# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ This module provides the Transition and TransitionMap classes used to work with action requirements. """ # Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import itertools import math import textwrap from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple from rtemsspec.content import CContent, enabled_by_to_exp, ExpressionMapper, \ get_integer_type from rtemsspec.items import is_enabled, Item class Transition(NamedTuple): """ Represents a action requirement transition map entry. """ desc_idx: int enabled_by: Any skip: int pre_cond_na: Tuple[int, ...] post_cond: Tuple[Any, ...] def _variant_to_key(variant: Transition) -> str: return "".join((enabled_by_to_exp(variant.enabled_by, ExpressionMapper()), str(variant.skip), str(variant.pre_cond_na), str(variant.post_cond))) class _TransitionEntry: def __init__(self): self.key = "" self.variants = [] # type: List[Transition] def __bool__(self): return bool(self.variants) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.variants[key] def __len__(self): return len(self.variants) def add(self, variant: Transition) -> None: """ Adds the variant to the transitions of the entry. """ self.key += _variant_to_key(variant) self.variants.append(variant) def replace(self, index: int, variant: Transition) -> None: """ Replace the variant at transition variant index. """ self.key = self.key.replace(_variant_to_key(self.variants[index]), _variant_to_key(variant)) self.variants[index] = variant _TransitionMap = List[_TransitionEntry] def _to_st_idx(conditions: List[Any]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], ...]: return tuple( dict((state["name"], st_idx) for st_idx, state in enumerate( itertools.chain(condition["states"], [{ "name": "N/A" }]))) for condition in conditions) def _to_st_name(conditions: List[Any]) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...]: return tuple( tuple( itertools.chain((state["name"] for state in condition["states"]), ["NA"])) for condition in conditions) class _PostCondContext(NamedTuple): transition_map: "TransitionMap" map_idx: int pre_co_states: Tuple[int, ...] post_co_states: Tuple[Any, ...] post_co_idx: int ops: Any def _post_cond_bool_and(ctx: _PostCondContext, exp: Any) -> bool: for element in exp: if not _post_cond_bool_exp(ctx, element): return False return True def _post_cond_bool_not(ctx: _PostCondContext, exp: Any) -> bool: return not _post_cond_bool_exp(ctx, exp) def _post_cond_bool_or(ctx: _PostCondContext, exp: Any) -> bool: for element in exp: if _post_cond_bool_exp(ctx, element): return True return False def _post_cond_bool_post_cond(ctx: _PostCondContext, exp: Any) -> bool: for post_co_name, status in exp.items(): if isinstance(status, str): status = [status] post_co_idx = ctx.transition_map.post_co_name_to_co_idx(post_co_name) st_idx = [ ctx.transition_map.post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx( post_co_idx, st_name) for st_name in status ] if ctx.post_co_states[post_co_idx] not in st_idx: return False return True def _post_cond_bool_pre_cond(ctx: _PostCondContext, exp: Any) -> bool: for pre_co_name, status in exp.items(): if isinstance(status, str): status = [status] pre_co_idx = ctx.transition_map.pre_co_name_to_co_idx(pre_co_name) st_idx = [ ctx.transition_map.pre_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx( pre_co_idx, st_name) for st_name in status ] if ctx.pre_co_states[pre_co_idx] not in st_idx: return False return True _POST_COND_BOOL_OPS = { "and": _post_cond_bool_and, "not": _post_cond_bool_not, "or": _post_cond_bool_or, "post-conditions": _post_cond_bool_post_cond, "pre-conditions": _post_cond_bool_pre_cond, } def _post_cond_bool_exp(ctx: _PostCondContext, exp: Any) -> Optional[int]: if isinstance(exp, list): return _post_cond_bool_or(ctx, exp) key = next(iter(exp)) return _POST_COND_BOOL_OPS[key](ctx, exp[key]) def _post_cond_do_specified_by(ctx: _PostCondContext, pre_co_name: str) -> int: pre_co_idx = ctx.transition_map.pre_co_name_to_co_idx(pre_co_name) st_name = ctx.transition_map.pre_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name( pre_co_idx, ctx.pre_co_states[pre_co_idx]) return ctx.transition_map.post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx( ctx.post_co_idx, st_name) def _post_cond_if(ctx: _PostCondContext) -> Optional[int]: if _post_cond_bool_exp(ctx, ctx.ops["if"]): if "then-specified-by" in ctx.ops: return _post_cond_do_specified_by(ctx, ctx.ops["then-specified-by"]) return ctx.transition_map.post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx( ctx.post_co_idx, ctx.ops["then"]) return None def _post_cond_specified_by(ctx: _PostCondContext) -> Optional[int]: return _post_cond_do_specified_by(ctx, ctx.ops["specified-by"]) def _post_cond_else(ctx: _PostCondContext) -> Optional[int]: return ctx.transition_map.post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx( ctx.post_co_idx, ctx.ops["else"]) _POST_COND_OP = { "else": _post_cond_else, "if": _post_cond_if, "specified-by": _post_cond_specified_by, } PostCond = Tuple[int, ...] PreCondsOfPostCond = List[Tuple[List[int], ...]] def _compact(pre_conds: PreCondsOfPostCond) -> PreCondsOfPostCond: while True: last = pre_conds[0] combined_pre_conds = [last] combined_count = 0 for row in pre_conds[1:]: diff = [ index for index, states in enumerate(last) if states != row[index] ] if len(diff) == 1: index = diff[0] combined_count += 1 last[index].extend(row[index]) else: combined_pre_conds.append(row) last = row pre_conds = combined_pre_conds if combined_count == 0: break return pre_conds def _compact_more(pre_conds: PreCondsOfPostCond) -> PreCondsOfPostCond: while True: combined_count = 0 next_pre_conds = [] while pre_conds: first = pre_conds.pop(0) next_pre_conds.append(first) for row in pre_conds: diff = [ index for index, states in enumerate(first) if states != row[index] ] if len(diff) <= 1: if diff: index = diff[0] first[index].extend(row[index]) combined_count += 1 pre_conds.remove(row) pre_conds = next_pre_conds if combined_count == 0: break return pre_conds class TransitionMap: """ Representation of an action requirement transition map. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, item: Item): self._item = item self._pre_co_count = len(item["pre-conditions"]) self._post_co_count = len(item["post-conditions"]) self.pre_co_summary = tuple(0 for _ in range(self._pre_co_count + 1)) self._pre_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name = _to_st_name( item["pre-conditions"]) self._post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name = _to_st_name( item["post-conditions"]) self._pre_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx = _to_st_idx(item["pre-conditions"]) self._post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx = _to_st_idx( item["post-conditions"]) self._pre_co_idx_to_cond = dict( (co_idx, condition) for co_idx, condition in enumerate(item["pre-conditions"])) self._pre_co_name_to_co_idx = dict( (condition["name"], co_idx) for co_idx, condition in enumerate(item["pre-conditions"])) self._post_co_name_to_co_idx = dict( (condition["name"], co_idx) for co_idx, condition in enumerate(item["post-conditions"])) self._post_co_idx_to_co_name = dict( (co_idx, condition["name"]) for co_idx, condition in enumerate(item["post-conditions"])) self._skip_idx_to_name = dict( (skip_idx + 1, key) for skip_idx, key in enumerate(item["skip-reasons"].keys())) self._skip_name_to_idx = dict( (key, skip_idx + 1) for skip_idx, key in enumerate(item["skip-reasons"].keys())) self._entries = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Any]] self._map = self._build_map() self._post_process() def __getitem__(self, key: str): return self._item[key] def __iter__(self): yield from self._map def entries(self) -> Iterator[List[Any]]: """ Yields the transition map entry variants sorted by frequency. """ yield from sorted(self._entries.values(), key=lambda x: x[1]) def get_variants(self, enabled: List[str]) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, Transition]]: """ Yields the map index and the transition variants enabled by the enabled list. """ for map_idx, transitions in enumerate(self._map): for variant in transitions[1:]: if is_enabled(enabled, variant.enabled_by): break else: variant = transitions[0] yield map_idx, variant def get_post_conditions( self, enabled: List[str] ) -> Iterator[Tuple[PostCond, PreCondsOfPostCond]]: """ Yields tuples of post-condition variants and the corresponding pre-condition variants which are enabled by the enabled list. The first entry of the post-condition variant is the skip index. The remaining entries are post-condition indices. The pre-condition variants are a list of tuples. Each tuple entry corresponds to a pre-condition and provides a list of corresponding pre-condition state indices. """ entries = {} # type: Dict[PostCond, PreCondsOfPostCond] for map_idx, variant in self.get_variants(enabled): key = (variant.skip, ) + variant.post_cond entry = entries.setdefault(key, []) entry.append( tuple([state] for state in self.map_idx_to_pre_co_states( map_idx, variant.pre_cond_na))) for post_cond, pre_conds in sorted(entries.items(), key=lambda x: (x[0][0], len(x[1]))): pre_conds = _compact_more(_compact(pre_conds)) yield post_cond, pre_conds def _post_process(self) -> None: for map_idx, transitions in enumerate(self): if not transitions or not isinstance( transitions[0].enabled_by, bool) or not transitions[0].enabled_by: raise ValueError( f"transition map of {self._item.spec} contains no default " "entry for pre-condition set " f"{{{self._map_index_to_pre_conditions(map_idx)}}}") entry = self._entries.setdefault(transitions.key, [0, 0, transitions, []]) entry[0] += 1 entry[3].append(map_idx) for index, entry in enumerate( sorted(self._entries.values(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)): entry[1] = index def _map_index_to_pre_conditions(self, map_idx: int) -> str: conditions = [] for condition in reversed(self._item["pre-conditions"]): states = condition["states"] count = len(states) st_idx = int(map_idx % count) conditions.append(f"{condition['name']}={states[st_idx]['name']}") map_idx //= count return ", ".join(reversed(conditions)) def map_idx_to_pre_co_states( self, map_idx: int, pre_cond_na: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Maps the transition map index and the associated pre-condition state indices. """ co_states = [] for condition in reversed(self._item["pre-conditions"]): count = len(condition["states"]) co_states.append(count if pre_cond_na[self._pre_co_name_to_co_idx[ condition["name"]]] else int(map_idx % count)) map_idx //= count return tuple(reversed(co_states)) def has_pre_co_not_applicable(self) -> bool: """ Returns true, if there are N/A pre-conditions, otherwise false. """ return sum(self.pre_co_summary[1:]) > 0 def pre_co_name_to_co_idx(self, co_name: str) -> int: """ Maps the pre-condition name to the associated pre-condition index. """ return self._pre_co_name_to_co_idx[co_name] def pre_co_idx_to_co_name(self, co_idx: int) -> str: """ Maps the pre-condition index to the associated pre-condition name. """ return self._pre_co_idx_to_cond[co_idx]["name"] def post_co_name_to_co_idx(self, co_name: str) -> int: """ Maps the post-condition name to the associated post-condition index. """ return self._post_co_name_to_co_idx[co_name] def post_co_idx_to_co_name(self, co_idx: int) -> str: """ Maps the post-condition index to the associated post-condition name. """ return self._post_co_idx_to_co_name[co_idx] def pre_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name(self, co_idx: int, st_idx: int) -> str: """ Maps the pre-condition name and state index to the associated state name. """ return self._pre_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name[co_idx][st_idx] def post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name(self, co_idx: int, st_idx: int) -> str: """ Maps the post-condition name and state index to the associated state name. """ return self._post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name[co_idx][st_idx] def pre_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx(self, co_idx: int, st_name: str) -> int: """ Maps the pre-condition index and state name to the associated state index. """ return self._pre_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx[co_idx][st_name] def post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx(self, co_idx: int, st_name: str) -> int: """ Maps the post-condition index and state name to the associated state index. """ return self._post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx[co_idx][st_name] def skip_idx_to_name(self, skip_idx: int) -> str: """ Maps the skip index the associated skip name index. """ return self._skip_idx_to_name[skip_idx] def _map_post_cond(self, map_idx: int, co_idx: int, variant: Transition) -> Transition: if isinstance(variant.post_cond[co_idx], int): return variant pre_co_states = self.map_idx_to_pre_co_states(map_idx, variant.pre_cond_na) for ops in variant.post_cond[co_idx]: idx = _POST_COND_OP[next(iter(ops))](_PostCondContext( self, map_idx, pre_co_states, variant.post_cond, co_idx, ops)) if idx is not None: return Transition( variant.desc_idx, variant.enabled_by, variant.skip, variant.pre_cond_na, variant.post_cond[0:co_idx] + (idx, ) + variant.post_cond[co_idx + 1:]) raise ValueError( "cannot determine state for post-condition " f"'{self._post_co_idx_to_co_name[co_idx]}' of transition map " f"descriptor {variant.desc_idx} of {self._item.spec} for " "pre-condition set " f"{{{self._map_index_to_pre_conditions(map_idx)}}}") def _make_post_cond(self, map_idx: int, variant: Transition) -> Transition: for co_idx in range(len(variant.post_cond)): variant = self._map_post_cond(map_idx, co_idx, variant) return variant def _update_pre_co_summary(self, variant: Transition) -> None: self.pre_co_summary = tuple( a + b for a, b in zip(self.pre_co_summary, (variant.skip, ) + variant.pre_cond_na)) def _add_variant(self, transition_map: _TransitionMap, map_idx: int, variant: Transition) -> None: if transition_map[map_idx]: for index, existing in enumerate(transition_map[map_idx].variants): if existing.enabled_by == variant.enabled_by: if variant.skip: # Allow transition map variants with a skip reason to # overwrite existing variants with the same enabled-by # attribute. This is important if variants use N/A for # some pre-conditions. It makes it also easier to skip # pre-conditon states which are controlled by build # options. self._update_pre_co_summary(variant) transition_map[map_idx].replace(index, variant) return raise ValueError( f"transition map descriptor {variant.desc_idx} of " f"{self._item.spec} duplicates pre-condition set " f"{{{self._map_index_to_pre_conditions(map_idx)}}}" " defined by transition map descriptor " f"{existing.desc_idx}") default = transition_map[map_idx][0] if (default.post_cond, default.skip, default.pre_cond_na) == (variant.post_cond, variant.skip, variant.pre_cond_na): return elif not isinstance(variant.enabled_by, bool) or not variant.enabled_by: raise ValueError( f"transition map descriptor {variant.desc_idx} of " f"{self._item.spec} is the first variant for " f"{{{self._map_index_to_pre_conditions(map_idx)}}} " "and it is not enabled by default") self._update_pre_co_summary(variant) transition_map[map_idx].add(variant) def _add_transitions(self, transition_map: _TransitionMap, desc: Dict[str, Any], desc_idx: int, skip_post_cond: Tuple[Any, ...], co_idx: int, map_idx: int, pre_cond_na: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if co_idx < self._pre_co_count: condition = self._pre_co_idx_to_cond[co_idx] state_count = len(condition["states"]) map_idx *= state_count states = desc["pre-conditions"][condition["name"]] if isinstance(states, str): assert states in ["all", "N/A"] for st_idx in range(state_count): self._add_transitions( transition_map, desc, desc_idx, skip_post_cond, co_idx + 1, map_idx + st_idx, pre_cond_na + (int(states == "N/A"), )) else: for st_name in states: try: st_idx = self._pre_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx[co_idx][ st_name] except KeyError as err: msg = (f"transition map descriptor {desc_idx} of " f"{self._item.spec} refers to non-existent " f"state {err} of pre-condition " f"'{condition['name']}'") raise ValueError(msg) from err self._add_transitions(transition_map, desc, desc_idx, skip_post_cond, co_idx + 1, map_idx + st_idx, pre_cond_na + (0, )) else: variant = self._make_post_cond( map_idx, Transition(desc_idx, desc["enabled-by"], skip_post_cond[0], pre_cond_na, skip_post_cond[1:])) self._add_variant(transition_map, map_idx, variant) def _add_default(self, transition_map: _TransitionMap, desc: Dict[str, Any], desc_idx: int, skip_post_cond: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None: enabled_by = desc["enabled-by"] for map_idx, transition in enumerate(transition_map): if not transition: transition.add( self._make_post_cond( map_idx, Transition(desc_idx, enabled_by, skip_post_cond[0], (0, ) * self._pre_co_count, skip_post_cond[1:]))) def _get_post_cond(self, desc: Dict[str, Any], co_idx: int) -> Any: info = desc["post-conditions"][self._post_co_idx_to_co_name[co_idx]] if isinstance(info, str): return self._post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx[co_idx][info] return info def _build_map(self) -> _TransitionMap: transition_count = 1 for condition in self["pre-conditions"]: state_count = len(condition["states"]) if state_count == 0: raise ValueError(f"pre-condition '{condition['name']}' of " f"{self._item.spec} has no states") transition_count *= state_count transition_map = [_TransitionEntry() for _ in range(transition_count)] for desc_idx, desc in enumerate(self["transition-map"]): if isinstance(desc["post-conditions"], dict): try: skip_post_cond = (0, ) + tuple( self._get_post_cond(desc, co_idx) for co_idx in range(self._post_co_count)) except KeyError as err: msg = (f"transition map descriptor {desc_idx} of " f"{self._item.spec} refers to non-existent " f"post-condition state {err}") raise ValueError(msg) from err else: skip_post_cond = ( self._skip_name_to_idx[desc["post-conditions"]], ) + tuple( self._post_co_idx_st_name_to_st_idx[co_idx]["N/A"] for co_idx in range(self._post_co_count)) if isinstance(desc["pre-conditions"], dict): self._add_transitions(transition_map, desc, desc_idx, skip_post_cond, 0, 0, ()) else: assert desc["pre-conditions"] == "default" self._add_default(transition_map, desc, desc_idx, skip_post_cond) return transition_map def _get_entry(self, ident: str, variant: Transition) -> str: text = "{ " + ", ".join( itertools.chain( map(str, (int(variant.skip != 0), ) + variant.pre_cond_na), ((f"{ident}_Post_{self._post_co_idx_to_co_name[co_idx]}" f"_{self._post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name[co_idx][st_idx]}") for co_idx, st_idx in enumerate(variant.post_cond)))) wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() wrapper.initial_indent = " " wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " wrapper.width = 79 return "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(text)) + " }," def _get_entry_bits(self) -> int: bits = self._pre_co_count + 1 for st_idx_to_st_name in self._post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name: bits += math.ceil(math.log2(len(st_idx_to_st_name))) return 2**max(math.ceil(math.log2(bits)), 3) def add_map_entry_type(self, content: CContent, ident: str) -> None: """ Adds the transition map entry type definition to the content. """ bits = self._get_entry_bits() content.add("typedef struct {") with content.indent(): content.append(f"uint{bits}_t Skip : 1;") for condition in self["pre-conditions"]: content.append(f"uint{bits}_t Pre_{condition['name']}_NA : 1;") for condition in self["post-conditions"]: state_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(len(condition["states"]) + 1)) content.append( f"uint{bits}_t Post_{condition['name']} : {state_bits};") content.add(f"}} {ident}_Entry;") def add_map(self, content: CContent, ident: str) -> None: """ Adds the transition map definitions to the content. """ entries = [] mapper = ExpressionMapper() for entry in self.entries(): transitions = entry[2] if len(transitions) == 1: entries.append(self._get_entry(ident, transitions[0])) else: ifelse = "#if " enumerators = [] # type: List[str] for variant in transitions[1:]: enumerators.append( ifelse + enabled_by_to_exp(variant.enabled_by, mapper)) enumerators.append(self._get_entry(ident, variant)) ifelse = "#elif " enumerators.append("#else") enumerators.append(self._get_entry(ident, transitions[0])) enumerators.append("#endif") entries.append("\n".join(enumerators)) content.add([f"static const {ident}_Entry", f"{ident}_Entries[] = {{"]) entries[-1] = entries[-1].replace("},", "}") content.append(entries) integer_type = get_integer_type(len(self._entries)) content.append( ["};", "", f"static const {integer_type}", f"{ident}_Map[] = {{"]) text = ", ".join( str(self._entries[transitions.key][1]) for transitions in self._map) wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() wrapper.initial_indent = " " wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " wrapper.width = 79 content.append(wrapper.wrap(text)) content.append("};") def get_post_entry_member(self, co_idx: int) -> str: """ Gets the post-condition entry member name for the post-condition index. """ return f"Post_{self._post_co_idx_to_co_name[co_idx]}"