# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ This module provides specification items and an item cache. """ # Copyright (C) 2019, 2022 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from contextlib import contextmanager import base64 import hashlib import os import pickle import re import string import stat from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Match, \ NamedTuple, Optional, Set, TextIO, Tuple, Union import json import yaml try: from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader except ImportError: # pragma: no cover from yaml import SafeLoader # type: ignore class ItemGetValueContext(NamedTuple): """ Context used to get an item value. """ item: "Item" path: str value: Any key: str index: Any # should be int, but this triggers a mypy error args: Optional[str] def arg(self, name: str, value: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Get argument value by name. """ args = dict( kv.split("=") # type: ignore for kv in self.args.split(",")) # type: ignore if value: return args.get(name, value) return args[name] ItemMap = Dict[str, "Item"] ItemGetValue = Callable[[ItemGetValueContext], Any] ItemGetValueMap = Dict[str, Tuple[ItemGetValue, Any]] def _is_enabled_op_and(enabled: List[str], enabled_by: Any) -> bool: for next_enabled_by in enabled_by: if not is_enabled(enabled, next_enabled_by): return False return True def _is_enabled_op_not(enabled: List[str], enabled_by: Any) -> bool: return not is_enabled(enabled, enabled_by) def _is_enabled_op_or(enabled: List[str], enabled_by: Any) -> bool: for next_enabled_by in enabled_by: if is_enabled(enabled, next_enabled_by): return True return False _IS_ENABLED_OP = { "and": _is_enabled_op_and, "not": _is_enabled_op_not, "or": _is_enabled_op_or } def is_enabled(enabled: List[str], enabled_by: Any) -> bool: """ Verifies if the given parameter is enabled by specific enables. """ if isinstance(enabled_by, bool): return enabled_by if isinstance(enabled_by, list): return _is_enabled_op_or(enabled, enabled_by) if isinstance(enabled_by, dict): key, value = next(iter(enabled_by.items())) return _IS_ENABLED_OP[key](enabled, value) return enabled_by in enabled def _str_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", data, style="|" if "\n" in data else "") yaml.add_representer(str, _str_representer) class Link: """ A link to an item. """ def __init__(self, item: "Item", data: Any): self._item = item self._data = data @classmethod def create(cls, link: "Link", item: "Item") -> "Link": """ Creates a link using an existing link with a new target item. """ return cls(item, link._data) # pylint: disable=protected-access def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Any: return self._data[name] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self._data[key] = value @property def item(self) -> "Item": """ The item referenced by this link. """ return self._item @property def role(self) -> str: """ The link role. """ return self._data["role"] def _get_value(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: value = ctx.value[ctx.key] if ctx.index >= 0: return value[ctx.index] return value def normalize_key_path(key_path: str, prefix: str = "") -> str: """ Normalizes the key path with an optional prefix path. """ if not os.path.isabs(key_path): key_path = os.path.join(prefix, key_path) return os.path.normpath(key_path) _TYPES = { type(True): "B".encode("utf-8"), type(1.0): "F".encode("utf-8"), type(1): "I".encode("utf-8"), type(None): "N".encode("utf-8"), type(""): "S".encode("utf-8"), } def _hash_data(data, state) -> None: if isinstance(data, list): for value in data: _hash_data(value, state) elif isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in sorted(data.items()): if not key.startswith("_"): state.update(key.encode("utf-8")) _hash_data(value, state) else: state.update(_TYPES[type(data)]) state.update(str(data).encode("utf-8")) def data_digest(data: Any) -> str: """ Returns a digest of the data. """ state = hashlib.sha256() _hash_data(data, state) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(state.digest()).decode("ascii") _UID_TO_UPPER = re.compile(r"[/_-]+(.)") def _match_to_upper(match: Match) -> str: return match.group(1).upper() def _is_link_enabled(link: Link) -> bool: return link.item._data["_enabled"] # pylint: disable=protected-access class Item: """ Objects of this class represent a specification item. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, item_cache: "ItemCache", uid: str, data: Any): self._cache = item_cache self._ident = _UID_TO_UPPER.sub(_match_to_upper, uid) self._uid = uid self._data = data self._links_to_parents: List[Link] = [] self._links_to_children: List[Link] = [] self._resolved_proxy = False def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Item): return NotImplemented return self._uid == other._uid # pylint: disable=protected-access def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Item): return NotImplemented return self._uid < other._uid # pylint: disable=protected-access def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._uid) def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: return key in self._data def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return self._data[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self._data[key] = value @property def cache(self) -> "ItemCache": """ Returns the cache of the item. """ return self._cache @property def digest(self) -> str: """ Returns the digest of the item data. """ return data_digest(self._data) def get(self, key: str, default: Any) -> Any: """ Gets the attribute value if the attribute exists, otherwise the specified default value is returned. """ return self._data.get(key, default) @property def uid(self) -> str: """ Returns the UID of the item. """ return self._uid @property def ident(self) -> str: """ Returns the identifier of the item. """ return self._ident @property def spec(self) -> str: """ Returns the UID of the item with an URL-like format. """ return f"spec:{self._uid}" def to_abs_uid(self, abs_or_rel_uid: str) -> str: """ Returns the absolute UID of an absolute UID or an UID relative to this item. """ if abs_or_rel_uid == ".": return self._uid if os.path.isabs(abs_or_rel_uid): return abs_or_rel_uid return os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.uid), abs_or_rel_uid)) def map(self, abs_or_rel_uid: str) -> "Item": """ Maps the absolute UID or the UID relative to this item to the corresponding item. """ return self._cache[self.to_abs_uid(abs_or_rel_uid)] def links_to_parents( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled ) -> Iterator[Link]: """ Yields the links to the parents of this items. """ if role is None: for link in self._links_to_parents: if is_link_enabled(link): yield link elif isinstance(role, str): for link in self._links_to_parents: if link.role == role and is_link_enabled(link): yield link else: for link in self._links_to_parents: if link.role in role and is_link_enabled(link): yield link def parents( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled ) -> Iterator["Item"]: """ Yields the parents of this items. """ for link in self.links_to_parents(role, is_link_enabled): yield link.item def parent( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, index: Optional[int] = 0, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled) -> "Item": """ Returns the parent with the specified role and index. """ for item_index, item in enumerate(self.parents(role, is_link_enabled)): if item_index == index: return item raise IndexError def parent_link( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, index: Optional[int] = 0, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled) -> Link: """ Returns the parent link with the specified role and index. """ for link_index, link in enumerate( self.links_to_parents(role, is_link_enabled)): if link_index == index: return link raise IndexError def links_to_children( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled ) -> Iterator[Link]: """ Yields the links to the children of this items. """ if role is None: for link in self._links_to_children: if is_link_enabled(link): yield link elif isinstance(role, str): for link in self._links_to_children: if link.role == role and is_link_enabled(link): yield link else: for link in self._links_to_children: if link.role in role and is_link_enabled(link): yield link def children( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled ) -> Iterator["Item"]: """ Yields the children of this items. """ for link in self.links_to_children(role, is_link_enabled): yield link.item def child( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, index: Optional[int] = 0, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled) -> "Item": """ Returns the child with the specified role and index. """ for item_index, item in enumerate(self.children(role, is_link_enabled)): if item_index == index: return item raise IndexError def child_link( self, role: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, index: Optional[int] = 0, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled) -> Link: """ Returns the child link with the specified role and index. """ for link_index, link in enumerate( self.links_to_children(role, is_link_enabled)): if link_index == index: return link raise IndexError def init_parents(self, item_cache: "ItemCache") -> None: """ Initializes the list of links to parents of this items. """ for data in self._data["links"]: try: link = Link(item_cache[self.to_abs_uid(data["uid"])], data) self._links_to_parents.append(link) except KeyError as err: msg = (f"item '{self.uid}' links " f"to non-existing item '{data['uid']}'") raise KeyError(msg) from err def init_children(self) -> None: """ Initializes the list of links to children of this items. """ for link in self._links_to_parents: link.item.add_link_to_child(Link.create(link, self)) def add_link_to_parent(self, link: Link): """ Adds the link as a parent item link to this item. """ self._links_to_parents.append(link) def add_link_to_child(self, link: Link): """ Adds the link as a child item link to this item. """ self._links_to_children.append(link) def is_enabled(self, enabled: List[str]): """ Returns true if the item is enabled by the enabled set, otherwise returns false. """ return is_enabled(enabled, self._data["enabled-by"]) @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """ Returns true if the item is enabled, otherwise returns false. """ return self._data["_enabled"] @property def resolved_proxy(self) -> bool: """ Is true if the item is a resolved proxy, otherwise false. """ return self._resolved_proxy @property def data(self) -> Any: """ The item data. """ return self._data @property def file(self) -> str: """ Returns the file of the item. """ return self._data["_file"] @file.setter def file(self, value: str): """ Sets the file of the item. """ self._data["_file"] = value @property def type(self) -> str: """ Returns the type of the item. """ return self._data["_type"] def save(self): """ Saves the item to the corresponding file. """ self._cache.save_data(self.file, self._data) def load(self): """ Loads the item from the corresponding file. """ self._data = self._cache.load_data(self.file, self._uid) def create_unique_link(child: Item, parent: Item, data: Any) -> None: """ Creates a unique link from the child to the parent item and vice versa using the data for the link. """ for item in parent.children(data["role"]): if item.uid == child.uid: break else: parent.add_link_to_child(Link(child, data)) child.add_link_to_parent(Link(parent, data)) class ItemTemplate(string.Template): """ String template for item mapper identifiers. """ idpattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+(:[a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+)?(:[^${}]*)?" class _ItemMapperContext(dict): """ Context to map identifiers to items and attribute values. """ def __init__(self, mapper: "ItemMapper", item: Optional[Item], prefix: Optional[str], recursive: bool): super().__init__() self._mapper = mapper self._item = item self._prefix = prefix self._recursive = recursive def __getitem__(self, identifier): item, key_path, value = self._mapper.map(identifier, self._item, self._prefix) if self._recursive: return self._mapper.substitute(value, item, os.path.dirname(key_path)) return value class _GetValueDictionary(dict): def __init__(self, get_value: ItemGetValue): super().__init__() self._get_value = get_value def get(self, _key, _default): return (self._get_value, {}) class ItemMapper: """ Maps identifiers to items and attribute values. """ def __init__(self, item: Item, recursive: bool = False): self._item = item self._recursive = recursive self._prefix = [""] self._get_value_map: Dict[str, ItemGetValueMap] = {} @property def item(self) -> Item: """ The item of the mapper. """ return self._item @item.setter def item(self, item: Item) -> None: """ Sets the item of the mapper. """ self._item = item def _add_get_value_map( self, type_path_key: str, new_get_value_map: Tuple[ItemGetValue, Dict]) -> None: type_name, path_key = type_path_key.split(":") keys = path_key.strip("/").split("/") get_value_map = self._get_value_map.setdefault(type_name, {}) for key in keys[:-1]: _, get_value_map = get_value_map.setdefault(key, (_get_value, {})) get_value_map[keys[-1]] = new_get_value_map def add_get_value(self, type_path_key: str, get_value: ItemGetValue) -> None: """ Adds a get value for the specified type and key path. """ self._add_get_value_map(type_path_key, (get_value, {})) def add_get_value_dictionary(self, type_path_key: str, get_value: ItemGetValue) -> None: """ Adds a get value dictionary for the specified type and key path. """ self._add_get_value_map(type_path_key, (_get_value, _GetValueDictionary(get_value))) def push_prefix(self, prefix: str) -> None: """ Pushes a key path prefix. """ self._prefix.append(prefix) def pop_prefix(self) -> None: """ Pops a key path prefix. """ self._prefix.pop() @contextmanager def prefix(self, prefix: str) -> Iterator[None]: """ Opens a key path prefix context. """ self.push_prefix(prefix) yield self.pop_prefix() def get_value_map(self, item: Item) -> ItemGetValueMap: """ Returns the get value map for the item. """ return self._get_value_map.get(item.type, {}) def _get_by_normalized_key_path(self, item: Item, normalized_key_path: str, args: Optional[str]) -> Any: """ Gets the attribute value associated with the normalized key path. """ get_value_map = self.get_value_map(item) path = "/" value = item.data for key in normalized_key_path.strip("/").split("/"): parts = key.split("[") try: index = int(parts[1].split("]")[0]) except IndexError: index = -1 ctx = ItemGetValueContext(item, path, value, parts[0], index, args) get_value, get_value_map = get_value_map.get( parts[0], (_get_value, {})) value = get_value(ctx) path = os.path.join(path, key) return value def map(self, identifier: str, item: Optional[Item] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[Item, str, Any]: """ Maps the identifier with item and prefix to the associated item, key path, and attribute value. """ colon = identifier.find(":") if colon >= 0: uid = identifier[:colon] more = identifier[colon + 1:] colon = more.find(":") if colon < 0: key_path = more args = None else: key_path = more[:colon] args = more[colon + 1:] else: uid = identifier key_path = "/_uid" args = None if item is None: item = self._item if uid == ".": if prefix is None: prefix = "/".join(self._prefix) else: prefix = "" try: item = item.map(uid) except KeyError as err: msg = (f"item '{uid}' relative to {item.spec} " f"specified by '{identifier}' does not exist") raise ValueError(msg) from err key_path = normalize_key_path(key_path, prefix) try: value = self._get_by_normalized_key_path(item, key_path, args) except Exception as err: msg = (f"cannot get value for '{key_path}' of {item.spec} " f"specified by '{identifier}'") raise ValueError(msg) from err return item, key_path, value def __getitem__(self, identifier): item, key_path, value = self.map(identifier) if self._recursive: return self.substitute(value, item, os.path.dirname(key_path)) return value def substitute(self, text: Optional[str], item: Optional[Item] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Performs a variable substitution using the item mapper with the item and prefix. """ if not text: return "" try: context = _ItemMapperContext(self, item, prefix, self._recursive) return ItemTemplate(text).substitute(context) except Exception as err: spec = self._item.spec if item is None else item.spec if prefix is None: prefix = "/".join(self._prefix) msg = (f"substitution for {spec} using prefix '{prefix}' " f"failed for text: {text}") raise ValueError(msg) from err class _SpecType(NamedTuple): key: str refinements: Dict[str, Any] def _gather_spec_refinements(item: Item) -> Optional[_SpecType]: new_type: Optional[_SpecType] = None for link in item._links_to_children: # pylint: disable=protected-access if link.role == "spec-refinement": key = link["spec-key"] if new_type is None: new_type = _SpecType(key, {}) assert new_type.key == key new_type.refinements[ link["spec-value"]] = _gather_spec_refinements(link.item) return new_type def _load_yaml_data(path: str, uid: str) -> Any: with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as src: try: data = yaml.load(src.read(), Loader=SafeLoader) except yaml.YAMLError as err: msg = ("YAML error while loading specification item file " f"'{path}': {str(err)}") raise IOError(msg) from err data["_file"] = os.path.abspath(path) data["_uid"] = uid return data def _load_json_data(path: str, uid: str) -> Any: with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as src: try: data = json.load(src) except json.JSONDecodeError as err: msg = ("JSON error while loading specification item file " f"'{path}': {str(err)}") raise IOError(msg) from err data["_file"] = os.path.abspath(path) data["_uid"] = uid return data def _is_item_enabled(enabled: List[str], item: Item) -> bool: return is_enabled(enabled, item["enabled-by"]) def item_is_enabled(_enabled: List[str], _item: Item) -> bool: """ Returns true. """ return True def _resolve_proxy(proxy: Item, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool]) -> None: # pylint: disable=protected-access try: member = proxy.child("proxy-member", is_link_enabled=is_link_enabled) except IndexError: pass else: member._links_to_parents.extend(proxy._links_to_parents) member._links_to_children.extend(proxy._links_to_children) proxy._data = member._data proxy._ident = member._ident proxy._resolved_proxy = True proxy._uid = member._uid for link in proxy._links_to_parents: for link_2 in link.item._links_to_children: if link_2.item == proxy: link_2._item = member for link in proxy._links_to_children: for link_2 in link.item._links_to_parents: if link_2.item == proxy: link_2._item = member proxy._links_to_children = member._links_to_children proxy._links_to_parents = member._links_to_parents class ItemCache: """ This class provides a cache of specification items. """ def __init__(self, config: Any, post_process_load: Optional[Callable[[ItemMap], None]] = None, is_item_enabled: Callable[[List[str], Item], bool] = _is_item_enabled): self._items: ItemMap = {} self._types: Set[str] = set() self.items_by_type: Dict[str, List[Item]] = {} self._updates = 0 self._load_items(config) if post_process_load: post_process_load(self._items) if config.get("initialize-links", True): self._init_parents() self._init_children() spec_root = config["spec-type-root-uid"] if spec_root: self._root_type = _gather_spec_refinements(self[spec_root]) else: self._root_type = None self._enabled = config.get("enabled", []) self._is_enabled = is_item_enabled for item in self._items.values(): self._set_type(item) item["_enabled"] = is_item_enabled(self._enabled, item) if config.get("resolve-proxies", False): self.resolve_proxies() def __getitem__(self, uid: str) -> Item: return self._items[uid] @property def updates(self) -> bool: """ Returns true if the item cache updates occurred due to new, modified, or removed files. """ return self._updates > 0 @property def all(self) -> ItemMap: """ Returns the map of all specification items. """ return self._items @property def types(self) -> Set[str]: """ Returns the types of the items. """ return self._types @property def enabled(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the enabled set. """ return self._enabled def set_enabled(self, enabled: List[str], is_item_enabled: Callable[[List[str], Item], bool] = _is_item_enabled): """ Sets the enabled status of all items according to the enabled set using the is item enabled function. """ self._enabled = enabled self._is_enabled = is_item_enabled for item in self._items.values(): item["_enabled"] = is_item_enabled(enabled, item) def resolve_proxies( self, is_link_enabled: Callable[[Link], bool] = _is_link_enabled) -> None: """ Resolves each proxy item to the its first enabled member. """ for item in self.items_by_type.get("proxy", []): _resolve_proxy(item, is_link_enabled) def add_volatile_item(self, uid: str, data: Any) -> Item: """ Adds an item with the specified data to the cache and returns it. The item is not added to the persistent cache storage. """ item = self._add_item(uid, data) item.init_parents(self) item.init_children() self._set_type(item) item["_enabled"] = self._is_enabled(self._enabled, item) return item def add_volatile_item_from_file(self, uid: str, path: str) -> Item: """ Adds an item stored in the specified file to the cache and returns it. The item is not added to the persistent cache storage. """ return self.add_volatile_item(uid, self.load_data(path, uid)) def _add_item(self, uid: str, data: Any) -> Item: item = Item(self, uid, data) self._items[uid] = item return item def _load_items_in_dir(self, base: str, path: str, cache_file: str, update_cache: bool) -> None: data_by_uid: Dict[str, Any] = {} if update_cache: self._updates += 1 for name in os.listdir(path): path2 = os.path.join(path, name) if name.endswith(".yml") and not name.startswith("."): uid = "/" + os.path.relpath(path2, base).replace( ".yml", "") data_by_uid[uid] = _load_yaml_data(path2, uid) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_file), exist_ok=True) with open(cache_file, "wb") as out: pickle.dump(data_by_uid, out) else: with open(cache_file, "rb") as pickle_src: data_by_uid = pickle.load(pickle_src) for uid, data in iter(data_by_uid.items()): self._add_item(uid, data) def _load_items_recursive(self, index: str, base: str, path: str, cache_dir: str) -> None: mid = os.path.abspath(path) mid = mid.replace(os.path.commonpath([cache_dir, mid]), "").strip("/") cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, index, mid, "spec.pickle") try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(cache_file) update_cache = False except FileNotFoundError: update_cache = True else: update_cache = mtime <= os.path.getmtime(path) for name in os.listdir(path): path2 = os.path.join(path, name) if name.endswith(".yml") and not name.startswith("."): if not update_cache: update_cache = mtime <= os.path.getmtime(path2) elif stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(path2).st_mode): self._load_items_recursive(index, base, path2, cache_dir) self._load_items_in_dir(base, path, cache_file, update_cache) def _load_items(self, config: Any): cache_dir = os.path.abspath(config["cache-directory"]) for index, path in enumerate(config["paths"]): self._load_items_recursive(str(index), path, path, cache_dir) def load_data(self, path: str, uid: str) -> Any: """ Loads the item data from the file specified by path. """ return _load_yaml_data(path, uid) def _save_data(self, file: TextIO, data: Any) -> None: file.write( yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)) def save_data(self, path: str, data: Any) -> None: """ Saves the item data to the file specified by path. """ with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: data2 = {} for key, value in data.items(): if not key.startswith("_"): data2[key] = value self._save_data(file, data2) def _init_parents(self) -> None: for item in self._items.values(): item.init_parents(self) def _init_children(self) -> None: for uid in sorted(self._items): self._items[uid].init_children() def _set_type(self, item: Item) -> None: spec_type = self._root_type value = item.data path: List[str] = [] while spec_type is not None: type_name = value[spec_type.key] path.append(type_name) spec_type = spec_type.refinements[type_name] the_type = "/".join(path) item["_type"] = the_type self._types.add(the_type) self.items_by_type.setdefault(the_type, []).append(item) class EmptyItemCache(ItemCache): """ This class provides a empty cache of specification items. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__({ "cache-directory": ".", "paths": [], "spec-type-root-uid": None }) class JSONItemCache(ItemCache): """ This class provides a cache of specification items using JSON. """ def _load_json_items(self, base: str, path: str) -> None: for name in os.listdir(path): path2 = os.path.join(path, name) if name.endswith(".json") and not name.startswith("."): uid = "/" + os.path.relpath(path2, base).replace(".json", "") self._add_item(uid, _load_json_data(path2, uid)) elif stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(path2).st_mode): self._load_json_items(base, path2) def _load_items(self, config: Any): for path in config["paths"]: self._load_json_items(path, path) def load_data(self, path: str, uid: str) -> Any: return _load_json_data(path, uid) def _save_data(self, file: TextIO, data: Any) -> None: json.dump(data, file, sort_keys=True, indent=2) class EmptyItem(Item): """ Objects of this class represent empty items. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(EmptyItemCache(), "", {})