
+ messages = self.messages['errors'][self._key(arch, bsp, build)]
+ return ['%s %s' % (m, messages[m]) for m in messages]
def output(self, text):
- for l in text.splitlines():
- if ' warning:' in l:
- self.count += 1
- ws = l.split(' ')
- if len(ws) > 0:
- ws = ws[0].split(':')
- w = path.abspath(ws[0])
- w = w.replace(self.rtems, '')
- if path.isabspath(w):
- w = w[1:]
- #
- # Ignore compiler option warnings.
- #
- if len(ws) >= 3:
- w = '%s:%s:%s' % (w, ws[1], ws[2])
- if w not in self.warnings:
- self.warnings[w] = 0
- self.warnings[w] += 1
+ def _line_split(line, source_base):
+ ls = line.split(' ', 1)
+ fname = ls[0].split(':')
+ #
+ # Ignore compiler option warnings.
+ #
+ if len(fname) < 4:
+ return None
+ p = path.abspath(fname[0])
+ p = p.replace(source_base, '')
+ if path.isabspath(p):
+ p = p[1:]
+ return p, fname[1], fname[2], ls[1]
+ if self.build_key is not None and \
+ (' warning:' in text or ' error:' in text):
+ for l in text.splitlines():
+ if ' warning:' in l:
+ self.warning_count += 1
+ archive = self.warnings[self.build_key]
+ messages = 'warnings'
+ elif ' error:' in l:
+ self.error_count += 1
+ archive = self.errors[self.build_key]
+ messages = 'errors'
+ else:
+ continue
+ line_parts = _line_split(l, self.rtems)
+ if line_parts is not None:
+ src, line, pos, msg = line_parts
+ where = '%s:%s:%s' % (src, line, pos)
+ if where not in archive:
+ archive[where] = 1
+ else:
+ archive[where] += 1
+ if self.build_key not in self.messages[messages]:
+ self.messages[messages][self.build_key] = { }
+ self.messages[messages][self.build_key][where] = msg
class results:
@@ -108,11 +379,11 @@ class results:
def _arch_bsp(self, arch, bsp):
return '%s/%s' % (arch, bsp)
- def add(self, good, arch, bsp, configure, warnings):
+ def add(self, good, arch, bsp, configure, warnings, error_messages):
if good:
- self.passes += [(arch, bsp, configure, warnings)]
+ self.passes += [(arch, bsp, configure, warnings, None)]
- self.fails += [(arch, bsp, configure, 0)]
+ self.fails += [(arch, bsp, configure, warnings, error_messages)]
def report(self):
log.notice('* Passes: %d Failures: %d' %
@@ -123,7 +394,7 @@ class results:
(len(self.passes), len(self.fails)))
log.output(' Failures:')
if len(self.fails) == 0:
- log.output('None')
+ log.output(' None')
max_col = 0
for f in self.fails:
@@ -135,12 +406,15 @@ class results:
config_at = config_cmd.find('configure')
if config_at != -1:
config_cmd = config_cmd[config_at:]
- log.output(' %*s: %s' % (max_col + 2,
- self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]),
- config_cmd))
+ s1 = ' %*s: ' % (max_col + 2, self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]))
+ log.output(wrap([s1, config_cmd], lineend = '\\'))
+ if f[4] is not None:
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ for msg in f[4]:
+ log.output(wrap([s1, msg], lineend = '\\'))
log.output(' Passes:')
if len(self.passes) == 0:
- log.output('None')
+ log.output(' None')
max_col = 0
for f in self.passes:
@@ -152,10 +426,11 @@ class results:
config_at = config_cmd.find('configure')
if config_at != -1:
config_cmd = config_cmd[config_at:]
- log.output(' %*s: %5d %s' % (max_col + 2,
- self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]),
- f[3],
- config_cmd))
+ log.output(wrap((' %*s: %5d ' % (max_col + 2,
+ self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]),
+ f[3]),
+ config_cmd),
+ lineend = '\\'))
class configuration:
@@ -163,8 +438,9 @@ class configuration:
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() = None
self.archs = { }
- self.builds = { }
+ self.builds_ = { }
self.profiles = { }
+ self.configurations = { }
def __str__(self):
import pprint
@@ -172,7 +448,7 @@ class configuration:
s += 'Archs:' + os.linesep + \
pprint.pformat(self.archs, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
s += 'Builds:' + os.linesep + \
- pprint.pformat(self.builds, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
+ pprint.pformat(self.builds_, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
s += 'Profiles:' + os.linesep + \
pprint.pformat(self.profiles, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
return s
@@ -183,16 +459,16 @@ class configuration:
return rec
if err:
- raise error.general('config: no %s found in %s' % (label, section))
+ raise error.general('config: no "%s" found in "%s"' % (label, section))
return None
def _get_items(self, section, err = True):
- items = self.config.items(section)
+ items = [(name, key.replace(os.linesep, ' ')) for name, key in self.config.items(section)]
return items
if err:
- raise error.general('config: section %s not found' % (section))
+ raise error.general('config: section "%s" not found' % (section))
return []
def _comma_list(self, section, label, error = True):
@@ -201,7 +477,37 @@ class configuration:
return []
return sorted(set([a.strip() for a in items.split(',')]))
- def load(self, name, variation):
+ def _get_item_names(self, section, err = True):
+ try:
+ return [item[0] for item in self.config.items(section)]
+ except:
+ if err:
+ raise error.general('config: section "%s" not found' % (section))
+ return []
+ def _build_options(self, build, nesting = 0):
+ if ':' in build:
+ section, name = build.split(':', 1)
+ opts = [self._get_item(section, name)]
+ return opts
+ builds = self.builds_['builds']
+ if build not in builds:
+ raise error.general('build %s not found' % (build))
+ if nesting > 20:
+ raise error.general('nesting build %s' % (build))
+ options = []
+ for option in self.builds_['builds'][build]:
+ if ':' in option:
+ section, name = option.split(':', 1)
+ opts = [self._get_item(section, name)]
+ else:
+ opts = self._options(option, nesting + 1)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt not in options:
+ options += [opt]
+ return options
+ def load(self, name, build):
if not path.exists(name):
raise error.general('config: cannot read configuration: %s' % (name)) = name
@@ -239,23 +545,44 @@ class configuration:
arch[b]['bspopts'] = self._comma_list(a, 'bspopts_%s' % (b), error = False)
self.archs[a] = arch
builds = {}
- builds['default'] = self._get_item('builds', 'default').split()
- builds['variations'] = self._comma_list('builds', 'variations')
- if variation is None:
- variation = builds['default']
- builds['variation'] = variation
- builds['base'] = self._get_item('builds', 'standard').split()
- builds['variations'] = self._comma_list('builds', variation)
- builds['var_options'] = {}
- for v in builds['variations']:
- if v == 'base':
- builds['var_options'][v] = self._get_item('builds', v).split()
- else:
- builds['var_options'][v] = []
- self.builds = builds
+ builds['default'] = self._get_item('builds', 'default')
+ if build is None:
+ build = builds['default']
+ builds['config'] = { }
+ for config in self._get_items('config'):
+ builds['config'][config[0]] = config[1]
+ builds['build'] = build
+ builds_ = self._get_item_names('builds')
+ builds['builds'] = {}
+ for build in builds_:
+ build_builds = self._comma_list('builds', build)
+ has_config = False
+ has_build = False
+ for b in build_builds:
+ if ':' in b:
+ if has_build:
+ raise error.general('config and build in build: %s' % (build))
+ has_config = True
+ else:
+ if has_config:
+ raise error.general('config and build in build: %s' % (build))
+ has_build = True
+ builds['builds'][build] = build_builds
+ self.builds_ = builds
- def variations(self):
- return self.builds['variations']
+ def build(self):
+ return self.builds_['build']
+ def builds(self):
+ if self.builds_['build'] in self.builds_['builds']:
+ build = self.builds_['builds'][self.builds_['build']]
+ if ':' in build[0]:
+ return [self.builds_['build']]
+ return build
+ return None
+ def build_options(self, build):
+ return ' '.join(self._build_options(build))
def excludes(self, arch):
excludes = self.archs[arch]['excludes'].keys()
@@ -286,14 +613,6 @@ class configuration:
def bspopts(self, arch, bsp):
return self.archs[arch][bsp]['bspopts']
- def base(self):
- return self.builds['base']
- def variant_options(self, variant):
- if variant in self.builds['var_options']:
- return self.builds['var_options'][variant]
- return []
def profile_present(self, profile):
return profile in self.profiles
@@ -303,6 +622,133 @@ class configuration:
def profile_arch_bsps(self, profile, arch):
return self.profiles[profile]['bsps_%s' % (arch)]
+ def report(self, profiles = True, builds = True, architectures = True):
+ width = 70
+ cols_1 = [width]
+ cols_2 = [10, width - 10]
+ s = textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' File'
+ colon = ':'
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(, width = cols_2[1] - 3):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_2, [s1, ' ' + l], marker = colon, indent = 1)
+ colon = ' '
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ if profiles:
+ profiles = sorted(self.profiles['profiles'])
+ bsps = 0
+ for profile in profiles:
+ archs = sorted(self.profiles[profile]['archs'])
+ for arch in archs:
+ bsps += len(self.profiles[profile]['bsps_%s' % (arch)])
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1,
+ [' Profiles : %d/%d' % (len(archs), bsps)],
+ indent = 1)
+ for profile in profiles:
+ textbox.row(cols_2,
+ [profile, self.profiles[profile]['name']],
+ indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for profile in profiles:
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' %s' % (profile)], indent = 1)
+ profile = self.profiles[profile]
+ archs = sorted(profile['archs'])
+ for arch in archs:
+ s += textbox.line(cols_2, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' ' + arch
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(', '.join(profile['bsps_%s' % (arch)]),
+ width = cols_2[1] - 2):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_2, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_2, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ if builds:
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1,
+ [' Builds: %s (default)' % (self.builds_['default'])],
+ indent = 1)
+ builds = self.builds_['builds']
+ bsize = 0
+ for build in builds:
+ if len(build) > bsize:
+ bsize = len(build)
+ cols_b = [bsize + 2, width - bsize - 2]
+ s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for build in builds:
+ s1 = ' ' + build
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(', '.join(builds[build]),
+ width = cols_b[1] - 2):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ configs = self.builds_['config']
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1,
+ [' Configure Options: %d' % (len(configs))],
+ indent = 1)
+ csize = 0
+ for config in configs:
+ if len(config) > csize:
+ csize = len(config)
+ cols_c = [csize + 3, width - csize - 3]
+ s += textbox.line(cols_c, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for config in configs:
+ s1 = ' ' + config
+ for l in textwrap.wrap(configs[config], width = cols_c[1] - 3):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_c, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_c, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ if architectures:
+ s += textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ archs = sorted(self.archs.keys())
+ bsps = 0
+ asize = 0
+ for arch in archs:
+ if len(arch) > asize:
+ asize = len(arch)
+ bsps += len(self.archs[arch]['bsps'])
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1,
+ [' Architectures : %d (bsps: %d)' % (len(archs), bsps)],
+ indent = 1)
+ cols_a = [asize + 2, width - asize - 2]
+ s += textbox.line(cols_a, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for arch in archs:
+ s += textbox.row(cols_a,
+ [' ' + arch, ' %d' % (len(self.archs[arch]['bsps']))],
+ indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_a, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for archn in archs:
+ arch = self.archs[archn]
+ if len(arch['bsps']) > 0:
+ bsize = 0
+ for bsp in arch['bsps']:
+ if len(bsp) > bsize:
+ bsize = len(bsp)
+ cols_b = [bsize + 3, width - bsize - 3]
+ s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' ' + archn + ':'], indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ for bsp in arch['bsps']:
+ s1 = ' ' + bsp
+ bspopts = ' '.join(arch[bsp]['bspopts'])
+ if len(bspopts):
+ for l in textwrap.wrap('bopt: ' + bspopts,
+ width = cols_b[1] - 3):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ excludes = []
+ for exclude in arch['excludes']:
+ if bsp in arch['excludes'][exclude]:
+ excludes += [exclude]
+ excludes = ', '.join(excludes)
+ if len(excludes):
+ for l in textwrap.wrap('ex: ' + excludes,
+ width = cols_b[1] - 3):
+ s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
+ s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
+ if len(bspopts) == 0 and len(excludes) == 0:
+ s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' '], indent = 1)
+ s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
+ return s
class build:
def __init__(self, config, version, prefix, tools, rtems, build_dir, options):
@@ -315,12 +761,13 @@ class build:
self.options = options
self.errors = { 'configure': 0,
'build': 0,
- 'tests': 0 }
+ 'tests': 0,
+ 'fails': []}
self.counts = { 'h' : 0,
'exes' : 0,
'objs' : 0,
'libs' : 0 }
- self.warnings = warnings_counter(rtems)
+ self.warnings_errors = warnings_errors(rtems)
self.results = results()
if not path.exists(path.join(rtems, 'configure')) or \
not path.exists(path.join(rtems, '')) or \
@@ -340,22 +787,18 @@ class build:
def _bsps(self, arch):
return self.config.arch_bsps(arch)
- def _variations(self, arch, bsp):
- def _match(var, vars):
- matches = []
- for v in vars:
- if var in v.split('-'):
- matches += [v]
- return matches
- vars = self.config.variations()
- for v in self.config.excludes(arch):
- for m in _match(v, vars):
- vars.remove(m)
- for v in self.config.bsp_excludes(arch, bsp):
- for m in _match(v, vars):
- vars.remove(m)
- return vars
+ def _build(self):
+ return
+ def _builds(self, arch, bsp):
+ builds = self.config.builds()
+ if builds is None:
+ return None
+ for b in self.config.excludes(arch):
+ builds.remove(b)
+ for b in self.config.bsp_excludes(arch, bsp):
+ builds.remove(b)
+ return builds
def _arch_bsp_dir_make(self, arch, bsp):
if not path.exists(self._path(arch, bsp)):
@@ -366,6 +809,8 @@ class build:
path.removeall(self._path(arch, bsp))
def _config_command(self, commands, arch, bsp):
+ if type(commands) is not list:
+ commands = [commands]
cmd = [path.join(self.rtems, 'configure')]
commands += self.config.bspopts(arch, bsp)
for c in commands:
@@ -376,11 +821,10 @@ class build:
cmd += [c]
return ' '.join(cmd)
- def _build_set(self, variations):
+ def _build_set(self, builds):
build_set = { }
- bs = self.config.base()
- for var in variations:
- build_set[var] = bs + self.config.variant_options(var)
+ for build in builds:
+ build_set[build] = self.config.build_options(build)
return build_set
def _build_dir(self, arch, bsp, build):
@@ -406,6 +850,59 @@ class build:
self.counts[f] += counts[f]
return counts
+ def _have_failures(self, fails):
+ return len(fails) != 0
+ def _warnings_report(self):
+ if self.options['warnings-report'] is not None:
+ with open(self.options['warnings-report'], 'w') as f:
+ f.write(title() + os.linesep)
+ f.write(os.linesep)
+ f.write('Date: %s%s' % ('%c'), os.linesep))
+ f.write(os.linesep)
+ f.write(command_line() + os.linesep)
+ f.write(
+ def _finished(self):
+ log.notice('+ warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \
+ (self.warnings_errors.get_warning_count(), self.counts['exes'],
+ self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs']))
+ log.output()
+ log.output('Warnings:')
+ log.output(
+ log.output()
+ log.notice('Failures:')
+ log.notice(self.failures_report(self.errors['fails']))
+ self._warnings_report()
+ def failures_report(self, fails):
+ if not self._have_failures(fails):
+ return ' No failure(s)'
+ absize = 0
+ bsize = 0
+ ssize = 0
+ for f in fails:
+ arch_bsp = '%s/%s' % (f[1], f[2])
+ if len(arch_bsp) > absize:
+ absize = len(arch_bsp)
+ if len(f[3]) > bsize:
+ bsize = len(f[3])
+ if len(f[0]) > ssize:
+ ssize = len(f[0])
+ fc = 1
+ s = ''
+ for f in fails:
+ fcl = '%3d' % (fc)
+ arch_bsp = '%s/%s' % (f[1], f[2])
+ state = f[0]
+ s1 = '%s %-*s %-*s %-*s ' % (fcl, bsize, f[3], absize, arch_bsp, ssize, state)
+ s += wrap((s1, f[4]), lineend = '\\')
+ s1 = ' ' * (len(s1) + 2)
+ for e in self.warnings_errors.get_error_messages(f[1], f[2], f[3]):
+ s += wrap([s1, 'error: ' + e])
+ fc += 1
+ return s
def build_arch_bsp(self, arch, bsp):
if not self.config.bsp_present(arch, bsp):
raise error.general('BSP not found: %s/%s' % (arch, bsp))
@@ -414,37 +911,44 @@ class build:
log.notice('. Creating: %s' % (self._path(arch, bsp)))
self._arch_bsp_dir_clean(arch, bsp)
self._arch_bsp_dir_make(arch, bsp)
- variations = self._variations(arch, bsp)
- build_set = self._build_set(variations)
+ builds = self._builds(arch, bsp)
+ if builds is None:
+ raise error.general('build not found: %s' % (self._build()))
+ build_set = self._build_set(builds)
bsp_start =
- bsp_warnings = warnings_counter(self.rtems)
env_path = os.environ['PATH']
os.environ['PATH'] =, 'bin')) + \
os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
+ fails = []
for bs in sorted(build_set.keys()):
- warnings = warnings_counter(self.rtems)
+ self.warnings_errors.set_build(arch, bsp, bs)
start =
log.output('- ' * 35)
log.notice('. Configuring: %s' % (bs))
+ warnings = self.warnings_errors.get_warning_count()
result = '+ Pass'
bpath = self._build_dir(arch, bsp, bs)
+ good = True
+ error_messages = None
config_cmd = self._config_command(build_set[bs], arch, bsp)
cmd = config_cmd
- e = execute.capture_execution(log = warnings)
- log.output('run: ' + cmd)
+ e = execute.capture_execution(log = self.warnings_errors)
+ log.output(wrap(('run: ', cmd), lineend = '\\'))
if self.options['dry-run']:
exit_code = 0
exit_code, proc, output =, cwd =
if exit_code != 0:
result = '- FAIL'
+ failure = ('configure', arch, bsp, bs, config_cmd)
+ fails += [failure]
self.errors['configure'] += 1
+ self.errors['fails'] += [failure]
log.notice('- Configure failed: %s' % (bs))
log.output('cmd failed: %s' % (cmd))
- if self.options['stop-on-error']:
- raise error.general('Configuring %s failed' % (bs))
+ good = False
log.notice('. Building: %s' % (bs))
cmd = 'make'
@@ -456,34 +960,43 @@ class build:
exit_code, proc, output =, cwd =
if exit_code != 0:
+ error_messages = self.warnings_errors.get_error_messages()
result = '- FAIL'
+ failure = ('build', arch, bsp, bs, config_cmd, error_messages)
+ fails += [failure]
self.errors['build'] += 1
+ self.errors['fails'] += [failure]
log.notice('- FAIL: %s: %s' % (bs, self._error_str()))
log.output('cmd failed: %s' % (cmd))
- if self.options['stop-on-error']:
- raise error.general('Building %s failed' % (bs))
+ good = False
files = self._count_files(arch, bsp, bs)
log.notice('%s: %s: warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%s libs:%d' % \
- (result, bs, warnings.get(),
+ (result, bs,
+ self.warnings_errors.get_warning_count() - warnings,
files['exes'], files['objs'], files['libs']))
log.notice(' %s' % (self._error_str()))
- self.results.add(result[0] == '+', arch, bsp, config_cmd, warnings.get())
+ self.results.add(good, arch, bsp, config_cmd,
+ self.warnings_errors.get_warning_count() - warnings,
+ error_messages)
+ if not good and self.options['stop-on-error']:
+ raise error.general('Configuring %s failed' % (bs))
end =
if not self.options['no-clean']:
log.notice('. Cleaning: %s' % (self._build_dir(arch, bsp, bs)))
path.removeall(self._build_dir(arch, bsp, bs))
log.notice('^ Time %s' % (str(end - start)))
- log.output('Warnings Report:')
- log.output(
- warnings.accumulate(bsp_warnings)
- warnings.accumulate(self.warnings)
+ self.warnings_errors.clear_build()
bsp_end =
log.notice('^ BSP Time %s' % (str(bsp_end - bsp_start)))
- log.output('BSP Warnings Report:')
- log.output(
+ log.output('Failure Report:')
+ log.output(self.failures_report(fails))
os.environ['PATH'] = env_path
+ def build_bsp(self, arch, bsp):
+ self.build_arch_bsp(arch, bsp)
+ self._finished()
def build_arch(self, arch):
start =
log.output('=' * 70)
@@ -494,21 +1007,13 @@ class build:
self.build_arch_bsp(arch, bsp)
end =
log.notice('^ Architecture Time %s' % (str(end - start)))
- log.notice(' warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \
- (self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'],
- self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs']))
- log.output('Architecture Warnings:')
- log.output(
+ self._finished()
def build(self):
for arch in self.config.archs():
log.notice('^ Profile Time %s' % (str(end - start)))
- log.notice('+ warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \
- (self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'],
- self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs']))
- log.output('Profile Warnings:')
- log.output(
+ self._finished()
def build_profile(self, profile):
if not self.config.profile_present(profile):
@@ -520,11 +1025,7 @@ class build:
self.build_arch_bsp(arch, bsp)
end =
log.notice('^ Profile Time %s' % (str(end - start)))
- log.notice(' warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \
- (self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'],
- self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs']))
- log.output('Profile Warnings:')
- log.output(
+ self._finished()
def run_args(args):
b = None
@@ -545,16 +1046,26 @@ def run_args(args):
prefix = '/opt/rtems/%s' % (rtems_version())
tools = prefix
build_dir = 'bsp-builds'
- logf = 'bsp-build-%s.txt' % ('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))
- config_file = path.join(top, 'share', 'rtems', 'tester', 'rtems', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
+ logf = 'bsp-build-%s.txt' % \
+ ('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))
+ config_file = path.join(top, 'share', 'rtems', 'tester',
+ 'rtems', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
if not path.exists(config_file):
config_file = path.join(top, 'tester', 'rtems', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
argsp = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- argsp.add_argument('--prefix', help = 'Prefix to build the BSP.', type = str)
- argsp.add_argument('--rtems-tools', help = 'The RTEMS tools directory.', type = str)
- argsp.add_argument('--rtems', help = 'The RTEMS source tree.', type = str)
- argsp.add_argument('--build-path', help = 'Path to build in.', type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--prefix', help = 'Prefix to build the BSP.',
+ type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--rtems-tools', help = 'The RTEMS tools directory.',
+ type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--rtems', help = 'The RTEMS source tree.',
+ type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--config-report', help = 'Report the configuration.',
+ action = 'store_true')
+ argsp.add_argument('--warnings-report', help = 'Report the warnings to a file.',
+ type = str, default = None)
+ argsp.add_argument('--build-path', help = 'Path to build in.',
+ type = str)
argsp.add_argument('--log', help = 'Log file.', type = str)
argsp.add_argument('--stop-on-error', help = 'Stop on an error.',
action = 'store_true')
@@ -562,9 +1073,14 @@ def run_args(args):
action = 'store_true')
argsp.add_argument('--profiles', help = 'Build the listed profiles.',
type = str, default = 'tier-1')
- argsp.add_argument('--build', help = 'Build variation.', type = str, default='all')
- argsp.add_argument('--arch', help = 'Build the specific architecture.', type = str)
- argsp.add_argument('--bsp', help = 'Build the specific BSP.', type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--build', help = 'Build name to build.',
+ type = str, default='all')
+ argsp.add_argument('--arch', help = 'Build the specific architecture.',
+ type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--bsp', help = 'Build the specific BSP.',
+ type = str)
+ argsp.add_argument('--jobs', help = 'Number of jobs to run.',
+ type = int, default = host.cpus())
argsp.add_argument('--dry-run', help = 'Do not run the actual builds.',
action = 'store_true')
@@ -572,7 +1088,8 @@ def run_args(args):
if opts.log is not None:
logf = opts.log
log.default = log.log([logf])
- log.notice('RTEMS Tools Project - RTEMS Kernel BSP Builder, %s' % (version.str()))
+ log.notice(title())
+ log.output(command_line())
if opts.rtems is None:
raise error.general('No RTEMS source provided on the command line')
if opts.prefix is not None:
@@ -587,16 +1104,22 @@ def run_args(args):
config = configuration()
- options = { 'stop-on-error' : opts.stop_on_error,
- 'no-clean' : opts.no_clean,
- 'dry-run' : opts.dry_run,
- 'jobs' : 8 }
+ if opts.config_report:
+ log.notice('Configuration Report:')
+ log.notice(
+ sys.exit(0)
+ options = { 'stop-on-error' : opts.stop_on_error,
+ 'no-clean' : opts.no_clean,
+ 'dry-run' : opts.dry_run,
+ 'jobs' :,
+ 'warnings-report' : opts.warnings_report }
b = build(config, rtems_version(), prefix, tools,, build_dir, options)
if opts.arch is not None:
if opts.bsp is not None:
- b.build_arch_bsp(opts.arch, opts.bsp)
+ b.build_bsp(opts.arch, opts.bsp)
diff --git a/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini b/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini
index ad63e6d..a88aced 100644
--- a/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini
+++ b/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# RTEMS Tools Project (
-# Copyright 2016 Chris Johns (
+# Copyright 2016-2017 Chris Johns (
# All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-bdp-builder'.
+# This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-bsp-builder'.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ bsps_arm = altcycv_devkit,
xilinx_zynq_zc702, xilinx_zynq_zc706, xilinx_zynq_zedboard
bsps_i386 = pc686
-bsps_sparc = erc32
+bsps_sparc = leon2, leon3
# Tier 2: no build errors and no unexpected tests failures on hardware and
@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ archs = arm, sparc
bsps_arm = lm3s6965_qemu,
realview_pbx_a9_qemu, realview_pbx_a9_qemu_smp,
-bsps_sparc = sis
+bsps_sparc = erc32
# Tier 3: no build errors, no tests run.
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ bspopts_pc686 = BSP_PRINT_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT=1
bsps = moxiesim
-bsps = erc32, sis
+bsps = erc32, leon2, leon3
bsps =
@@ -160,45 +159,65 @@ bsps = epiphany-sim
default = all
-# The variations, basic is just a BSP build and all is the maximum number of
-# variations.
+# A default build with tests
-variations = basic, all
+tests = config:base, config:tests
-# The variations, default is Yes and can be overriden in an architecture.
+# A default build without tests
-basic = standard
+no-tests = config:base
# The all, default is Yes and can be overriden in an architecture.
all = debug, profiling, smp, smp-debug,
- posix, no-posix, posix-debug, posix-profiling, posix-smp,
- network, no-network, network-debug, smp-network, smp-network-debug
+ posix, no-posix, posix-debug, posix-profiling,
+ network, no-network, network-debug,
+ smp-network, smp-network-debug
+# The options for each varations.
+debug = config:base, config:tests, config:debug
+profiling = config:base, config:tests, config:profiling
+smp = config:base, config:tests, config:smp
+smp-debug = config:base, config:tests, config:smp, config:debug
+posix = config:base, config:tests, config:posix
+no-posix = config:base, config:tests, config:no-posix
+posix-debug = config:base, config:tests, config:posix, config:debug
+posix-profiling = config:base, config:tests, config:posix, config:profiling
+network = config:base, config:tests, config:network
+no-network = config:base, config:tests, config:no-network
+network-debug = config:base, config:tests, config:network, config:debug
+smp-network = config:base, config:tests, config:smp, config:network
+smp-network-debug = config:base, config:tests, config:smp, config:network,
+ config:debug
+# The config section holds the configuration options used in the builds.
+# Base set of configure options every build needs.
+base = --target=@ARCH@-rtems@RTEMS_VERSION@
+ --enable-rtemsbsp=@BSP@
+ --prefix=@PREFIX@
-# The base build options, tests the default configuration, all variations are
-# added on.
+# Tests.
-standard = --target=@ARCH@-rtems@RTEMS_VERSION@
- --enable-rtemsbsp=@BSP@
- --prefix=@PREFIX@
- --enable-tests
+tests = --enable-tests
# The options for each varations.
debug = --enable-debug
+no-debug = --disable-debug
profiling = --enable-profiling
+no-profiling = --disable-profiling
smp = --enable-smp
-smp-debug = --enable-smp --enable-debug
+no-smp = --disable-smp
posix = --enable-posix
no-posix = --disable-posix
-posix-debug = --enable-posix --enable-debug
-posix-profiling = --enable-posix --enable-profiling
-posix-smp = --enable-posix --enable-smp
network = --enable-networking
no-network = --disable-networking
-network-debug = --enable-debug --enable-networking
-smp-network = --enable-smp --enable-networking
-smp-network-debug = --enable-smp --enable-debug --enable-networking
# Define how each profile is to be treated. Note, hardware vs simulator testing