# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2010-2013 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # This code builds a package given a config file. It only builds to be # installed not to be package unless you run a packager around this. # import os import stat import sys import urllib2 import urlparse import cvs import error import git import log import path def _humanize_bytes(bytes, precision = 1): abbrevs = ( (1 << 50L, 'PB'), (1 << 40L, 'TB'), (1 << 30L, 'GB'), (1 << 20L, 'MB'), (1 << 10L, 'kB'), (1, ' bytes') ) if bytes == 1: return '1 byte' for factor, suffix in abbrevs: if bytes >= factor: break return '%.*f%s' % (precision, float(bytes) / factor, suffix) def _http_parser(source, config, opts): # # Is the file compressed ? # esl = source['ext'].split('.') if esl[-1:][0] == 'gz': source['compressed-type'] = 'gzip' source['compressed'] = '%{__gzip} -dc' elif esl[-1:][0] == 'bz2': source['compressed-type'] = 'bzip2' source['compressed'] = '%{__bzip2} -dc' elif esl[-1:][0] == 'zip': source['compressed-type'] = 'zip' source['compressed'] = '%{__zip} -u' elif esl[-1:][0] == 'xz': source['compressed-type'] = 'xz' source['compressed'] = '%{__xz} -dc' def _patchworks_parser(source, config, opts): source['url'] = 'http%s' % (source['path'][2:]) def _git_parser(source, config, opts): # # Symlink. # us = source['url'].split('?') source['path'] = path.dirname(us[0]) source['file'] = path.basename(us[0]) source['name'], source['ext'] = path.splitext(source['file']) if len(us) > 1: source['args'] = us[1:] source['local'] = \ path.join(source['local_prefix'], 'git', source['file']) source['symlink'] = source['local'] def _cvs_parser(source, config, opts): # # Symlink. # if not source['url'].startswith('cvs://'): raise error.general('invalid cvs path: %s' % (source['url'])) us = source['url'].split('?') try: url = us[0] source['file'] = url[url[6:].index(':') + 7:] source['cvsroot'] = ':%s:' % (url[6:url[6:].index('/') + 6:]) except: raise error.general('invalid cvs path: %s' % (source['url'])) for a in us[1:]: _as = a.split('=') if _as[0] == 'module': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs module: %s' % (a)) source['module'] = _as[1] elif _as[0] == 'src-prefix': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs src-prefix: %s' % (a)) source['src_prefix'] = _as[1] elif _as[0] == 'tag': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs tag: %s' % (a)) source['tag'] = _as[1] elif _as[0] == 'date': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs date: %s' % (a)) source['date'] = _as[1] if 'date' in source and 'tag' in source: raise error.general('cvs URL cannot have a date and tag: %s' % (source['url'])) # Do here to ensure an ordered path, the URL can include options in any order if 'module' in source: source['file'] += '_%s' % (source['module']) if 'tag' in source: source['file'] += '_%s' % (source['tag']) if 'date' in source: source['file'] += '_%s' % (source['date']) for c in '/@#%.-': source['file'] = source['file'].replace(c, '_') source['local'] = path.join(source['local_prefix'], 'cvs', source['file']) if 'src_prefix' in source: source['symlink'] = path.join(source['local'], source['src_prefix']) else: source['symlink'] = source['local'] def _file_parser(source, config, opts): # # Symlink. # source['symlink'] = source['local'] parsers = { 'http': _http_parser, 'ftp': _http_parser, 'pw': _patchworks_parser, 'git': _git_parser, 'cvs': _cvs_parser, 'file': _file_parser } def parse_url(url, pathkey, config, opts): # # Split the source up into the parts we need. # source = {} source['url'] = url colon = url.find(':') if url[colon + 1:colon + 3] != '//': raise error.general('malforned URL: %s' % (url)) source['path'] = url[:colon + 3] + path.dirname(url[colon + 3:]) source['file'] = path.basename(url) source['name'], source['ext'] = path.splitext(source['file']) if source['name'].endswith('.tar'): source['name'] = source['name'][:-4] source['ext'] = '.tar' + source['ext'] # # Get the file. Checks the local source directory first. # source['local'] = None for p in config.define(pathkey).split(':'): local = path.join(path.abspath(p), source['file']) if source['local'] is None: source['local_prefix'] = path.abspath(p) source['local'] = local if path.exists(local): source['local_prefix'] = path.abspath(p) source['local'] = local break source['script'] = '' for p in parsers: if url.startswith(p): source['type'] = p if parsers[p](source, config, opts): break return source def _http_downloader(url, local, config, opts): if path.exists(local): return True # # Hack for GitHub. # if url.startswith('https://api.github.com'): url = urlparse.urljoin(url, config.expand('tarball/%{version}')) dst = os.path.relpath(path.host(local)) log.notice('download: %s -> %s' % (url, dst)) failed = False if not opts.dry_run(): _in = None _out = None _length = None _have = 0 _chunk_size = 256 * 1024 _chunk = None _last_percent = 200.0 _last_msg = '' _wipe_output = False try: try: _in = urllib2.urlopen(url) _out = open(path.host(local), 'wb') try: _length = int(_in.info().getheader('Content-Length').strip()) except: pass while True: _msg = '\rdownloading: %s - %s ' % (dst, _humanize_bytes(_have)) if _length: _percent = round((float(_have) / _length) * 100, 2) if _percent != _last_percent: _msg += 'of %s (%0.0f%%) ' % (_humanize_bytes(_length), _percent) if _msg != _last_msg: extras = (len(_last_msg) - len(_msg)) log.stdout_raw('%s%s' % (_msg, ' ' * extras + '\b' * extras)) _last_msg = _msg _chunk = _in.read(_chunk_size) if not _chunk: break _out.write(_chunk) _have += len(_chunk) if _wipe_output: log.stdout_raw('\r%s\r' % (' ' * len(_last_msg))) else: log.stdout_raw('\n') except: log.stdout_raw('\n') raise except IOError, err: log.notice('download: %s: error: %s' % (url, str(err))) if path.exists(local): os.remove(path.host(local)) failed = True except ValueError, err: log.notice('download: %s: error: %s' % (url, str(err))) if path.exists(local): os.remove(path.host(local)) failed = True except: msg = 'download: %s: error' % (url) log.stderr(msg) log.notice(msg) if _out is not None: _out.close() raise if _out is not None: _out.close() if _in is not None: del _in if not failed: if not path.isfile(local): raise error.general('source is not a file: %s' % (path.host(local))) return not failed def _git_downloader(url, local, config, opts): rlp = os.path.relpath(path.host(local)) us = url.split('?') repo = git.repo(local, opts, config.macros) if not repo.valid(): log.notice('git: clone: %s -> %s' % (us[0], rlp)) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.clone(us[0], local) else: repo.clean(['-f', '-d']) repo.reset('--hard') repo.checkout('master') for a in us[1:]: _as = a.split('=') if _as[0] == 'branch' or _as[0] == 'checkout': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid git branch/checkout: %s' % (_as)) log.notice('git: checkout: %s => %s' % (us[0], _as[1])) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.checkout(_as[1]) elif _as[0] == 'pull': log.notice('git: pull: %s' % (us[0])) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.pull() elif _as[0] == 'submodule': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid git submodule: %s' % (_as)) log.notice('git: submodule: %s <= %s' % (us[0], _as[1])) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.submodule(_as[1]) elif _as[0] == 'fetch': log.notice('git: fetch: %s -> %s' % (us[0], rlp)) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.fetch() elif _as[0] == 'reset': arg = [] if len(_as) > 1: arg = ['--%s' % (_as[1])] log.notice('git: reset: %s' % (us[0])) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.reset(arg) return True def _cvs_downloader(url, local, config, opts): rlp = os.path.relpath(path.host(local)) us = url.split('?') module = None tag = None date = None src_prefix = None for a in us[1:]: _as = a.split('=') if _as[0] == 'module': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs module: %s' % (a)) module = _as[1] elif _as[0] == 'src-prefix': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs src-prefix: %s' % (a)) src_prefix = _as[1] elif _as[0] == 'tag': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs tag: %s' % (a)) tag = _as[1] elif _as[0] == 'date': if len(_as) != 2: raise error.general('invalid cvs date: %s' % (a)) date = _as[1] repo = cvs.repo(local, opts, config.macros, src_prefix) if not repo.valid(): if not path.isdir(local): log.notice('Creating source directory: %s' % \ (os.path.relpath(path.host(local)))) if not opts.dry_run(): path.mkdir(local) log.notice('cvs: checkout: %s -> %s' % (us[0], rlp)) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.checkout(':%s' % (us[0][6:]), module, tag, date) for a in us[1:]: _as = a.split('=') if _as[0] == 'update': log.notice('cvs: update: %s' % (us[0])) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.update() elif _as[0] == 'reset': log.notice('cvs: reset: %s' % (us[0])) if not opts.dry_run(): repo.reset() return True def _file_downloader(url, local, config, opts): if path.exists(local): return True return path.isdir(url) downloaders = { 'http': _http_downloader, 'ftp': _http_downloader, 'pw': _http_downloader, 'git': _git_downloader, 'cvs': _cvs_downloader, 'file': _file_downloader } def get_file(url, local, opts, config): if local is None: raise error.general('source/patch path invalid') if not path.isdir(path.dirname(local)) and not opts.download_disabled(): log.notice('Creating source directory: %s' % \ (os.path.relpath(path.host(path.dirname(local))))) log.output('making dir: %s' % (path.host(path.dirname(local)))) if not opts.dry_run(): path.mkdir(path.dirname(local)) if not path.exists(local) and opts.download_disabled(): raise error.general('source not found: %s' % (path.host(local))) # # Check if a URL has been provided on the command line. # url_bases = opts.urls() urls = [] if url_bases is not None: for base in url_bases: if base[-1:] != '/': base += '/' url_path = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2] slash = url_path.rfind('/') if slash < 0: url_file = url_path else: url_file = url_path[slash + 1:] urls.append(urlparse.urljoin(base, url_file)) urls += url.split() log.trace('_url: %s -> %s' % (','.join(urls), local)) for url in urls: for dl in downloaders: if url.startswith(dl): if downloaders[dl](url, local, config, opts): return if not opts.dry_run(): raise error.general('downloading %s: all paths have failed, giving up' % (url))