/* multimin/simplex.c * * Copyright (C) 2002 Tuomo Keskitalo, Ivo Alxneit * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* - Originally written by Tuomo Keskitalo - Corrections to nmsimplex_iterate and other functions by Ivo Alxneit - Additional help by Brian Gough */ /* The Simplex method of Nelder and Mead, also known as the polytope search alogorithm. Ref: Nelder, J.A., Mead, R., Computer Journal 7 (1965) pp. 308-313. This implementation uses n+1 corner points in the simplex. */ #include #include #include #include typedef struct { gsl_matrix *x1; /* simplex corner points */ gsl_vector *y1; /* function value at corner points */ gsl_vector *ws1; /* workspace 1 for algorithm */ gsl_vector *ws2; /* workspace 2 for algorithm */ } nmsimplex_state_t; static double nmsimplex_move_corner (const double coeff, const nmsimplex_state_t * state, size_t corner, gsl_vector * xc, const gsl_multimin_function * f) { /* moves a simplex corner scaled by coeff (negative value represents mirroring by the middle point of the "other" corner points) and gives new corner in xc and function value at xc as a return value */ gsl_matrix *x1 = state->x1; size_t i, j; double newval, mp; if (x1->size1 < 2) { GSL_ERROR ("simplex cannot have less than two corners!", GSL_EFAILED); } for (j = 0; j < x1->size2; j++) { mp = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < x1->size1; i++) { if (i != corner) { mp += (gsl_matrix_get (x1, i, j)); } } mp /= (double) (x1->size1 - 1); newval = mp - coeff * (mp - gsl_matrix_get (x1, corner, j)); gsl_vector_set (xc, j, newval); } newval = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL (f, xc); return newval; } static int nmsimplex_contract_by_best (nmsimplex_state_t * state, size_t best, gsl_vector * xc, gsl_multimin_function * f) { /* Function contracts the simplex in respect to best valued corner. That is, all corners besides the best corner are moved. */ /* the xc vector is simply work space here */ gsl_matrix *x1 = state->x1; gsl_vector *y1 = state->y1; size_t i, j; double newval; for (i = 0; i < x1->size1; i++) { if (i != best) { for (j = 0; j < x1->size2; j++) { newval = 0.5 * (gsl_matrix_get (x1, i, j) + gsl_matrix_get (x1, best, j)); gsl_matrix_set (x1, i, j, newval); } /* evaluate function in the new point */ gsl_matrix_get_row (xc, x1, i); newval = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL (f, xc); gsl_vector_set (y1, i, newval); } } return GSL_SUCCESS; } static int nmsimplex_calc_center (const nmsimplex_state_t * state, gsl_vector * mp) { /* calculates the center of the simplex to mp */ gsl_matrix *x1 = state->x1; size_t i, j; double val; for (j = 0; j < x1->size2; j++) { val = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < x1->size1; i++) { val += gsl_matrix_get (x1, i, j); } val /= x1->size1; gsl_vector_set (mp, j, val); } return GSL_SUCCESS; } static double nmsimplex_size (nmsimplex_state_t * state) { /* calculates simplex size as average sum of length of vectors from simplex center to corner points: ( sum ( || y - y_middlepoint || ) ) / n */ gsl_vector *s = state->ws1; gsl_vector *mp = state->ws2; gsl_matrix *x1 = state->x1; size_t i; double ss = 0.0; /* Calculate middle point */ nmsimplex_calc_center (state, mp); for (i = 0; i < x1->size1; i++) { gsl_matrix_get_row (s, x1, i); gsl_blas_daxpy (-1.0, mp, s); ss += gsl_blas_dnrm2 (s); } return ss / (double) (x1->size1); } static int nmsimplex_alloc (void *vstate, size_t n) { nmsimplex_state_t *state = (nmsimplex_state_t *) vstate; state->x1 = gsl_matrix_alloc (n + 1, n); if (state->x1 == NULL) { GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for x1", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->y1 = gsl_vector_alloc (n + 1); if (state->y1 == NULL) { GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for y", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->ws1 = gsl_vector_alloc (n); if (state->ws1 == NULL) { GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for ws1", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->ws2 = gsl_vector_alloc (n); if (state->ws2 == NULL) { GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for ws2", GSL_ENOMEM); } return GSL_SUCCESS; } static int nmsimplex_set (void *vstate, gsl_multimin_function * f, const gsl_vector * x, double *size, const gsl_vector * step_size) { int status; size_t i; double val; nmsimplex_state_t *state = (nmsimplex_state_t *) vstate; gsl_vector *xtemp = state->ws1; /* first point is the original x0 */ val = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL (f, x); gsl_matrix_set_row (state->x1, 0, x); gsl_vector_set (state->y1, 0, val); /* following points are initialized to x0 + step_size */ for (i = 0; i < x->size; i++) { status = gsl_vector_memcpy (xtemp, x); if (status != 0) { GSL_ERROR ("vector memcopy failed", GSL_EFAILED); } val = gsl_vector_get (xtemp, i) + gsl_vector_get (step_size, i); gsl_vector_set (xtemp, i, val); val = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL (f, xtemp); gsl_matrix_set_row (state->x1, i + 1, xtemp); gsl_vector_set (state->y1, i + 1, val); } /* Initialize simplex size */ *size = nmsimplex_size (state); return GSL_SUCCESS; } static void nmsimplex_free (void *vstate) { nmsimplex_state_t *state = (nmsimplex_state_t *) vstate; gsl_matrix_free (state->x1); gsl_vector_free (state->y1); gsl_vector_free (state->ws1); gsl_vector_free (state->ws2); } static int nmsimplex_iterate (void *vstate, gsl_multimin_function * f, gsl_vector * x, double *size, double *fval) { /* Simplex iteration tries to minimize function f value */ /* Includes corrections from Ivo Alxneit */ nmsimplex_state_t *state = (nmsimplex_state_t *) vstate; /* xc and xc2 vectors store tried corner point coordinates */ gsl_vector *xc = state->ws1; gsl_vector *xc2 = state->ws2; gsl_vector *y1 = state->y1; gsl_matrix *x1 = state->x1; size_t n = y1->size; size_t i; size_t hi = 0, s_hi = 0, lo = 0; double dhi, ds_hi, dlo; int status; double val, val2; /* get index of highest, second highest and lowest point */ dhi = ds_hi = dlo = gsl_vector_get (y1, 0); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { val = (gsl_vector_get (y1, i)); if (val < dlo) { dlo = val; lo = i; } else if (val > dhi) { ds_hi = dhi; s_hi = hi; dhi = val; hi = i; } else if (val > ds_hi) { ds_hi = val; s_hi = i; } } /* reflect the highest value */ val = nmsimplex_move_corner (-1.0, state, hi, xc, f); if (val < gsl_vector_get (y1, lo)) { /* reflected point becomes lowest point, try expansion */ val2 = nmsimplex_move_corner (-2.0, state, hi, xc2, f); if (val2 < gsl_vector_get (y1, lo)) { gsl_matrix_set_row (x1, hi, xc2); gsl_vector_set (y1, hi, val2); } else { gsl_matrix_set_row (x1, hi, xc); gsl_vector_set (y1, hi, val); } } /* reflection does not improve things enough */ else if (val > gsl_vector_get (y1, s_hi)) { if (val <= gsl_vector_get (y1, hi)) { /* if trial point is better than highest point, replace highest point */ gsl_matrix_set_row (x1, hi, xc); gsl_vector_set (y1, hi, val); } /* try one dimensional contraction */ val2 = nmsimplex_move_corner (0.5, state, hi, xc2, f); if (val2 <= gsl_vector_get (y1, hi)) { gsl_matrix_set_row (state->x1, hi, xc2); gsl_vector_set (y1, hi, val2); } else { /* contract the whole simplex in respect to the best point */ status = nmsimplex_contract_by_best (state, lo, xc, f); if (status != 0) { GSL_ERROR ("nmsimplex_contract_by_best failed", GSL_EFAILED); } } } else { /* trial point is better than second highest point. Replace highest point by it */ gsl_matrix_set_row (x1, hi, xc); gsl_vector_set (y1, hi, val); } /* return lowest point of simplex as x */ lo = gsl_vector_min_index (y1); gsl_matrix_get_row (x, x1, lo); *fval = gsl_vector_get (y1, lo); /* Update simplex size */ *size = nmsimplex_size (state); return GSL_SUCCESS; } static const gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type nmsimplex_type = { "nmsimplex", /* name */ sizeof (nmsimplex_state_t), &nmsimplex_alloc, &nmsimplex_set, &nmsimplex_iterate, &nmsimplex_free }; const gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type * gsl_multimin_fminimizer_nmsimplex = &nmsimplex_type;